属类:社会文化-人物-D. H. Lawrence
1 | 《美丽人生》已经打破了意大利的票房记录,获得了至少720亿里拉(4000万美元)的收入,并继续在全世界放映。 | Life Is Beautiful has broken Italian box-office records, earning at least 72 billion lire ($ US 40 million)and continues to be screened worldwide | |
2 | 14岁时他开始挣钱养活自己。 | At fourteen he started earning a living for himself. | |
3 | 1902年,劳伦斯成为一位小学见习教师。1906年,他进诺丁汉大学就读,并在该校取得教师资格证书。 | In 1902, he became a pupil-teacher, and in 1906 entered Nottingham University, earning there a Teacher’s Certificate. | |
4 | 1952年,在得了植物学博士学位之后,我决定继续研究鸟声的“方言”。 | After earning my doctorate in botany in 1952, I decided to continue my research into birdsong dialects | |
5 | 1988年自费赴美留学,1990年获华盛顿大学法学院硕士学位 | In 1988 he went to the United States to study at his own expense, earning a Master’s Degree in law from the University of Washington School of Law in 1990. | |
6 | 爱尔兰共和国从它的欧盟成员国身份中获益匪浅,并凭借经济的快速增长获得了“凯尔特之虎”的称号。 | The Republic has made significant gains from its membership of the EU, earning the soubriquet Celtic Tiger for its economic progress. | |
7 | 不论企业大小,获得净收益即利润是绝大多数企业的主要目的。 | The earning of net income, or profits, is a major goal of almost every enterprise, larger or small. | |
8 | 持续稳定获利(我们对有远景或具转机的公司没兴趣) | (2)demonstrated consistent earning power (future projections are of little interest to us, nor are "turnaround" situations) | |
9 | 除备注栏内注明的意见外,上述申请人除…..外,健康良好,体格健全,并无神经、精神或身体缺陷致使将来成年时不能工作,维持其生活。 | "Subject to any special observations under "Remarks" , the above-named excluding … are in good health and not suffering from any nervous, mental or physical defect which would make them unfit for earning their own living when they become of age to do so." | |
10 | 此外,我想许多人只将教英语看作一种单调、机械的挣钱手段,既不太费力也不必负太多责任。 | After that I suspect that a great many are unable to see teaching English as a foreign language as anything more than a way of earning a monotonous living by going through some motions with a minimum of effort and responsibility | |
11 | 从1928年至1953年,她出演了大约90部故事片,1948年还因在影片《农家女》中的出色表演获得奥斯卡金像奖,此后她转向电视,凭其在美国全国广播公司播出的《洛丽塔·扬节目》中的表演三次 | Between 1928 and 1953 she appeared in some 90 feature films, winning an Oscar for The Farmer’s Daughter in 1948, and then switched to TV, earning three emmys for NBC’s The Loretta Young Show | |
12 | 从表可知B投资中心已经获得了20%的投资报酬率。 | Note from the tabulation above that center B is already earning a return of 20 percent on its assets. | |
13 | 但在其他方面,政府事务的核算要求则多少有些不同,因为在公众事务中不存在营利的目标。 | In other respects, however, accounting for governmental affairs requires a somewhat different approach because the objective of earning a profit is absent from public affairs. | |
14 | 当他们长到远不到青少年的时候,就在赚钱维持生活了 | Long Before they reached their teens they were earning their keep | |
15 | 第八笔经济业务的效果是,留存收益减少了10美元,并由于支付股利而相应导致了等额的现金流出。 | The effect of the eighth transaction is a $10 decrease of retained earning related to payment of dividends, resulting in an equal cash outflows. | |
16 | 而且价格一定要合理,有盈余要回馈社会,以求公道。 | The prices are always set with reasonable level. If there is earning , Uni-President always attempts to give back to the society. | |
17 | 费用是指由于为了获得收入而流出企业的经济资源或企业从事经营活动的成本。 | Expenses are the outflow of a business’ s economic resources resulting from earning revenue or the cost of the operational activities for the business. | |
18 | 福布斯根据名人的赚钱能力和公开曝光的情况来综合评定排名,公开曝光包括报刊杂志文章、在电视和广播中出现,还有网络点击量。 | Forbes ranks people by combining earning power and public exposure-including magazine and newspaper articles, TV and radio appearances and web hits | |
19 | 高股东报酬率(并且甚少举债) | (3)businesses earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debt | |
20 | 个人和公司都有强有力的经济手段来确切估计现在和将来土地的盈利能力。 | Individuals and corporations have strong economic incentives to accurately estimate the present and future earning capacity of the land | |
21 | 孩子们为人冲洗汽车挣钱。 | The children are earning money washing people’s cars down. | |
22 | 好啊,行啊,你要自己挣钱了。 | Great, all right, to be earning your own dough. | |
23 | 和梁绍基对艺术的执着不同,大多数的台州人都在忙着挣钱 | Unlike Liang’s craziness for art, most Taizhou people are crazy for earning money. | |
24 | 画史上记载,他曾经用头发濡墨书写大字,当时人们叫他"张颠"。 | Records show he soaked his own hair with ink and used it to create a calligraphy work, thus earning himself the nickname "Crazy" Zhang. | |
25 | 还有这样的故事,说一个职业运动员在24岁时就挣了几百万美元,但到了34岁却露宿桥下。 | Or stories of professional athletes, who, at the age of 24, are earning millions of dollars a year, and are sleeping under a bridge by age 34. | |
26 | 或是像你爸那样,挣很多钱却眼看着债台高筑,希望靠更多的钱来解决问题。如果你想这样,我可以每小时付你10美分。 | Or like your dad, earning lots of money only to be in debt up to his eyeballs, hoping more money will solve the problem. If that’s what you want, I’ll go back to our original deal of 10 cents an hour. | |
27 | 假定某一个公司1998年度的每股收益是2美元,6月1日的市场价值是20美元,则可将价格与收益比计算如下… | Assuming a corporation’s EPS was $2 during 1998, and the market price was $20 on June 1, the price;earning can be computed as follows… | |
28 | 她工资不菲。 | She is earning a good wage. | |
29 | 她做这份新工作可捞着钱了 | She’s raking in the shekels (ie earning a lot of money)in her new job | |
30 | 今天,我看到以前的学校教师现在每年能挣到数十万美元,他们能挣这么多是因为他们不仅在本专业拥有特长,而且也拥有其他方面的技能。 | Today, I meet ex-schoolteachers earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. They earn that much because they have specialized skills in their field as well as other skills. |