1 | 上游河段的床面为沙垄所覆盖,而下游河段则为平整床面。 | In the upper reach the bed was dune covered and in the lower reach it was flat | |
2 | 谁也说不准,利迪亚德的训练方法就一定比弗朗兹·斯坦普弗尔的好,或者胜过珀西·塞鲁蒂的弟子们采用的沙丘远足训练法。 | No one could categorically say that Lydiard’s training methods were any better than Franz Stampfl’s, or the sand-dune excursions of Percy Cerrutty’s proteges | |
3 | 土壤温度和水分对不同类型沙丘土壤呼吸的影响 | Effects of Soil Temperature and Moisture on Soil Respiration in Different Sand Dune Types | |
4 | 乌兰布和沙漠新月形沙丘迎风坡风速变化的初步研究 | A Preliminary Study on Variation in Wind Velocity and Sediment Transport Rate on Windward Slope of Barchan Dune | |
5 | 在海滩和公路之间有许多沙丘. | Between the beach and the road were many sand- dune s. | |
6 | 这个小沙丘是由风吹来的干沙子形成的。 | The little dune is formed with loose dry sand by wind. | |
7 | 这里也有凛冽荒凉的海边那种礁岩嶙峋,沙丘起伏的景色。 | It possessed every outcropping of rock, every curve of sand dune on a barren and gelid shore | |
8 | 中国北方晚第四纪气候变化的沙漠与黄土记录-以光释光年代为基础的直接对比 | Late Quaternary Climatic Changes in Northern China-New Evidences from Sand Dune and Loess Records Based on Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating | |
9 | ||1:“后自然”:UCCA沙丘美术馆开幕展(栾诗璇策划),关注相关的主题:人类与自然世界关系的未来。||2:展览中的九位中国当代艺术家都巧妙地利用了其作品所占据的空间。||3:刘雨佳的《海浪》是数码双联画,以海浪冲击海岸的航拍镜头为特色,游客驻足在《海浪》前,只要一转身,就可以眺望渤海。||4:玻璃门外是郑波的《沙丘植物园》,这是由移植的本地杂草制成的生物艺术品,也可以用作博物馆的花园。||5:娜布其的装置作品《终点》矗立在附近,作品包含一块翻倒的广告牌,上面登着一张经过美化过的海滨度假照片。 | ||1:“After Nature”, the inaugural exhibit (curated by Luan Shixuan), focuses on a pertinent subject: the future of humanity’s relationship with the natural world.||2:Each of the nine contemporary Chinese artists in the show engages cleverly with the space that their work occupies.||3:Visitors standing in front of Liu Yujia’s “Wave”, a digital diptych featuring aerial footage of waves rushing against the coast, need only to turn around to find themselves looking out at the Bohai Sea.||4:Beyond a glass door lies Zheng Bo’s “Dune Botanical Garden”, a work of bio-art made of transplanted local weeds that also functions as a museum garden.||5:Nearby stands “Destination”, an installation by Na Buqi, which comprises an overturned billboard advertising an eerily photoshopped beachside getaway. | |
10 | ||1:娜布其的贡献是对博物馆本身的映射。||2:北戴河是北京政客精英的避暑胜地,也是深受国内游客欢迎的海滨度假胜地。||3:沙丘美术馆后面都是起重机,由中国开发商阿兰亚监督施工,该公司也出资建造了这座博物馆。||4:尽管沙丘美术馆很想吸引游客,但大量移民涌入可能会威胁到其可持续发展的愿景:就像那块被遗弃的广告牌,一个完美无瑕的理想可能会被消费的双刃剑所侵蚀。 | ||1:Ms Na’s contribution is a wry commentary on the museum itself.||2:Its location, Beidaihe, is well-established as both a summer retreat for Beijing’s political elite and a popular beach resort for domestic tourists.||3:Cranes crowd behind the dunes, supervising construction work by Aranya, a Chinese developer that also funded and built the museum.||4:Much as the Dune wants to attract visitors, a big influx might threaten its sustainable vision: like that forlorn billboard, a picture-perfect ideal risks being compromised by the double-edged forces of consumption. | |
11 | ||1:沙丘的内部设计旨在培养观众、工作和空间之间的亲密感。||2:“在中国,去博物馆就像去购物中心,”李虎表示——这是一种匆忙的消费主义体验,典型的特征是大量人群和智能手机自拍。||3:相比之下,沙丘美术馆的地下画廊让人想起最原始洞穴里被涂抹的人类艺术。||4:该设计灵感来自20世纪的美国建筑师路易斯·卡恩,他将博物馆设想成一个“房间社会”,旨在促进互动,鼓励人们慢下来。||5:考虑到这个位置人烟稀少,游客们将不得不进行一次深刻的“艺术朝圣”,正如李虎所言,这不仅仅是一次匆忙的城市飞掠。 | ||1:The Dune ’s interiors are meant to cultivate an intimacy between viewer, work and space.||2:“Going to a museum in China often feels like going to a shopping centre,” says Mr Li—an experience of rushed consumerism, typically characterised by large crowds and smartphone selfies.||3:By contrast, the Dune ’s subterranean galleries invoke the caves in which the most primitive human art was first daubed.||4:The design was inspired by Louis Kahn, a 20th-century American architect who envisaged museums as a “society of rooms”, which foster interaction and encourage people to slow down.||5:Given the isolated location, visitors will have to make a deliberate “pilgrimage to the art”, as Mr Li puts it, rather than just a hurried urban fly-by. | |
