属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政治 为了更短的枪炮和额外的睡眠
1 | ""海丝特·白兰,"他以令人撕心裂肺的真诚呼叫道,"上帝啊,他是那样的可畏,又是那样的仁慈," | "Hester Prynne,"" cried he, with a piercing earnestness , ""in the name of Him, so terrible and so merciful, " | |
2 | "我的朋友,你讲这番话,真是诚挚得出奇呢,"老罗杰·齐灵温斯对他笑着说。 | "You speak, my friend, with a strange earnestness ,"" said old Roger Chillingworth, smiling at him." | |
3 | 当他们真的成功了,你再表示真心实意的感谢。 | When their job is done, thank them with great earnestness and sincerity | |
4 | 对违反本通知规定造成金融债权损失的,要严肃追究有关单位负责人和直接责任人的责任; | Where violation of the provisions of this Circular has resulted in losses of financial creditor’s rights, the person in charge of the unit concerned and persons directly responsible shall be investigated for their responsibilities in all earnestness . | |
5 | 她的面貌长得不同凡响,与其说是由于她眉清目秀,无懈可击,毋宁说是由于一种美妙的,令人心旷神怡的纯真气质。 | Her face was remarkable less of its perfect beauty of feature than for a singular and dreamy earnestness of expression | |
6 | 她提出这样一个问题绝不是漫不经心的,就当时而论,她确实带着几分诚心诚意 | Nor did she put the question altogether idly, but, for the moment, with a portion of genuine earnestness ; | |
7 | 她用双手握住她母亲的一只手,用她那狂野和任性的个性中少见的一本正经的神情盯着母亲的眼睛。 | She took her mother’s hand in both her own, and gazed into her eyes with an earnestness that was seldom seen in her wild and capricious character. | |
8 | 今见贾珍苦苦的说到这步田地,心中已活了几分,却又眼看着凤姐出神 | The earnestness of Jia Zhen’s request softened her heart and she eyed Xifeng thoughtfully. | |
9 | 尽管那时懵懂的我们手中仅仅攥着一支画笔和一张白纸,但我们拥有的最大一笔财富就是我们的精神:创业精神、敬业精神、团队精神和夺标精神。 | Though we, who were still ignorant and muddled, had only a pencil and a piece of white paper in our hands, our largest fortune was just our spirit: development, earnestness , teamwork and competition. | |
10 | 尽管如此,他发出这些论调时所表现的力量,眼里所闪出的光#和面都表情的认真仍然叫她悸动心跳,吸引着她,尽管她并不赞成 | Nevertheless, while she disapproved of them, the strength of their utterance, and the flashing of eyes and earnestness of face that accompanied them, always thrilled her and drew her toward him | |
11 | 凯瑟琳也站起身,步态僵直而又心情焦切,满腹希望却又无从表达。 | Then, Catherine, who had also risen to her feet again, stood there in her rather angular earnestness , wishing so much and expressing so little | |
12 | 拉尔夫不接受这种指责,他的态度比平时明朗而认真。 | Ralph resented this charge with more apparent earnestness than he commonly used | |
13 | 老爷如醉如痴地欣赏他心爱的侄女那种双眼饱含泪水的认真神情。 | The massa’s eyes drank in the wet-eyed earnestness of his beloved niece | |
14 | 那么法国电视又怎样呢?法国的电视近年来已从国家监控下的认真从事倒向私有化的创造力荒原。 | And what of French television? It has lurched in recent years from a state-controlled earnestness to a privatized creative wasteland. | |
15 | 年轻姑娘抬起那双含泪的眼睛望着基督山,以一种伤心真挚的口吻说道:“不论‘我’回不回东方,你的意思是,你不回去了吗,老爷?” | The young girl raised her tearful eyes towards Monte Cristo as she said with touching earnestness , "Whether we return to the East, you mean to say, my lord, do you not?" | |
16 | 他认真过人。 | He excels in earnestness . | |
17 | 他以急切询问的目光看着他的两女儿和埃德蒙,尤其是注视着埃德蒙。 | He looked with inquiring earnestness at his two daughters and Edmund, dwelling particularly on the latter | |
18 | 他这一番话,又恳切,又明晰,倒使得唐云山感觉到自己先前的猜度--以为中间有几分奥妙,未免太不光明正大了。 | He spoke with such earnestness and lucidity that he made Tang Yun-shan feel rather small and regret his suspicions | |
19 | 我以极大的热忱开始了我的新工作。 | I started my new job with great earnestness . | |
20 | 我这么说可是当真的。 | I say this in all earnestness . | |
21 | 新英格兰的历史促成了一本正经的文风。 | New England’s history made for earnestness | |
22 | 虚情假意做作的或夸张的热忱,尤指语言选用 | Affected or exaggerated earnestness , especially in choice and use of language. | |
23 | 言者谆谆,听者藐藐 | The speaker talked with great earnestness , but the audience paid little attention | |
24 | 因为在这种气氛中,她至少表现出一种显而易见的真诚,替代了那种刺痛她母亲的一阵阵的任性发作。 | for her mother; because there was at least an intelligible earnestness in the mood, instead of the fitful caprice that so often thwarted her in the child’s manifestations. | |
25 | 在这冗长的叙述中从头到尾都有一种感人的、诚挚的风格(马克·吐温)参见 | All through the interminable narrative there ran a vein of impressive earnestness (Mark Twain)See Synonyms at streak | |
26 | 这位姑娘这种突如其来的认真态度把这个年轻人给吓住了,他从来没见过她这样严肃,这样坚决。 | The impetuous earnestness of the girl awed the young man, for never before had he seen her so serious and determined | |
27 | ||1:在美国,索恩伊博的同道中人就是斯蒂芬·科尔伯特,他是某个喜剧频道的一个讽刺新闻节目——“科尔伯特报告”的主持人。||2:两者都假定自己是一个政治家但却极少真正涉足政治。||3:不同于索恩伊博的中立主义,科尔伯特在荧幕上表现的是一个可爱的,滑稽的右翼分子。如果他用自己的讽刺行为去换取观众的热心,他就能和福克斯新闻的真实观众们极好地相处。||4:索恩伊博表示,“讽刺并不只有哗众取宠的成分,它同时也富有一定的攻击性。”||5:在美国那只是意味着党派性偏见和讽刺。||6:而在德国,它目标则放在了被误认为是党派政治行为的一些平淡无奇琐事上。 | ||1:Mr Sonneborn’s American equivalent is Stephen Colbert of “The Colbert Report”, a mock-news show on a comedy channel.||2:Both assume a political persona and rarely step out of it.||3:Unlike Mr Sonneborn’s turbo-centrist, Mr Colbert’s on-screen character is a lovably deranged right-winger who would do well with the real-life audience of Fox News if he traded his irony for earnestness .||4:“Satire is not comedy,” says Mr Sonneborn. “It has aggressive momentum.”||5:In America, that means mocking partisanship.||6:In Germany, the target is the featureless blob that passes for party politics. | |
28 | 多少次我们曾坚定地对自己说“从现在开始我要活得更有规划,更有成就”? | How many times have we told ourselves in complete earnestness , "I’m going to be more organized and productive from now on. " ? | |
29 | 或许这只不过是年轻人的热忱,又或许这只是因为我生活在一个许多事情都被夸大了的时代。 | Maybe it was just the earnestness of youth and living in a time when so many things were overdone. | |
30 | 她对所看到一切都以热切得过分的口气赞不绝口 | She admired everything she saw in a tone of syrupy earnestness . . . |