属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 华为5G海外破局 中美达成阶段协议 WeWo
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-沙特跟老美 别扭扭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普提名下任世行行长 欧盟否决西门子阿尔斯
1 | 包叙定部长和马萨省长在仪式上发表了热情洋溢的讲话,双方都希望以此为开端扩大两国之间的贸易,并促进两国其它领域关系的发展。 | Minister Xuding Bao and Governor Masa delivered ebullient speeches in the ceremony, both hoped to use this as a start to expand trade between the two countries and to promote development in other areas of the two countries | |
2 | 她把这一切全归咎于他情感的丰富,不能自持。 | She imputed the whole to the extravagance or rather ebullient of his passion | |
3 | 她一回到自己的寓所,就写了那封热情洋溢的信。 | She wrote the ebullient letter when she got back to her flat | |
4 | 她一回到自己的寓所,就写了那封热情洋溢的信。 | She wrote the ebullient letter when she got back to her flat. | |
5 | 卡曼,(威廉)布利斯1861-1929加拿大诗人,以洋溢奔放的歌颂大自然的诗著称。作品有诗集大普瑞湖的低潮 | Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems,including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pr?1893. | |
6 | 卡曼:加拿大诗人,以洋溢奔放的歌颂大自然的诗著称。作品有诗集《大普瑞湖的低潮》(1893年)。 | carman:Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems, including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pré (1893). | |
7 | 骆驼,长颈鹿,还有张牙舞爪的狮子,全都在喷水。 | Camels and camelopards and an ebullient lion, all are vomiting water | |
8 | 他惶恐不安,嫉妒万分,然而,他却摆出热情友善的姿态来掩饰不安的嫉忌心理。 | He was extremely nervous and extremely jealous and he covered his nervous jealousy with an ebullient friendliness | |
9 | 他热情洋溢。 | He is ebullient with enthusiasm. | |
10 | 他因小说获好评而兴高采烈。 | He was ebullient over the reception of his novel. | |
11 | 台湾省民会会长陈敏雄、横滨华侨总会会长吕行雄也发表了热情洋溢的讲话。 | Minxiong Chen, chairman of the People’s Association of Taiwan Province and Hangxiong Lu, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Association in Yokohama also delivered ebullient speeches | |
12 | 提高φ3500沸腾干铵炉单炉生产能力 | Improving Capacity of φ3500 Ebullient Ammonium Drying Furnace | |
13 | 在2004雅典奥运会商业俱乐部的一次会议上,希腊财政副部长彼得罗斯·多卡斯仍情绪高涨,雄心勃勃。这个俱乐部是为了开发奥运商机而成立的。 | At a meeting of the Athens 2004 Business Club-set up to exploit the commercial opportunities of the Games-Deputy Finance Minister Petros Doukas was in ebullient mood. | |
14 | 在奥斯卡的颁奖典礼上,贝尼尼的兴奋溢于言表:“我无法表达我所有的感激之情,因为我激动得在发抖……这是个伟大的时刻,我太高兴了。” | At the Oscar awards ceremony, an ebullient Benigni bubbled, "I’m not able to express all my gratitude because now my body is in tumult... it is a colossal moment, I’m overjoyed." | |
15 | ||1:机器世界杯最吸引Veloso博士的的地方在于,比赛期间,对运动的执行不是事先设定在控制机器人的算法中。||2:她乐于见到三角传球过人,就像参照梅西和他的阿根廷队友。||3:这种意外的踢法是紧急处理中的例子,标志着人工智能的最高水平。她认为,每年机器世界杯各项比赛的队伍会产生越来越多的闪光点。 | ||1:What fascinates Dr Veloso most about RoboCup is the execution, during the game, of moves that had not been deliberately inserted into the algorithms controlling the robots.||2:She is ebullient about an unexpected three-way pass and chip, worthy of a minor Messi and his Argentine teammates.||3:Such unanticipated plays are examples of emergent behaviour, a hallmark of artificial intelligence at its highest level, and something she reckons RoboCup teams in all leagues will produce a lot more of with each passing year. | |
16 | ||1:美国财政部长姆努钦警告称,如果中国不遵守于10月11日达成的协议,将于12月对中国商品征收新一轮关税。||2:根据该协议,中国将购买更多美国农产品,加强对知识产权的保护,并提供更多进入其金融服务市场的机会,这些让步足以阻止美国对价值2500亿美元的出口产品加征关税。||3:中方对结束贸易战的突破前景持谨慎态度。||4:而特朗普似乎更加情绪高涨,宣称该协议是一场“爱的盛宴”。 | ||1:Steven Mnuchin, America’s treasury secretary, warned China that a new round of tariffs would be imposed on Chinese goods in December if it did not adhere to the accord struck between the two countries on October 11th.||2:Under the deal China will buy more American agricultural produce, toughen protections for intellectual property and provide more access to its financial-services market, enough concessions to stop America raising tariffs on $250bn-worth of exports.||3:China was cautious about the prospect for a breakthrough that will end the trade war.||4:Donald Trump was more ebullient , declaring that the deal amounted to a “love fest”. | |