12 | ||1:沙丘美术馆的核心目的是与自然景观和当地社区互文。||2:其目标是实现生态和经济的可持续性,帮助保护环境而不是破坏环境。||3:“我们的工作不仅是设计物理结构,而是设想一种全新的制度。”OPEN建筑事务所的李虎(沙丘项目的监督者之一)如是说。 | ||1:Interdependence with the landscape and the local community is at the heart of the Dune ’s purpose.||2:It aims to be sustainable ecologically as well as financially, and to help protect the environment rather than destroying it.||3:“Our work was not just to design a physical structure,” says Li Hu of OPEN Architecture, one of the overseers of the project, but to “dream up an entirely new type of institution.” | |
13 | ||1:这所中国最新的艺术画廊之一坐落在海滨小城北戴河,位于沙丘之下。||2:UCCA沙丘美术馆是北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心(距秦皇岛300公里)的分馆。||3:这座美术馆大部分为高调的建筑表现形式,伫立在繁华的市中心。||4:沙丘美术馆微妙而隐蔽,整个画廊以沙子为背景。 | ||1:Buried beneath a sand dune , in the beach town of Beidaihe, nestles one of China’s newest art galleries.||2:An offshoot of the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art in Beijing, 300km away, the UCCA Dune is unlike any other cutting-edge art museum in China.||3:Most are high-profile architectural statements, erected in the middle of bustling cities.||4:The Dune is subtle and secluded, its galleries unfolding against the backdrop of the sands. | |
14 | 半干旱区人工固沙灌丛发育过程土壤水分及水量平衡研究 | Study on Soil Moisture and Water Balance in Processes of Dune Fixation Shrubs Development at Semi-arid Region | |
15 | 不同沙丘生境主要植物比叶面积和叶干物质含量的比较 | Specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content of some plants in different dune habitats | |
16 | 但是他家的屋子完好地保留了下来,他说:“我们在沙丘上建房子,背对海滩。” | But the family house survived untouched, he said. "We built on a dune , well back from the beach. " | |
17 | 登一座山,在沙漠里兜风,赤着脚漫步在草地上。 | Climb a mountain. Ride in a dune buggy. Walk barefoot in the grass. | |
18 | 地面部分地区被沙丘覆盖。 | A dune field covers some of the ground. | |
19 | 地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库的异质性 | Heterogeneity in Soil Seed Banks in a Mediterranean Coastal Sand Dune | |
20 | 第二松花江左岸沙丘造林技术 | Plantation techniques to dune along left bank of the second Songhua River | |
21 | 第二天,我从世界上拍照最多的45沙丘早早地出发,拍了更多的快照。 | More snapshots are gathered the following day, when I start early at Dune 45, the most photographed in the world. | |
22 | 杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县沙地沙丘植被发育过程及其特征 | Growth process and features of sand dune vegetation in sand tract in Menggu autonomous county | |
23 | 对在沙漠地区应用化学固沙剂固沙的探讨 | On the Chemical Sand Fixation Agent for Sand Dune Fixation in Desert | |
24 | 风雨冲刷着红峡谷的表面——在岛的西侧形成的古老沙丘。 | Wind and rain lash the face of Red Canyon, an ancient dune complex on the island’s eastern flank. | |
25 | 干旱半干旱地区人工固沙灌木林生态系统演变特征 | Evolution characteristics of the artificially re-vegetated shrub ecosystem of arid and semi-arid sand dune area | |
26 | 干旱固定沙丘不同时期整地对提高造林成活率的研究 | Study on Land Preparation in Different Period to Improve Survival Rate of Forestation in Arid Fixed Sand Dune | |
27 | 古尔班通古特沙漠短命植物分布及其沙面稳定意义 | Distribution of ephemeral plants and their significance in dune stabilization in Gurbantunggut Desert | |
28 | 和沙丘一样,阿联酋馆的一面看起来很光滑,可以承受巨大的风力,而另一面则相对粗糙。 | Like a sand dune , the pavilion appears smooth on the side that bears the full force of the wind and rough and textured on the other side. | |
29 | 荒漠-绿洲过渡区灌丛沙包的蒸散特征及模拟 | Characteristics and simulation analysis of evapotranspiration of shrub sand dune at the oasis-desert transitional zones | |
30 | 辉光从遥远的沙巴油田转向沙特阿拉伯附近紫色天空,一个男子在沙丘顶上跳舞。 | Glow from the distant Shaybah oil field turns the Saudi Arabian sky purple as a man dances atop a nearby sand dune . |