属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-校园里的计算机技术 你好世界
1 | 奥列芬特认为美国百姓都睡着了,他们的心被“9-11”之后的爱国主义论调吹迟钝了 | Oliphant suggests that ordinary citizens are asleep, their minds dulled by patriotic post-9/11 rhetoric | |
2 | 不期而遇也罢,专程拜访也罢,只要能从他那可爱的双唇中说出片言只语的带有温馨的天国气息的福音真谛,送进她那虽已半聋却喜闻恭听的耳朵中,她就会精神焕然一新。 | Whether casually, or of set purpose, and be refreshed with a word of warm, fragrant, heaven-breathing Gospel truth, from his beloved lips, into her dulled , but rapturously attentive ear. | |
3 | 称人为brute,则指其人秉性凶暴的人。 | A brute is one whom cruelty and dulled senses sway. | |
4 | 而人类已经远离森林中的巢穴。人类由于获得了几乎完全自由的意志,他天生的本能变得麻木了。但是他的自由意志还没有发展到足以代替本能,为他提供完善指导的地步。 | We see man far removed from the lairs of the jungles, his innate instincts dulled by too near an approach to free-will, his free-will not sufficiently developed to replace his instincts and afford him perfect guidance. | |
5 | 夫钝兵挫锐,屈力殚货,则诸侯乘其弊而起,虽有智者,不能善其后矣。 | Now, when your weapons are dulled , your ardor damped,your strength exhausted and your treasure spent,other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise,will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue. | |
6 | 刚才他母亲讲话的时候,他只是抱着那种等着受骗并且心中有数的姑妄听之的态度去听的。 | He had begun listening to his mother with the dulled ear of someone who was about to be conned and knew it. | |
7 | 时光可冲淡悲哀。 | Sorrow is dulled by the passage of time. | |
8 | 肆无忌惮的暴力已经使绰号为大苹果的纽约黯淡无光了。领导人面临的令人气馁的任务是防止它腐烂到中心。 | Unchecked violence has already dulled the luster of the big apple. The daunting task before its leaders is to prevent it from rotting to the core. | |
9 | 岁月的流逝淡化了米老鼠的个性,它成为一个拥有几十亿美元资产的娱乐王国的企业形象。 | The years have dulled mickey’s personality, a result of him becoming the corporate face of a multibillion-dollar entertainment empire | |
10 | 岁月流逝冲淡了他的忧伤. | Time had dulled the edge of his grief. | |
11 | 他把刀弄钝了。 | He dulled his knife. | |
12 | 他的听觉因上了年纪而变得迟钝了。 | His hearing was dulled by age. | |
13 | 污垢使他的棕色皮肤变得灰扑扑的。 | Grime dulled his brown skin up | |
14 | 用厨房的剪刀剪电线会使它变钝。 | Using the kitchen scissors for cutting wire dulled them. | |
15 | 这硬邦邦的肉把刀弄钝了。 | This hard meat has dulled the knife up | |
16 | 最谨慎的人对于例行公事,也难免疏忽。 | The wariest men are apt to be a little dulled by routine | |
17 | ||1:其它“女性的议题”需要更强有力的应对。||2:她对此并没有感到不安。||3:整个诗歌传统必须用反抗的磨刀石来擦洗和研磨。||4:一位厌食者点燃了她女巫般的身体,她的“曲线和柔软”,直到“瘦的像一根肋骨”,她就能再次回到亚当的身体里,“就好像从没有离开过”。||5:一个来月经的女人面对着月亮,“变得迟钝/变得愚笨...光倾注在水面上...在空荡荡的地方流着血。” | ||1:Other "women’s subjects" needed tackling more forcefully.||2:She had no qualms about that.||3:The whole poetic tradition had to be scrubbed and abraded with the wash stones of resistance.||4:So an anorexic torched her witch-body, its "curves and paps" until, "thin as a rib", she could slip back into Adam again, "as if I had never been away".||5:A menstruating woman confronted the moon, "dulled by it/ thick with it…a water cauled by her light…barren with her blood." | |
18 | ||1:信息与通讯技术自1990年便登上了学校的课表。但最近它的风头渐弱。||2:2012年,英国皇家学会报告,文字处理和试算表软件的沉闷教学使得课程变得“毫无动力、平淡乏味”。||3:这样糟糕的声誉难以吸引优秀的老师,也浇熄了学生对这门学科的热情。 | ||1:Information and communications technology has been on school timetables since 1990. But lately it has grown unfashionable.||2:In 2012 the Royal Society reported that dreary instruction in word-processing and spreadsheet software had made lessons “demotivating and routine”.||3:That reputation has made it difficult to attract good teachers and has dulled enthusiasm for the subject. | |
19 | 长期的繁荣钝化了人们的危机感。 | Prolonged prosperity dulled people’s sense of risk. | |
20 | 倡导环保的民主党人在核能问题上慎之又慎,但与对气候变化更大的担忧相比,这就相形见绌了。 | Green Democrats are wary of nuclear, but the edge of their worry has been dulled by the even greater worry over climate change. | |
21 | 咖啡在学者中间开始流行,因为它能使思维变得敏锐,而不是像酒精那样让它迟钝。 | Coffee became popular with scholars as it sharpened the mind rather than dulled it like alcohol. | |
22 | 请注意看那些不大的接触区域(齿牙上暗灰色的点)。 | Notice the small area of contact (dulled gray spot on tooth). | |
23 | 生活枯燥乏味,什么也完成不了。 | Life is dulled , and you don’t get much accomplished. | |
24 | 思嘉心中胜利的喜悦立刻被一种无法摆脱的恐惧心理所抵消。 | Some of the triumph in her heart was dulled by a nagging fear. | |
25 | 他对于一系列无关紧要的丑闻的处理为自己抹灰,至少暂时如此。 | His handling of a series of minor scandals has dulled his sheen, at least temporarily. | |
26 | 同时,圣战教义在不断修正下变得日益温和。 | Meanwhile, the doctrine of jihad would be dulled through amendment. | |
27 | 我不希望成为一个受保护的市民,在国家的照顾下,过着谦卑、沉闷的生活。 | I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. | |
28 | 我满脑子麻木地听着这些熟悉的历史事实。 | My mind dulled as I heard these familiar historical facts. | |
29 | 幸运消磨了她的观察能力。 | Being fortunate had dulled her powers of observation. | |
30 | 一个月以后,当他们被重新测试时,他们的甜味敏感度和娱乐意识都变得迟钝了。 | A month later, when they were re-tested, their sensitivity to sweet tastes and conscious enjoyment of them had dulled . |