属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-总统图书馆 风格与骗局
1 | “呸,松手!”她愤怒地叫了起来,“你这个笨蛋。”他咧嘴一笑,作为回答。 | Aw, let me go, she exclaimed angrily. Duffer . He only grinned broadly in return. | |
2 | 道德方面的问题,你当然糊弄不了那笨蛋。 | About morals, I mean, of course, you can’t beat the old duffer | |
3 | 说到学校的功课,他却是个笨蛋. | He`s a duffer when it comes to schoolwork. | |
4 | 我认为你是被爱德华说是笨蛋和新手的话所伤害了。 | I thought you were hurt by Edward’s saying you were a duffer and a beginner | |
5 | 我在数学方面总是有点笨. | I was always a bit of a duffer at maths. | |
6 | ||1:从长远来看,这些图书馆最有用的地方在于它们许可参观总统文件,这写文件阐述了总统和他的时代最真实的故事。||2:但是似乎看起来这些高涨的公众热情会被NARA的实际展出的物品所降低:可供公众阅读文件的程度。NARA40%的储存文本从未被展出。||3:并且它们中有很多爆点。||4:Smith说,例如,艾森豪威尔,在那个时代是个广为人知的“亲和的小二货”。||5:当时从他图书馆里查阅的文件看来,他其实比看起来城府深得多,甚至是残忍:“笑里藏刀。” | ||1:In the long term, the libraries are most useful for the access they offer to presidential documents, which tell the true story of the man and his times.||2:But it seems that attention to the flashier, exhibition side of things is detracting from NARA’s real work: making documents available for public release. Fully 40% of NARA’s text holdings have not been processed.||3:And they have plenty to reveal.||4:Eisenhower, for example—says Mr Smith—was widely known in his time as a “genial duffer ”.||5:When the papers in his library were examined he was seen as far more sophisticated, even ruthless: “Behind the smile was guile.” | |
7 | 他从来不抢他夫人的风头,虽然他聪明富有,但他乐意被视作一位整日打高尔夫,大口喝杜松子酒的笨蛋。 | He never upstaged his wife and though intelligent and rich, he was content to be viewed as a golfing, gin-swilling duffer . | |
8 | 听说第18号球道可能会有点堵,而且不是因为技艺欠佳的高球爱好者拒绝放弃“遗失球”之类的稀松平常的原因。 | I hear there’s likely to be a bit of a hold-up at the 18th, and it won’t just be the usual duffer refusing to give up on a lost ball. | |
9 | 我对你的处境深感同情,因为我本人也是一个锱铢必较的酒盲。 | I sympathise with your plight, being a penny-pinching wine duffer myself. |