属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-菲律宾渔民使用玻璃纤维再造新船
1 | 在贫困地区的开发中,中国政府重视生态环境的保护,鼓励农民发展生态农业、环保农业。 | While developing the poor areas, the Chinese Government pays close attention to the protection of the ecological environment, and encourages peasants to develop ecologically -and environmentally-friendly agriculture | |
2 | 这里我们提出一个分析事件长期效果的结构性的问题:从生态学的角度来看,这样深度依赖煤炭是否合理。 | A structural question analyzing the long-term effects of the problem asks whether it is ecologically reasonable to rely so heavily on coal. | |
3 | 这些系统对于潮湿热带地区表现良好的生态适应。 | These systems appear ecologically well adapted to the humid tropics | |
4 | 正因为如此,纺织品和成衣制造商若是标明其产品是符合生态条件时,如冠之以环保标签,那么授权他们使用标签的证书必须是根据人类健康和生态的准则发出, | For this reason, when textile and garment industry label their products as ecologically developed, e.g. with an Oeko-Label, the certification must be based on Human Ecology. | |
5 | 治山防灾构造物应用自然生态工法之认知分析 | Understanding of Ecologically Concerned Soil and Water Constructions | |
6 | ||1:从生物学上讲,这是荒唐的。||2:当然除非生态系统的顶级掠食者——即是能捕杀成年的鸟脚亚目食草恐龙的——并不完全是恐龙。||3:而且,当洛克里与卢卡斯博士对这些线索进行重新检查时,他们发现那正是曾经所发生的。||4:在出土的恐龙公路上,超过1/4的地区已发现鳄鱼的踪迹。||5:而且它们很大:有时超过4米长,大到足以捕杀一头成年鸟脚亚目食草恐龙。 | ||1: That is ecologically absurd. ||2: Unless, of course, the top predator of the system—the one that could hunt down adult ornithopods—was not a dinosaur at all. ||3: And, when Dr Lockley and Dr Lucas re-examined the tracks they found that that was exactly what was going on. ||4: Instead of theropod footmarks, they found those of crocodilians.More than a quarter of the places where the dinosaur freeway surfaces have yielded signs of crocs. ||5: And they were big: sometimes more than four metres long. That is certainly large enough to take on an adult ornithopod. | |
7 | ||1:沙丘美术馆的核心目的是与自然景观和当地社区互文。||2:其目标是实现生态和经济的可持续性,帮助保护环境而不是破坏环境。||3:“我们的工作不仅是设计物理结构,而是设想一种全新的制度。”OPEN建筑事务所的李虎(沙丘项目的监督者之一)如是说。 | ||1:Interdependence with the landscape and the local community is at the heart of the Dune’s purpose.||2:It aims to be sustainable ecologically as well as financially, and to help protect the environment rather than destroying it.||3:“Our work was not just to design a physical structure,” says Li Hu of OPEN Architecture, one of the overseers of the project, but to “dream up an entirely new type of institution.” | |
8 | ||1:社会民主党(SPD)无时无刻不担心绿党由于错误原因而过分乐观:他们可以作为默克尔的备用的联盟伙伴。||2:自从夺得了斯图加特市长的职位后,绿党一直运行顺畅。斯图加特是德国南部富有的巴登-符腾堡州的首都,这也是绿党总理控制的第一个也是到目前为止唯一一个州。||3:他们的成功在于很好地控制了该党南部的分支现实主义党人:他们都是实用主义者,能够吸引生态意识强烈但是保守的城市选民。||4:进一步说,这些“资产阶级”绿党人士将会和柏林的基督教民主联盟(CDU)和基督教社会联盟(CSU)很好地相处。 | ||1:The SPD is terrified whenever the Greens generate optimism for the wrong reason: their suitability as an alternative coalition partner for Mrs Merkel.||2:The Greens have been on a roll since capturing the mayorship of Stuttgart, capital of the rich south-western state of Baden-Wurttemberg, which is also the first and so far only state to be governed by a Green premier.||3:Their success is credited to the dominance within the party’s southern branch of the “realo” wing: pragmatists who can appeal to ecologically minded but conservative urban voters.||4:Such “bourgeois” Greens could get along fine with the CDU and CSU in Berlin, goes the thinking. | |
