属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-麦肯锡的未来 居于管理咨询的顶端
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电动汽车 马力十足
1 | 1993年4月,我的朋友、飞行器驾驶员乔·达夫和我一起饲养雏雁。到了7月,雏雁羽毛丰满。 | In April 1993 Joe Duff , a friend and ultralight pilot, joined me in raising the geese, and by July they were fully feathered | |
2 | 半腐层:覆盖森林地面的腐败树叶或树枝. | Duff :Decaying leaves and branches covering a forest floor. | |
3 | 布劳动力陀斯和达夫两位先生又回来了,跟以前一样,仍然一无所知。 | Messieurs Blathers and Duff came back again as wise as before. | |
4 | 达夫·吉赖斯皮曾拥有一辆罗斯·罗依斯高级轿车。 | duff Gillespie had once owned a Rolls-Royce | |
5 | 达夫又忙又常被打搅,他认为要进行一次关于她们的营销策略的采访是行不通的。 | duff harassed and busy thought that an interview about their marketing strategy unlikely | |
6 | 杜夫布丁:一种硬面揉制的布丁,在布袋中煮或蒸熟. | Duff :a stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed. | |
7 | 鸽子也有它的无线电高频测向仪,也许就是它喙上部的那个硬包吧。 | A pigeon probably has his Huff Duff in that incrustation above his beak | |
8 | 她们的新闻经理穆夫有一位名叫达夫的助手。 | Their press manager Muff had an assistant called duff | |
9 | 葡萄干布丁. | plum duff | |
10 | 通知你家主人,就说勃勒瑟斯和达夫到此。 | Tell your governor that blathers and Duff are here, will you? | |
11 | 行动工图:刘丹凤教授“如临深渊”画展评论 | Drafts of Action: Criticism on Leo Duff ’s "The Precipitous Edge" | |
12 | 此前,托芙.罗还为丽娅.米雪儿(Lea Michele)和希拉里.达夫(Hilary Duff)等知名艺人作曲。 | Lo has also written songs for Lea Michele and Hilary Duff . | |
13 | 达夫·麦当劳的公司,普遍让人羡慕,却也仍然会考虑一些有关组织未来的难题。 | The Firm, by Duff McDonald, is a generally admiring book that nevertheless asks hard questions about the organisation’s future. | |
14 | 希拉里·达芙在纽约市被记者拍到。她与詹森·沃尔什手牵着手。沃尔什是她的私人教练,但是他们的关系看起来绝不仅仅是朋友那么简单。 | Hilary Duff was spotted out and about in New York City. She was seen holding hands with Jason Walsh. Walsh was her personal trainer, but it looks like they are definitely more than just friends. | |
15 | 在2012年,时任副行长的保罗塔克坚决否认自己在金融危机高潮时支持了巴克莱银行提交的经过粉饰的LIBOR意见书。 | In 2012 the then-deputy governor, Paul Tucker, had to flatly deny he had sanctioned duff LIBOR submissions by Barclays at the height of the financial crisis. | |
16 | 这些为它在汽车新闻赢得了惊呼的评论,它经常嘲笑其他电动车里程受限、外观无型。 | This has won it rave reviews in the motoring press, often sniffy about other electric cars with limited ranges and duff looks. | |
17 | 2007年11月14日,美国耶鲁法学院华裔教授(JohnDuffJrProfessorofLaw)蔡美儿在英国《金融时报》网站上回答了网友的问题。 | Amy Chua, who is the John Duff Jr Professor of Law at Yale Law School, answered your questions online on 14th November 2007. | |
18 | 22岁的希拉里达芙当日身穿一件美死人的王薇薇婚纱,在母亲苏珊达芙的陪伴下走过长廊。 | Hilary, 22, wore a gorgeous Vera Wang gown and was escorted down the aisle by her mom, Susan Duff , dressed in Badgley Mischka. | |
19 | 查尔斯压力很大:他和他的心女仆玩了梵蒂冈式赌博,现在他担心她可能怀上。 | Eg: Charles was very stressed: he had had some vatican roulette with his new maid and now he was worried she might be up the duff . | |
20 | 达夫,28岁,在周1:2输给朴茨茅斯的比赛中一瘸一拐走出场地之后,因确认脚踝受伤在这个赛季剩下的时间里遗憾出局。 | Duff , 28, has been ruled out for the rest of the season with an ankle injury, after he limped out of Saturday’s 2-1 defeat at Portsmouth. | |
21 | 杜夫布丁:一种硬面揉制的布丁,在布袋中煮或蒸熟。 | Duff : a stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed. | |
22 | 跟踪五位令人难忘的创业家,我们曾在今年对其进行特别报道,包括叛逆的面包师与电视真人秀(reality-TV)明星达夫•高曼。 | Catch up with five unforgettable entrepreneurs we featured this year, including rebel baker and reality-TV star Duff Goldman. | |
23 | 好了,现在据伦敦帝国学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)理论物理系的麦克·达夫(MikeDuff)教授称,他们能够验证弦论。 | Well, now they can, according to professor Mike Duff of the theoretical physics department at Imperial College London. | |
24 | 令人担忧的是,现在的贷款损失准备金率正值15年以来的最低。 | Alarmingly, the ratio of loan-loss provisions to duff credit is at its lowest level in 15 years. | |
25 | 另外,我们也无法得知有多少不良贷款被银行打包成证券出售给了投资者。 | Furthermore, there is no way of telling how many duff loans have been sold by banks to investors through securitisations. | |
26 | 穆里尼奥说,说达夫上赛季比赛打的不多这不是真的,事实上,在他受伤之前,他比前一个赛季还多打了两场比赛。 | ’It is not true that Duff didn’t play much last season - he played two more games than the season before and was injured, ’said Mourinho. | |
27 | 如果行贿不起作用,公司就会采用威逼手段,动用由印度赋税养活的士兵打击不愿屈从的王公们。 | And where it could not bribe it bullied, using soldiers paid for by Indian taxes to duff up recalcitrant rulers. | |
28 | 时年31岁的弗兰卡泰利当时是科斯莫-达夫-戈登准男爵的秘书,正在陪同男爵及其夫人露西-克里斯蒂娜女士旅行。 | Francatelli, who was 31 at the time, was traveling with baronet Sir Cosmo Duff -Gordon and his wife Lady Lucy Christiana, as his secretary. | |
29 | 他是那种我很想留住的球员,但也不会不考虑代价地强留。我很喜欢达米恩。达夫,无论是作为一个球员,还是一个人。 | ’He’s a player I’m happy to keep, not desperate to keep. I like Damien Duff as a player and a person. | |
30 | 王光乐凭借着绘画地板和从棺材中寻找灵感,已成为中国最好的年轻艺术家。 | Wang Guangle has emerged as one of China’s best young artists by painting floors and finding inspiration in coffins, discovers Stacey Duff |