属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铁娘子 Iron Lady
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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马恒达呀马恒达 最适的运动型多功能车
1 | 波拿巴主义者拿破仑一世和他的独裁政策及其帝王专断以及波拿巴家族的支持者或追随者 | A follower or supporter of Napoleon I and his policies and dynastic claims or of the Bonaparte family. | |
2 | 不可侵犯的忏语-明清之际自叙传文的谐谑与悔愧 | The Inviolable Language about Confession-The Banter and Regret Shame of "Self Inscribe Essay of Oneself" in the Ming-Ching Dynastic Transition | |
3 | 但是,使希腊化时期成为人类历史上重要时期的并不是这些国王,也不是他们在政治上的勾心斗角,或他们的王室联姻。 | But it is not the kings, their political rivalries and their dynastic marriages, who make the Hellenistic age one of the key periods of world history | |
4 | 而对于其他资助人,像美第奇家族来说,还有着对王朝的责任感…… | And for other patrons, like the Medicis, there was a sense of dynastic responsibility... | |
5 | 基于CAD与GIS集成的仿唐古建筑景观的三维重建方法 | 3D Reconstruction of Tang-Dynastic Architectures Based on CAD and GIS Integration | |
6 | 基于儒学治国安邦的理念,中国历代的统治者一般对各种宗教一视同仁,实行较宽容的宗教政策。 | China’s dynastic rulers, thanks to their confucian belief, treated all religions evenhandedly and pursued a relaxed religious policy | |
7 | 记忆与叙事:清初剧作家之前朝意识与其易代感怀之戏剧转化 | Memory and Narrative: Early Qing Dramatists’ Lament for the Late Ming and Sentiments of Dynastic Changeover | |
8 | 明末清军对索伦部的征讨与鄂温克人的变迁 | To Go on a Punitive Expedition for Suolun Tribe of the Qing Dynastic Arm and the Changes of the Ewenkis in the Later Period of the Ming Dynasty | |
9 | 明清家具造型设计中的节奏与韵律美 | The Beauty of Rhythm and Cadence in Ming and Qing Dynastic Furniture Shape Designing | |
10 | 明清易代的偶然性与必然性 | The Chanciness and Inevitability of the Dynastic Changes from Ming to Qing Dynasty | |
11 | 清政府不能对新的挑战做出正确的评估,或不能对此做出灵活的反应,从而导致了清朝的衰亡和几千年封建统治秩序的彻底崩溃。检验报告 | The empire’s inability to evaluate correctly the nature of the new challenge or to respond flexibly to it resulted in the demise of the Qing and the collapse of the entire millennia-old framework of dynastic rule. | |
12 | 全国长期战乱,朝代频频更迭,却使当时的学术思想格外活跃,并促进了艺术的发展。 | Although there was the chaos of wars and many dynastic changes during this period, active intellectual life of different schools provided a great impetus to artistic development. | |
13 | 沙特阿拉伯表面上的温和掩盖了它的半封建政体(由紧抱一团的王族小集团统治)与迅速变化中的社会和经济结构之间的矛盾。 | But the bland public face of Saudi Arabia has concealed the contradictions between a semi-feudal political system, ruled by close-knit dynastic groupings, and rapidly changing social and economic structures | |
14 | 先秦两汉诗学审美接受的言美话语 | The Esthetic Speech of the Poetics in Xian Qin and Two Han Dynastic | |
15 | 因为有这一方面的努力,加上丰富的历代断代史和方志,中国在5000年文化的演变过程中,未曾有过一个"黑暗时代"。 | "Through such endeavours, together with the copious dynastic histories and district records, China has had no ""dark ages"" in the evolution of its 5000-year old civilisation." | |
16 | 在神话里,欧洲使他们想到过去,想到康科德的英国兵、在外的地主、王朝的尊严。 | In the mythology, Europe was associated with the past, with British redcoats at Concord, absentee landlords, dynastic pride | |
17 | 在王朝建立者旃陀罗笈多去世后,形成一个除了坦米尔南部以外涵盖大部分次大陆的王国 | After the death of Alexander the Great, Chandragupta Maurya (Candra Gupta), the dynastic founder, carved out an empire that encompassed most of the subcontinent except for the Tamil south. | |
18 | 这里的王朝遗产好象得天独厚、非常富饶。 | Here the dynastic inheritance seemed to have been blessed with riches | |
19 | ||1:当索尼娅?甘地九月份回到印度,再次开始她国会党主席的工作时,原本混乱的状况一似乎下子秩序井然。||2:人们关于她的地位最恰当的描述是“王朝的精神领袖”,原本是因为她是拉吉夫的遗孀,而现在则更多的是因为她在政治上直觉敏锐,思想具有战略性,寡言慎行,对政治工作有绝对的掌控能力。 | ||1:When she returned to India in September and resumed her duties as president of the ruling Congress Party, the immediate crisis appeared to stabilise.||2:Mrs Gandhi’s position—which might best be described as a dynastic moral authority—now stems less from the fact that she is Rajiv’s widow than from her intuitive strategic sense and her discreet, often silent, ability to assert political control. | |
20 | 在她从古吉拉特邦移民至俄亥俄州时,为了保证酸奶的世代更迭,她悄悄用试管带入了一些老酸奶。 | To ensure this dynastic succession, she smuggled some in a test-tube when she emigrated from Gujarat to Ohio. | |
21 | 在这个权力世袭的国家,商业才是最有可能被外来投资者控制的:家族和其合盟者只占25%。 | In a country where power is dynastic it is the business house closest to being controlled by outside investors: the family and its allies own only 25%. | |
22 | 1912年2月,满清皇帝宣布退位,结束了中国2000多年的封建统治。 | The Manchu emperor abdicated in February 1912, ending over 2, 000 years of dynastic rule. | |
23 | 彻底摧毁李家王朝,1967年。 | Thoroughly smash the dynastic Li family! , ca. | |
24 | 串联盘管道连续输送机中直线段力学分析 | Mechanics dynastic analysis of line section of the contact disc-pipe line continuous conveyor | |
25 | 从东篱散曲看元代文人的心路历程 | The Spiritual Course of Yuan Dynastic Literati in Dongli’s Sanqu | |
26 | 从那时开始,他便成了金正日王朝接班计划的中心人物。 | Since then, he has taken a central role in Kim’s dynastic succession plans. | |
27 | 第一部断代史:汉书 | The first dynastic history: Book of Han | |
28 | 断代文化史研究 | Study of Dynastic History of Culture | |
29 | 而反对党PDI-P的王朝野心则较为清晰。 | The opposition PDI-P’s dynastic ambitions are clearer. | |
30 | 关于中国体育产业发展的动力机制探讨 | The Dynastic Mechanism of China Sport Industry Development |