属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴勒斯坦俘虏 为什么他们意义重大
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航空航天:可执行卫星作业的高空无人机 (1)
1 | 俱乐部的负责人发怒了,他把那个球员除名了。 | The steward of the dub lost hid temper and pitched the man out. | |
2 | 冕状爪式擒纵机构 | verge dub -footed escapement | |
3 | 穆利根会给我起个新外号:阉牛之友派“大诗人”[85]。 | mulligan will dub me a new name: the bullockbefriending bard | |
4 | 然后,又花了一个多月的时间又砍又削,最后刮出了船底的形状,使其下水后能浮在水上。这时,树干已砍削得初具船的形状了。 | After this, it cost me a month to shape it, and dub it to a proportion, and to something like the bottom of a boat, that it might swim upright as it ought to do. | |
5 | 倘若他再把那些吵吵闹闹的朋友带到俱乐部来,我就叫人把他们撵走。 | The next time he brings his noisy friends to the dub we’ll have them put out. | |
6 | 我把CD转录到录音带上 | I dub a CD onto a tape. | |
7 | 我打算采用同期录音的方法为这部影片配音。 | I intend to use simultaneous recording to dub this film. | |
8 | 因为他个子太高,他们给他起了个外号叫“矮子”. | They dub bed him “Shorty” because he was so tall. | |
9 | 再用我的工具把树的外部砍成小舟形状,然后把里面烧空或凿空,做成一只小船 | If after I might be able with my tools to hew and dub the out-side into the proper shape of a boat, and burn or cut out the in-side to make it hollow, so to make a boat of it. | |
10 | 在人声后配入弦乐 | dub in strings behind the vocal. | |
11 | 中国职业足球俱乐部联盟建立的必要性 | The Necessity to Establish a Professional Football Dub League to China | |
12 | ||1:很少有其他问题能够像俘虏命运这样激发巴勒斯坦人的情绪。||2:几乎每一名巴勒斯坦人都有一名亲人、或者自己身陷囹圄。||3:人权组织估计自从1967年西岸及加沙被攻克以来,75万巴勒斯坦人遭受了以色列的牢狱之苦。||4:仅在今年前六个月就有2300名巴勒斯坦人被拘留。||5:尽管以色列将其统称为恐怖主义分子,巴勒斯坦人称其为asra或者战俘并通过广播与预算对他们及其家人加以支持。||6:因在2005年以失败告终的暴乱中合谋震惊以色列的100多起自杀炸弹袭击,一些人被判决。||7:但是,他们中许多人并未参与该流血事件却在17座以色列监狱中饱受折磨。 | ||1:Few issues stir Palestinian emotions as fiercely as the fate of prisoners.||2:Almost every Palestinian has a relative in jail—or has been there himself.||3:Human-rights groups estimate that 750,000 Palestinians have passed through Israeli prisons since the West Bank and Gaza were conquered in 1967.||4:Some 2,300 Palestinians were detained in the first six months of this year alone.||5:Whereas Israelis generally dub them terrorists, Palestinians call them asra, or prisoners of war, and devote large chunks of their public broadcasts and budget to supporting them and their families.||6:Some have been sentenced for complicity in the 100-plus suicide-bombings which shook Israel during the intifada (uprising) that fizzled out in 2005.||7:But many of those that languish in 17 special Israeli jails have no such blood on their hands. | |
13 | 他们将自己的发明称为HullSkater,这是一个200公斤重的船体爬行机器人。 | HullSkater, as the consortium dub their invention, is a 200kg hull-crawling robot. | |
14 | 这让一些人将它们称为“伪卫星”。他们的想法是,最终让它们在空中待上几个月。 | This has led some people to dub them "pseudo-satellites". The idea is that eventually they will stay aloft for months. | |
15 | VirtualDub主要是AVI文件的编辑,而Movica可以操作wmv、FLV、rm和mpg文件。 | V-Dub is primarily an AVI editor, Movica will work on . wmv, . flv, . rm and . mpg files. | |
16 | 第一个失败作者称之为“创新商业主义” | The first is what the authors dub "innovation mercantilism" . | |
17 | 非法贩卖人口已在美国中西部心脏地带成为了一个主要问题,一些活动人士将其称为现代形式的奴隶制。 | Human trafficking has become a major issue in the Midwest heartland of America, causing some campaigners to dub it a modern form of slavery. | |
18 | 描述:汽车杂志DUB的发行人 | Description: Publisher of automotive magazine DUB | |
19 | 上千种IT职位自称为(首席)混战大师、专家、布道者等,当前对“武士”更是喜爱有加。 | Thousands of IT types dub themselves things like (chief) scrum master, guru, evangelist or, a particular favourite at the moment, ninja. | |
20 | 他们称奥萨穆•本拉登是他们的“正统引路人”。 | They dub Osama bin Laden their "righteous shepherd" . | |
21 | 他有两年的时间都是无所事事(这段时间被他的朋友戏称为“黑暗岁月”),随后在芝加哥一家陷入困境的银行美一银行(BankOne)东山再起。 | He spent two years in the wilderness, which his friends dub "the dark period" , then resurfaced at Bank One, a troubled Chicago lender. | |
22 | 在汽车定制行业中,DUB这个词会让人立刻联想到装饰豪华的车子、大号轮胎、还有大明星。 | In the custom auto industry, the word dub conjures up images of tricked-out cars, big wheels and celebrities. | |
23 | 这让我想到了休•格兰特的理论:最具男子气概的家伙可不一定会把到最多的女孩。 | I’m going to dub this the Hugh Grant Theory: it’s not always the most masculine guy who gets the most girls. |