1 | 这种振奋人心的决定对于一个刚刚逃脱自己心灵禁锢的囚犯来说,有如踏上一片未受基督教化的、尚无法律管理的荒土,让他呼吸到那旷野的自由空气。 | It was the exhilarating effect-upon a prisoner just escaped from the dungeon of his own heart-of breathing the wild, free atmosphere of an unredeemed, unchristianised, lawless region. | |
2 | --自从她降生以来,还只习惯于监狱中的土牢或其它暗室那种昏晦的光线呢。 | because its existence, heretofore, had brought it acquainted only with the grey twilight of a dungeon , or other darksome apartment of the prison. | |
3 | “莉莎?”茱莉亚在黑暗中呼唤着妹妹的名字,她的话在地牢里泛起了回音。 | "Lisa? " Julia called in the dark as her voice echoed through out the dungeon . | |
4 | 《地下城主指南》第八章描述了各种能增强战役的魔法物品。 | Chapter 8 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide describes the many sorts of magic items that enhance a campaign. | |
5 | 保罗,轻看了一切的福乐,在监狱中写上面的几句话。 | Paul, denied of every comfort, wrote the above words in his dungeon . | |
6 | 当头巾被取下来时,星孩发现自己已经处在一个地牢里,一盏小灯笼在角落里发出微弱的光芒。 | And when the scarf was taken off his eyes, the Star-Child found himself in a dungeon , that was lit by a lantern of horn. | |
7 | 多用户地下城、维或域(Multiuserdungeon,dimension,ordomain,MUD)游戏通常是基于文本的多用户角色扮演游戏。 | Multiuser dungeon , dimension, or domain (MUD) games are typically text-based, multiuser, role-playing games. | |
8 | 火焰直上夜空,照亮了立法者,照亮了那个时代,也向幽禁囚犯的高塔送去些许明亮。 | they burst into flames that light up both age and lawmaker and send a flash of glory into a dark dungeon tower. | |
9 | 就如过去的八年中大部分的光阴岁月,今天的比塞特医生仍然被深锁在卡斯楚的“桃花岛”的地牢里。 | Today, like most days for the better part of the past eight years, he is locked away in a dungeon on Fidel Castro’s island paradise. | |
10 | 例如,你可以在星际争霸2的天梯比赛中发送一个信息给在魔兽世界下英雄副本的好友! | You could, for example, send a message from inside a StarCraft II ladder match to a friend running a Heroic dungeon in World of Warcraft! | |
11 | 去rambogold买便宜和安全的地下城金币。 | Go to Rambogold Buy the cheap and safe Dungeon Fighter Gold DFO Gold | |
12 | 热激光——可是地牢太冷了,效果也不好。 | HEAT LASERS, dungeon was too cold. | |
13 | 如果是Laura公主:玩家增加一点生命值,把英雄在地城2版图上的位置由“5”移到“6”。 | E. If Princess Laura: Player adds 1 to their HP, Move Hero from "5" to "6" space on Dungeon Level 2 board. | |
14 | 如果玩家找到了地城第2层的楼梯,他们可以立刻跳到地城第1层陷阱所在的位置。 | Exception 2: When a player finds the stair in Dungeon Level 2 they can immediately jump to the trap place on Dungeon Level 1. | |
15 | 我的手指指着他,只消一动,就可以把他从布道坛上抛到牢狱中去——甚至还会把他抛到绞刑架上! | My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon - thence, peradventure, to the gallows! | |
16 | 我多么愚蠢啊,本来可以走向自由,而我却这样躲在恶臭的牢笼里! | What a fool am I, thus to lie in a stinking dungeon , when I may as well walk at liberty! | |
17 | 幸运的是,雷拉格已经获悉这些信使将会经过北部和西部的小路,离地牢领地入口处不远。 | Luckily it is known that messengers will follow Nothern and Western roads that lay not far from entrance from dungeon . | |
18 | 修道院包括了两座教堂,第一座建造于公元642年,其中包括了囚禁圣格利高里的地牢,而第二座则完工于17世纪末期。 | The first one was built in 642 and it contains the dungeon . As for the second one, it was built in the end of the 17th century. | |
19 | 选择一,让那位白色牢笼守候人--你的潜意识--把你害怕失去的东西杀死。 | One is to let the albino dungeon -keeper of your subconscious kill the very thing you fear losing. | |
20 | 用来关押犯人的黑暗的,一般为地下的房间或小室 | curtail financial damage dungeon : A dark, often underground chamber or cell used to confine prisoners. | |
21 | 有人以我的名字被囚禁起来,正在地牢里哭泣。 | He whom I enclose with my name is weeping in this dungeon . | |
22 | 于是魔术师又扑到他身上狠狠的打他,用链条把他锁起来,又把他扔到地牢里。 | So the Magician fell upon him, and beat him, and loaded him with chains, and cast him again into the dungeon . | |
23 | 这里就是位于皇宫地下设施中央的帝皇主实验室,也就是帝国地宫。 | This was the Emperor’s main laboratory, which was itself at the center of his underground complex, known as the Imperial Dungeon . |