属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF T30-701-1983
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电影与电视 删减血腥镜头(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战后英国 变革之后
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电影与电视 删减血腥镜头(下)
1 | 他的血正在滴(到地板上)。 | He was dripping blood (onto the floor) | |
2 | 他汗流如注,背心全贴在身上了。 | He was dripping with sweat, his vest sticking to his torso | |
3 | 他挥汗如雨。 | He was dripping sweat. | |
4 | 他前额淌着汗。 | His forehead was dripping . | |
5 | 他终于找到了那所房子--一栋白色的房子,周围的树木被雨水湿透,还在滴水。 | Eventually he found the house a white house with drenched dripping trees around it | |
6 | 涂料.厚塑料贴面.防水渗透性能的测定 | Paints. Thick plastics coatings. Retardation of dripping water diffusion. | |
7 | 胃癌术后早期小肠内滴注中药改善细胞免疫功能和肠黏膜通透性临床研究 | Clinical Study on the Improvement of Cellular Immune Function and Intestinal Mucosal Permeability by Dripping Chinese Medicinal Herbs into the Intestine in Early Postoperative Patients with Gastric Carcinoma | |
8 | 屋顶正在滴水。 | The roof is dripping water. | |
9 | 希尔顿正在劈几根柴禾,他的头发汗湿了,粘在湿淋淋的脑门上。 | Mr. Helton, his hair wet with sweat, plastered to his dripping forehead, was chopping a little firewood | |
10 | 象针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间的流里,没有声音也没有影子。 | Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean, my days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, traceless | |
11 | 逍遥滴鼻液对实验性偏头痛模型大鼠行为症状的影响 | The Effects of Xiaoyao Nose Dripping Liquid on Behavior and Symptoms of Experimental Rat Migraine Model | |
12 | 小伙子阿多也不开口,走过来拿起五六只“团匾”,湿漉漉地顶在头上,却空着一双手,划桨似的荡着,就走了。 | Without a word, Ah Duo lifted the six big trays and set them, dripping , on his head.Balancing thorn in place, lie walked off, swinging his hands in a swimming motion | |
13 | 血从他手上滴下来。 | His hand was dripping blood. | |
14 | 一顶皮檐便帽压齐眉心,把他那被太阳晒黑、淌着大汗的脸遮去了一部分。 | A cap with a drooping leather visor partly concealed his face, burned and tanned by sun and wind, and dripping with perspiration | |
15 | 一阵短促怯懦的门铃声传来。她开了门,外面站着一个湿淋淋、浑身发抖的小女孩。 | A short, timid ring at the doorbell summoned her. Outside stood a little girl, dripping wet and shivering. | |
16 | 又过了20年,在地球的另一边,又是肮脏、阴暗的散兵坑,发臭的、鬼域般的战壕,黏湿的、水滴不停的掩体 | And twenty years after, on the other side of the globe, again the filth of murky foxholes, the stench of ghostly trenches, the slime of dripping dugouts | |
17 | 雨伞上满是洞,雨水正滴下来。 | The umbrella is riddled with holes and the rain’s dripping down. | |
18 | 雨水从树上滴下来。 | Rain was dripping (down)from the trees. | |
19 | 雨水正从屋檐滴落。 | The rain was dripping from the eaves. | |
20 | 正交设计优选吉如痕-8滴丸中挥发油提取工艺 | Optimizing the Extraction Process of Volatile Oil in Jiruhen-8 Dripping Pills by Orthogonal Design | |
21 | 直到现在,仍然可见树身斑痕密布,形如甲胄,斑斑鳞片之中,似有断钉在内,树液从钉孔流出,蔚为奇特。 | Even today the scars, looking like those made by pieces of metal, are visible and in the gnarled, scaly bark one still seems to see broken nails from whose holes sap comes dripping , making a striking sight | |
22 | ||1:12岁的安和11岁的多尔卡斯分别改名为萨布丽娜和卢克缇娜,开始接受教育培训。但她们没意识到,这是为了日后能扮演好“戴夫人”这个角色而为之设计的。||2:不幸的是,教育培训涉及一些暴力元素,这正是卢梭信仰的一套,通过肉体的疼痛和精神上的恫吓来传授无畏之道。||3:两个女孩儿到了青春期后,他选了萨布丽娜做未来的“戴夫人”。戴努力“训练”她:在她的皮肤上滴密封用的蜡油,让她站在齐脖深的湖水中,向她的裙子开枪。 | ||1: Ann and Dorcas, aged 12 and 11, became Sabrina and Lucretia and began, without realising it, an educational programme designed to fit them for the role of Mrs Day. ||2: Unfortunately the programme involved some violence, as Rousseau believed in teaching fearlessness by way of pain and terror. ||3: Having chosen Sabrina once the girls hit puberty, Day worked to toughen her up by dripping sealing wax on her skin, standing her up to her neck in a lake and shooting bullets at her skirts. | |