9 | 理由是北极的生态尤其脆弱,这儿远离清理团队,钻取石油的冰面常年是草木不生。 | on the ground that the Arctic is particularly ecologically fragile, far from clean-up crews and blanketed for much of the year in oil-trapping ice. | |
10 | 文森特说,“我们认为无论是从必要性还是可行性来说,使用玻璃纤维而不是木材和胶合板来造船简直就是以后的发展方向。并且玻璃纤维本质上对生态也是无害的。” | "We feel that this is simply the next step forward, both out of necessity and out of practicality to use fiberglass rather than wood and plywood, and also something that is essentially ecologically sound." | |
11 | “能量浮标”将替代不环保的柴油发电机。 | The PowerBuoys will replace ecologically unfriendly diesel generators. | |
12 | “农家乐”休闲热的社会学分析--对团结乡生态休闲旅游业的调查 | The Sociological Analysis of Leisure Hot Spot of "Nong Jia Le" --An investigation about ecologically tourist trade of Tuan Jie town | |
13 | 阿瑞吉承认,中国距离“生态可持续发展道路”还很远。 | As Arrighi admits, China is far from "an ecologically sustainable development path" . | |
14 | 不同地质基础的生态净化沼气池施工方法探讨 | Discussion on job practice for construction of ecologically purified marsh gas tanks on different geological foundation | |
15 | 城市生态系统与中小城市生态环境规划探讨 | Study on Urban Ecosystem and Ecologically Environmental Planning in Medium and Small-Sized Cities | |
16 | 城市吸引人们远离糊口的农业耕作,这对社会生态造成毁灭性破坏,同时也减少人口爆炸的危险性。 | Cities draw people away from subsistence farming, which is ecologically devastating, and they defuse the population bomb. | |
17 | 传统民居与可持续性的生态建筑战略 | The Traditional Residential Architectures and the Strategy of Ecologically Sustained Residential Architectures | |
18 | 从生态和经济的角度综合考虑,钻字状铺设显然是该区域流沙防治措施中较好的选择。 | In conclusion, combat chessboard type is the best measure for sand control ecologically and economically in this region. | |
19 | 从生态学看企业文化的生存与发展 | Ecologically speaking: the existence and development of corporate culture | |
20 | 从世界现行经济模式到生态经济模式的革命性探索 | The revolutionary exploration from the currently economic model all over the world to the ecologically economic model | |
21 | 但我也相信,照顾生态保护的可持续发展,未必会影响我们经济增长的目标。 | But I also believe that ecologically sustainable development need not be in contradiction to achieving our growth objectives. | |
22 | 厄瓜多尔、越南和其他一些国家都采取了相应措施创建生态敏感海虾养殖场。 | Advances have been made towards creating ecologically sensitive shrimp farms in Ecuador, Vietnam, and other countries. | |
23 | 关于四川生态脆弱地区脱贫的思考 | Thoughts on Banishing Poverty Ecologically in Sichuan Frail Areas of | |
24 | 管理学视野中的生态和谐人假设及其实现 | Ecologically Harmonious Human Being Hypothesis and its Realization in Management Science | |
25 | 海南省耕地资源生态利用与粮食安全对策研究 | Countermeasure research on using ecologically the plough resources and security of food in HaiNan province | |
26 | 河蟹生态养殖新技术研究 | Study on Ecologically Raising Technique of Crab | |
27 | 淮河流域生态脆弱区水土保持管理机制的探索与实践 | Research and Practice of Management Mechanism of Water and Soil Conservation in Ecologically Vulnerable District of the Huaihe Basin | |
28 | 基于生态保护的河流与近海水域的管理 | Management of rivers and coastal waters under the aspect of ecologically oriented engineering | |
29 | 加快城市森林建设走生态化城市发展道路 | Urban Forest Development and Ecologically Sound Urban Development | |
30 | 建设生态和谐城市的几点思考 | Thoughts on Constructing an Ecologically Harmonious City |