属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 1525-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 1525-1998
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法兰克福车展 人工机动智能
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法兰克福车展 自动的智慧
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无人驾驶 自动泊车
1 | 地面输送机械的安全.无驾驶员地面输送机械极其系统 | Safety of industrial trucks-Driverless trucks and their systems; | |
2 | 工业货车的安全.无驾驶员货车及其系统 | Safety of industrial trucks-Driverless trucks and their systems | |
3 | 全自动无人驾驶系统中的综合监控系统 | ISCS for Fully Automatic Mode Driverless System | |
4 | ||1:日产尼桑汽车公司将研发首辆无人驾驶汽车并拟定于2020年推向市场。||2:众多汽车制造商(包括谷歌)都正在研发无人驾驶技术,但是尼桑是首个承诺生产日期的公司。||3:明年,它将在日本设立一个试验“城镇”以便于自动驾驶汽车进行道路试验。||4:但是,尽管到2020年自动驾驶汽车能够问世,但是与其配套的基础设施和相关法律却无法如期落实到位。 | ||1:Nissan set 2020 as the year it intends to roll out its first driverless car for the mass market.||2:A number of carmakers are working on prototypes with driverless technology, as is Google, but Nissan is the first to promise a production date.||3:Next year it will open an experimental “town” inJapan to road-test autonomous cars.||4:But even if the vehicles are ready by 2020, it is unlikely that the laws and infrastructure to support them will be. | |
5 | 而对于正泊车于展馆以外的出租车司机来说,威胁不言而喻。但法兰克福的的哥们对此集体持怀疑态度。有的说:"无人驾驶的出租车?我这辈子是看不到的。" 有人揶揄道:"这是科幻小说里的吧。" | The threat to the taxi drivers parked outside the show is obvious. But Frankfurt’s cabbies are a sceptical bunch. Driverless taxis? Not in my lifetime, says one. "It’s science fiction," scoffs another. | |
6 | 无人驾驶 | Driverless automobiles | |
7 | 无人驾驶的出租?我这辈子是看不到了,一个司机师傅说到。 | Driverless taxis? Not in my lifetime, says one. | |
8 | 无人驾驶的汽车需要彼此互动来提高安全性,这一设想在不远的未来也将成为现实。 | Driverless cars would also need to communicate with one another, to enhance safety. That, too, is coming. | |
9 | “我认为,机器人汽车不太可能很快地给投资者惊喜。”他说道。 | "I wouldn’t say there’s a likelihood that there will soon be an ’a ha’ moment for investors with driverless cars, " he said. | |
10 | 4辆无人驾驶的电动面包车完成了史上最长的无人驾驶旅程。 | Four driverless electric vans have completed the longest-ever trip by an unmanned vehicle. | |
11 | RioTinto的回答是,计划将在2010年的时候,把铁矿石从矿区移到出海口岸,而不用大卡车和火车拉运。 | Rio Tinto’s answer is a plan to move ore from mines to ports on a fleet of driverless trucks and trains, starting in 2010. | |
12 | 巴黎的14号线早已有无人驾驶列车的身影,那是全球第一列完全自动化的地铁线。 | Paris already has driverless trains on line 14, the world’s first fully automatic underground line. | |
13 | 国内首条全自动无人驾驶地铁8日在亚运举办城市广州开始运营。 | Guangzhou, host city of the upcoming Asian Games, opened China’s first driverless subway line Monday. | |
14 | 或许有一天,无线服务可能将传送数据给Google的快速无人驾驶汽车。 | And maybe that wireless service will one day be used to transmit data to Google’s fleet of driverless cars. | |
15 | 简单到只要用手机拨一个电话号码,然后在附近的车站等着无人驾驶汽车的到车。 | Simply dial a code into your phone and wait for the driverless car to arrive at a nearby station. | |
16 | 你多半读过关于谷歌无人驾驶汽车的种种报道。 | You’ll have read all the stories about the Google driverless cars. | |
17 | 人们被无人驾驶而徘徊在街道上的雪佛兰惊住了,我把这叫飞人。 | People were alarmed by the driverless Chevy Nova wandering down the street; I called it the Flying Landsman. | |
18 | 如果将来我们有了自动驾驶的汽车,那么为什么还要花大量的时间和钱去研发盲人开的车呢? | If we will have driverless cars in the future, why are we spending time and money developing a car that a blind person can drive? | |
19 | 舒适的乘客:一位乘客正在试乘无人驾驶的舱车。 | Easy rider: A passenger tries out the driverless cab | |
20 | 随着这些车内便利设施的到来,让我们一起盼望无人驾驶汽车也赶快诞生吧。 | With all of these in-car "conveniences, " let’s just hope the driverless cars get here soon. | |
21 | 他现在正在监督一项日本小松无人驾驶卡车的实验项目,每次装卸量为300吨,两个12小时的班次共可搬运8万吨。 | He now oversees a test project of driverless Komatsu trucks that cart out 300 tons at a time, moving 80, 000 tons over two 12-hour shifts. | |
22 | 无人驾驶城轨列车控制系统的研究与开发 | Research and Development of the Control System for Driverless Urban Rail Trains | |
23 | 无人驾驶公共客运系统 | Driverless Operation for Public Passenger Transport Systems | |
24 | 无需驾驶员:这辆无人驾驶的的奥迪TTS将在下月前往美国科罗拉多州的派克峰顶峰。 | NO DRIVER NEEDED: This driverless Audi TTS is headed to the top of Colorado’s Pikes Peak next month. | |
25 | 一辆无人驾驶的出租车已经揭开了其神秘面纱,它可能会让阻塞交通、汽油味难闻、拥挤不堪的公共汽车变成一种过时的交通工具。 | A driverless taxi has been unveiled which could make traffic jams, petrol fumes and crowded buses a thing of the past. | |
26 | 一辆无人驾驶汽车是否应当躲避行人,同时撞上其它车辆或者伤害乘客? | Should a driverless car swerve to avoid pedestrians if that means hitting other vehicles or endangering its occupants? | |
27 | 意大利一个工程师研究小组启动了被称为无人驾驶汽车最长行程的试车项目。 | A team of Italian engineers launched what has been billed as the longest-ever test drive of driverless vehicles. | |
28 | 这就是绿色能源及无人驾驶汽车等项目至关重要的原因。 | That is why projects such as green energy and driverless cars matter so much. | |
29 | 这些无人驾驶的交通工具由磁感应器指引,太阳能供电,碰到障碍物会自动停下。 | These driverless vehicles are guided by magnetic sensors, powered by solar electricity, and they stop automatically if an obstacle appears. | |
30 | 自动驾驶,无事故汽车 | Towards the driverless , near-crashless car |