23 | ||1:对暴力内容的容忍度比性要高,这或许是因为许多电视节目和电影实际上都是在宣传反对日本侵略的战争,以及宣扬共产党崛起的血腥历程。||2:类似的历史剧一般都不会遭到刁难(尽管2013年一些抗日战争剧因为“过于戏剧化”而被禁播)。||3:2006年上映的电影《满城尽带黄金甲》因为其中的暴力场景(如上图),在美国被评级为17岁以下人员需由一名成人陪同才可观看。||4:但是这些画面在中国上映时并没有被删减,观影者没有接到任何警告。||5:正在上映的流行历史剧《精忠岳飞》中,经常出现带血的刀剑,箭矢穿心而过,以及正在流血的尸体等长时间打斗的画面。||6:该剧每天下午早些时候在一个频道中播放(其他频道在晚上7:35播放)。 | ||1:Tolerance for violence is higher than it is for sex, perhaps because so much of what passes for entertainment on TV and in cinemas is in fact propaganda relating to the war against the Japanese and the party’s bloody rise to power.||2:Such historical gore is mostly given a clean pass (although some anti-Japanese war shows were reined in for being “overly dramatic” in 2013).||3:A Chinese film released in 2006, “Curse of the Golden Flower”, was given a rating in America that required those under 17 to be accompanied by an adult because of its violent scenes (one is pictured).||4:But these scenes were left uncut when it was screened in China. Viewers were given no warning about them.||5:On TV “The Patriot” (Yue Fei), a popular historical drama, commonly features long fights with bloody swords, arrows through the heart and dripping corpses.||6:It currently airs on one channel in the early afternoon (others show it at 7.35pm). | |
24 | ||1:可这毕竟是坎大哈市。这座进出口贸易城市坐落在阿富汗南部,周围是一片广阔沙漠,80万人口,常年战火不断。||2:尘土飞扬,烟气滚滚,污水横流,自行车来来往往,车辆鸣笛阵阵,人力车穿行其中,破败居民楼简陋无比,集市人头攒动熙熙攘攘——这就是过去的坎大哈给人的印象。现在的坎大哈北约部队轰鸣而过,警用卡车笛音嘈杂,时不时一颗炸弹巨响;一群群表情严肃缠着头巾的男子从城外据点而来,可能是塔利班分子,却也可能不是。||3:四年内哈米迪手下两名副市长和一名警察局长遇刺身亡。||4:2009年,哈米迪开车上班途中不小心触爆路边一枚地雷。||5:当时他双眼被灰尘所迷,挣扎着从车里逃出,回头时模糊看到炸毁的车旁坐着一个人,血从那人头上滴滴流下。||6:那天,他侥幸没有被上帝召回。 | ||1: But this was Kandahar City, a sprawling desert entrepot of 800,000 people in the middle of a war, in southern Afghanistan. ||2: Its essence was dust, fumes, bicycles, raw sewage, horns, rickshaws, jerry-built apartments, teeming bazaars; and now thundering NATO convoys, blaring police trucks, the sudden whump of a bomb blast, and groups of grim turbaned men who were possibly Taliban, but possibly weren’t, from their redoubts outside the city. ||3: In four years Mr Hamidi lost two deputies and a police chief to assassinations. ||4: In 2009, driving to work, his own car triggered a roadside bomb. ||5: Staggering out and running, blinded with dust, he looked back to see a figure sitting by the wreck with blood dripping from his hands. ||6: God had not written his name on that day. | |
25 | 流油的美味内脏出现在幻灯片上;人们对于伊安弗莱明的007系列畅销小说的越来越追捧。 | Tripe and dripping were on the slide; the brand-laden aspiration of Ian Fleming’s bestselling Bond novels was on the rise. | |
26 | 正在上映的流行历史剧《精忠岳飞》中,经常出现带血的刀剑,箭矢穿心而过,以及正在流血的尸体等长时间打斗的画面。 | On TV The Patriot (Yue Fei), a popular historical drama, commonly features long fights with bloody swords, arrows through the heart and dripping corpses. | |
27 | “当然,我们处在失重状态,所以,你头顶的淋浴头是没有用处的,”帕耶特女士说。 | "Of course, we’re in weightlessness, so a shower head with water dripping on top of your head would not work, " Ms. Payette says. | |
28 | “中国政府信奉渐进式的改革。一些人称之为水刑,”他笑着说。 | "The Chinese government believes in dripping little reforms over time. Some people call it water torture, " he laughs. | |
29 | Zhang说,“直到他嚼碎我的腿,嘴上滴着我的血,才放过我。” | The panda didn’t let go until it chewed up my leg and its mouth was dripping with my blood. | |
30 | 安娜贝尔说,“注意点,你把水弄到我身上了!” | "Ewww! " Annabel said. "You’re dripping water over me! " she said. |