17 | ||1:亲密的美沙联盟关系还得追溯到二战结束,罗斯福带病与现代沙特的建国者阿齐兹在苏伊士运河的巡航舰Quincy号上会见。||2:自那之后的几十年,等价交换显而易见:美国保证沙特国防安全,沙特给美供油。||3:那些因彼此都不满于社会主义(如今则是对伊朗什叶派政权和基地恐怖分子更为强烈的仇恨)而紧密联系在一起的共同利益掩盖了彼此之间的不可避免差异:一个是封闭的专制国家,由胆小而具有清教特色的瓦哈比教派牧师所支持,一个是热情奔放,令人改变信仰的民主国家。 | ||1:Their close alliance dates to the end of the second world war, when an ailing Franklin Roosevelt met Saudi Arabia’s founding king, Abdul Aziz, aboard the cruiser Quincy in the Suez Canal.||2:Then, and for decades after, the equation was simple: America would provide security, the Saudis oil.||3:Those shared interests, cemented by a mutual loathing of communism (and a more recently shared hatred of Iran’s Shia theocracy and of al-Qaeda terrorists), papered over inevitable differences between a hermetic autocracy, backed by fearsomely puritanical Wahhabist clerics, and an ebullient , proselytising democracy. | |
18 | ||1:瑞安航空自2014年以来首次出现季度亏损。||2:这家欧洲最大的低成本航空公司表示,尽管乘客的数量有所增长,但由于欧洲的短途航线运力过剩,该公司能够收取的平均票价已降至不足30欧元(合34美元)。||3:考虑到股东的不满,这家航空公司将换掉其任职20多年的董事长。||4:该公司还在着手建立一个由干劲十足的瑞安航空首席执行官迈克尔·奥利里监督的集团结构。 | ||1:Ryanair reported its first quarterly loss since 2014.||2:Europe’s biggest low-cost airline said that although passenger numbers had grown, the average fare it was able to charge had fallen to less than 30 euros ($34) because of excess short-haul capacity in Europe.||3:In a nod to shareholder discontent, the airline is replacing its chairman, who has been in the job for over 20 years.||4:It is also moving to set up a group structure which will be overseen by Michael O’Leary, Ryanair’s ebullient chief executive. | |
19 | ||1:这位白手起家的商人幼时失荫,一字不识,却对电影满腔热情。对此,他解释道:“俺——我不识字。||2:那些字儿跟石头墙似的把我挡在上帝的世界外头。||3:对那里头我啥也不晓得……后来看到你的电影,天堂的大门就开了。||4:我看到好多的光,好大的日头,好宽的天空!爱啊,幸福啊,伤心啊,眼泪啊,全都能看清。”||5: 莫特尔从聪慧迷人的女助手安娜(Anna)(Lauren O’Neil饰)身上得到灵感,开始拍摄电影。雅各布与他合作,成为世上第一位制片人。 | ||1: Orphaned and illiterate, the ebullient self-made businessman explains why: “Me, I don’t know words. ||2: Words for me are like stone wall around God’s world. ||3: So I am stranger to God’s world…Then I see your motion picture, and the door to paradise open for me. ||4: I see big light, big sun, big sky! Because no words! No words but all of feelings! Love, happiness, sadness, tears. I see them clear.” ||5: Inspired by Anna, Motl’s clever and captivating assistant (Lauren O’Neil), the young director begins making films with Jacob as the world’s first movie producer. | |
20 | 《荷兰》有一点像狡猾,乐观的恰克·拉基松,它里面也包含了不止十本杰出小说。 | "Netherland" is a bit like the wily and ebullient Chuck Ramkissoon. It has more life inside it than 10 very good novels. | |
21 | 创设民主平等氛围,培养良好学习情绪和态度。 | Creating ebullient surrounding will incubate correct study emotion and attitude of the students; | |
22 | 从本质来看,喜欢冒险的投资者们热情、好奇甚至乐观,愿意尝试新的东西。 | Adventurous investors are by their very nature ebullient , curious, even optimistic types willing to take a punt on something new. | |
23 | 更广义地看,人气高涨的股市和不断攀升的房价似乎表明,刺激资金正流入投机性投资。 | More broadly, an ebullient stock market and buoyant property prices suggest stimulus money is leaking into speculative investments. | |
24 | 或许这解释了为什么一向热情洋溢的鲍尔默在上周概述与雅虎的交易时表现非常低调的原因。 | That probably explains why the ebullient Mr Ballmer was conspicuously understated this week as he outlined his deal with Yahoo. | |
25 | 她看起来疲惫不堪,没有上次我在监狱里见到的那样精力充沛了。 | She looked tired and much less ebullient than when I saw her in jail. | |
26 | 他的第三站位于匹兹堡郊外,他看起来活力四射,甚至有点醉意。 | By the third stop outside Pittsburgh, he appeared positively ebullient -- or perhaps a bit punch drunk. | |
27 | 他们都是被像JackySun这样的中国男性消费了,他是上海人,刚买了一款碧欧泉洁肤品。 | They’re consumed by Chinese men like Jacky Sun, an ebullient young Shanghai native who had just purchased a Biotherm skin cleanser. | |
28 | 匈牙利电影界的上层,充满了昂扬和热情洋溢的气氛。 | At the top of the country’s film industry, the mood is both bullish and ebullient . | |
29 | 一群热情洋溢的中国问题观察家表示,用不着担心。 | Don’t fear, say the ebullient crowd of China-watchers. | |
30 | 在达沃斯论坛上,温家宝在谈到“这是隧道末端的光明”时,向伦敦发出了热情洋溢的信息。 | From Davos, Mr Wen took his ebullient message to London where he spoke of "light at the end of the tunnel" . |