1 | 该计划应规定在不超过本协定有效期的期限内逐步取消所有限制。TMB可就此种计划向有关成员提出建议。 | This programme shall provide for all restrictions to be phased out within a period not exceeding the duration of this Agreement.The TMB may make recommendations to the Member concerned with respect to such a programme. | |
2 | 根据有关法律规定,任何为了某种特定目的的销售所做出的默认保证或某种似乎是合情合理的默认保证在时间期限上都是有限的。 | To the extent permitted by law, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purposes are limited in duration . | |
3 | 共同伸张,共同扩展在相同的时间或空间上扩张或使扩张 | To extend or cause to extend through the same space or duration . | |
4 | 雇员于完成其一年之工作且继续工作时,得于次年工作期间享有七天特别休假。 | After completing his one-year Employment, the Employee shall have 7 days special leave with pay in the duration of the Employment by next year. | |
5 | 雇主应于契约存续期间提供雇员安全卫生设施完善之宿舍,雇员应住雇主提供之宿舍不得外宿。 | During the duration of employment the Employer shall provide the Employee the dormitories with safety, health, good and suitable installations. The Employee shall live in assigned lodging and shall not live outside. | |
6 | 光强能在大约20毫秒持续时间内保持在半峰值以上的闪光灯,既可用于单次闪光,也可用于连续闪光。 | Photoflash’bulbs which usually have a duration of about 20 milliseconds above half peak intensity can be used either singly or flashed in sequence | |
7 | 合营企业的合营期限,按不同行业、不同情况,作不同的约定。 | Based on different lines of trade and different circumstances, arrangements for the duration of equity joint ventures may be made differently through agreement by the parties to the venture. | |
8 | 还有的提出企业的合作期限问题 | Others have raised the question of the duration of cooperation between enterprises. | |
9 | 环境的破坏,实质上,很难用损害赔偿金弥补。环境的破坏常常是永久性的,或者至少有很长一段时间难以恢复。 | Environmental injury, by its nature, can seldom be adequately remedied by money damages and is often permanent or at least of long duration , i.e., irreparable | |
10 | 获得财产权的程序因某特定的时间延续而获得财产权的程序 | The process of acquiring title to property by reason of uninterrupted possession of specified duration . | |
11 | 计算完成一项作业所需的时间。例如,汇编时间、编译期、响应时间、运行时间、翻译[变换]时间。 | The time interval for computer to complete a task.e.g,assemble duration ,compile duration,response duration,run duration,translate duration. | |
12 | 记时仪登记或以图记录时间间隔(如事件期间)的仪器 | An instrument that registers or graphically records time intervals such as the duration of an event. | |
13 | 架空线路单位长度的停电数要比地下电缆的多,但停电持续时间短。 | Overhead lines have more outages than underground cable per unit length, but the outages are usually shorter in duration . | |
14 | 考试时间为三个小时 | The duration of the examination is three hours. | |
15 | 拉长的相当长的停顿。用于重音节诗体中的音节 | Being of relatively great duration .Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody. | |
16 | 临时措施的期限不得超过200天,在此期间应满足第2条至第7条和第12条的有关要求。 | The duration of the provisional measure shall not exceed 200 days, during which period the pertinent requirements of Articles 2 through 7 and 12 shall be met | |
17 | 美国南北战争持续约四年之久。 | The duration of the Civil War was about four years. | |
18 | 聘雇期间为×年×月×日,自雇员抵达台湾入境起至离境止,工作地点在××。 | The duration of the Employment is year(s)month(s)day(s)commencing from the date of arrival in Taiwan of the Employee to the departure from Taiwan. The working place is at ×or designated worksite. | |
19 | 平均停电持续时间 | system average interruption duration ,缩写SAID | |
20 | 然而,如果将著作权保护期延长的立法行为仅描述为“立法收买”,会过早地阻碍对这一奇怪现象的调查。 | Characterizing the duration extension legislative activity as merely "legislative capture," however, prematurely short-circuits the investigation into this surprising phenomenon. | |
21 | 任何此类临时措施的期限应计为第7条第1款、第2款和第3款所指的最初期限和任何延长期的一部分。 | The duration of any such provisional measure shall be counted as a part of the initial period and any extension referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 7 | |
22 | 如果某种货币的汇率未公布,投标者应提供汇率并说明其来源。投标准备中使用的汇率适用于合同期的支付。 | If exchange rages are not so published for certain currencies, the tenderer shall state the rates used and the source. For the purpose of payments, the exchange rates used in tender preparation shall apply for the duration of the Contract. | |
23 | 若流出人数下降,则失业的平均持续期将相应上升。 | If the outflow falls the average duration of unemployment will correspondingly rise | |
24 | 闪光泡一种内部装有铝箔或镁箔的精细碎片的玻璃灯泡,用电点燃以发出短暂的高强度闪光,从而拍摄照片 | A glass bulb filled with finely shredded aluminum or magnesium foil that is ignited by electricity to produce a short-duration high-intensity light flash for taking photographs. | |
25 | 实验表明:反应溶剂的配位能力决定目标产物能否形成。反应的温度和反应时间对产物的粒径影响较大。 | The formation of these products depend on the complex ability of the solvents and the particle sizes are determined in a large scale of the reaction temperature and duration time. | |
26 | 实用新型和外观设计的保护期更短,只有5年。 | For utility model and design,the duration of protection is even shorter,only5years protection. | |
27 | 随着互联网时代和国际全球化市场的到来,为什么延长著作权保护期的问题会再次受到负担过多的立法者的注意呢 | Of the online era and the international stampede toward a global marketplace--why would duration extension get a second glance from an overburdened legislator? | |
28 | 所有给惠方案实施期限均为10年(即GATT允诺为例外的最初期限), | In all cases the scheme was for a period of 10 years (the initial duration of exception allowed by the GATT) | |
29 | 他计划呆两年。 | He planned a stay of two years’ duration . | |
30 | 他准备好在选举期间做这件事。 | He was prepared to do this for the duration of the campaign. |