属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-埃德塞尔车为何遭遇滑铁卢?
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第5期:忘记做作业
1 | 至今我的脑海里仍能显现出那位被彻底压垮的老人的样子,他就盯着那个私人车道上他的小孙女出事的地方,目光呆滞。 | I can still see in my mind’s eye that devastated old man looking down at the place in the driveway where the child had been | |
2 | 至今我的脑海里仍能显现出那位被彻底压垮的老人的样子,他就那么盯着那个私人车道上他的小孙女出事的地方,目光呆滞。 | I can still see in my mind’s eye that devastated old man looking down at the place in the driveway where the child had been. | |
3 | 转入汽车专用道。 | Turn into the driveway . | |
4 | ||1:JOHN HEITMANN:“这是一次非常古怪的经济衰退,它实际上相当严重,但又非常短暂。||2:但当时许多美国人对马路怪兽非常反感,马路怪兽指的是车身庞大的镀铬别克车和其它车。58年版别克车车身镀了58磅铬。||3:埃德塞尔车也是一种车身庞大,燃油效率低的汽车。” | ||1:JOHN HEITMANN: "It’s a really curious kind of economic episode. It was actually quite severe but also rather short.||2:But it was at a time when many Americans were reacting to the dinosaur in the driveway . These very heavy, chrome-laden Buicks and other cars -- the fifty-eight Buick had fifty-eight pounds of chrome on it.||3:The Edsel was also a very heavy, very fuel-inefficient vehicle." | |
5 | 这是个非常棒的问题。你知道,我们为什么要在车道上停车,在大道上开车呢? | That’s a great question. You know, why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway? | |
6 | “这跟我们当初在推动医疗改革时遇到的情况一样,”会议结束后,Reid站在白宫西厢外的道路上说道。 | "This is the same stall we got on health care, " Mr. Reid said after the meeting, standing on the driveway outside the West Wing. | |
7 | 4,是的,我会关注你们家车道上放的报纸。 | 4. Yes, I really do look for newspapers piled up on the driveway . | |
8 | 保罗的儿子大卫,过去常常在冬天的时候把哈奇夫妇的车道犁平。 | Paul’s son Dave used to plow the Hatches’ driveway in the winter. | |
9 | 才不到十分钟车道又盖满了雪,而且她连街对面邻居的房子都看不见了。 | The driveway was covered again within minutes and she couldn’t see across the street to the neighbor’s house. | |
10 | 车道被一株大柏树掩蔽着。 | The driveway was sheltered by a large cypress tree . | |
11 | 车道下埋地卧式容器的设计计算 | Design and Calculation of Horizontal Vessel Buried Beneath Driveway | |
12 | 村里的沙滩地带与其说是热带海滩倒不如说是泥车道。 | The strip of sand in town feels more like a dirt driveway than a tropical beach. | |
13 | 打轮向左后转,进了车道。 | She said, steering the wheel towards left and back into their driveway . | |
14 | 但她把脸扭了过去,朝窗外车道看去。 | But she looked away. Out the window, at the driveway . | |
15 | 但是在警察找到她之前,两个大学生带着我奶奶把车停在我家的车道旁。 | But before the police could find her, two college kids pulled into our driveway with my grandma. | |
16 | 当你知道你的邻居日子并不好过,你不会想在你的车道停上一辆新的梅赛德斯。 | You don’t want to pull up in your driveway with a new Mercedes when you know your neighbour is suffering. | |
17 | 当您开回您的车道或驶离车库,请当心步行或骑自行车上学的儿童。 | When you back out of your driveway or leave your garage, be on the alert for children who are walking or bicycling to school. | |
18 | 当他们开着新“路虎揽胜’驶入车道时,并不知道要做多长时间的苦工才能拥有这辆车。” | When the new Range Rover pulls into the driveway , there’s no concept of how many hours of hard work went into owning that vehicle. | |
19 | 当我把车开到车道上后,我的丈夫从家门冲出,来到我跟前。 | As I pulled into the driveway , my husband burst out the door and came up to me. | |
20 | 光环绕着他们的车道,我的家,一直照进一个星期五晚上使用的足球场。 | It turns their driveway , and my family room, into a Friday night football stadium. | |
21 | 环氧胶砂修补混凝土公路局部缺陷的试验 | Experimental Epoxy Mortar Used To Repair the Concrete Driveway with Local Flaw | |
22 | 吉米小心翼翼的离开仓库,穿过道兹路,出现在麦茵蒂尔小姐自家的车道上。 | Jimmy left the barn carefully, crossed the road andturned back into Miss MacIntyre’s driveway . | |
23 | 几个星期前我的女儿们在自家车道上用粉笔玩耍,这让我想到在地上画出一排巨大的数字也许会非常有趣。 | A few weeks ago my girls were playing in the driveway with sidewalk chalk and I thought it would be fun to make a giant number line. | |
24 | 减少恐慌.你应该知道那种当你看见你的父母,兄弟姐妹或者朋友在车道上开车的感觉吧? | Reduced panic. You know the feeling when you see your parents, siblings or a friend drive up the driveway ? | |
25 | 警车在私人车道上转悠了一会儿,也许记下了伊萨贝尔的车牌号,然后离开了。 | The police car idled in the driveway for a minute, perhaps taking down the license number of Isabel’s car, and then pulled away. | |
26 | 警方称,司机当时试图将这辆车在车道上掉头,认为自己是在倒车。 | Police said the driver was trying to turn the Wienermobile around in the driveway and thought she was moving in reverse. | |
27 | 军人的家属们,依旧会将那面向车道的窗户上的百叶窗,不变地关上。 | Military families will keep the blinds closed on the windows facing the driveway . | |
28 | 那天晚上我开车去了她家,他的那辆勒芒牌跑车就停在她的车道上,引擎盖上闪烁着她家圣诞树的灯光。 | I’d driven out to her house one night and his Le Mans was parked in her driveway , her Christmas-tree lights blinking over his hood. | |
29 | 其他9个海豹队员冲上前去,来到了一条仿佛甬道般的行车道上,他们的背部对着房子的主入口。 | The nine other SEALs rushed forward ending up in an alleylike driveway with their backs to the house’s main entrance. | |
30 | 汽车路从房子延伸至公路。 | The driveway extends from the house to the highway. |