1 | ( 三)与其他药品、医疗器械的功效和安全性比较的; | 3. Comparisons with other medicines or medical apparatuses in efficacy or safety; | |
2 | (二)产品的主要零部件、元器件失效,不能按期修复的,应负责更换合格品; | (2)in case that the main part or competent of the product has lost the efficacy and cannot be repaired within the set period, the manufacturer shall be responsible for replacing with qualified products; | |
3 | (二)超过有效期的; | (2)Its period of efficacy has expired; | |
4 | (一)产品的一般零部件、元器件失效,更换后即能恢复使用要求的,应负责按期修复; | (1)the common part or component loses efficacy and therefore, after being replaced, the performance can immediately be restored; in this case, the manufacturer shall be responsible for replacing with qualified parts or components and for restoring the normal performance; | |
5 | “我对于我的方法很有信心,求你允许我来试一试。” | I have confidence in the remedy I propose, and only ask you to permit me to assure you of its efficacy . | |
6 | GB13917.1-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法喷射剂的室内药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for spray | |
7 | GB13917.2-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法气雾剂的室内药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for aerosol | |
8 | GB13917.3-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法小型烟雾剂及烟雾片的室内药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for smoke and smoke tablet | |
9 | GB13917.4-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法蚊香的室内药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for mat | |
10 | GB13917.5-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法电热片蚊香的室内药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for electric mat | |
11 | GB13917.6-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法电热液体蚊香的室内药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for electric liquid | |
12 | GB13917.7-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法蜚蠊毒饵的室内药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for cockroach bait | |
13 | GB13917.8-1992农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法模拟现场药效测定方法 | Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of analogous site efficacy test | |
14 | 阿司匹林有解除头痛的效能。 | Aspirin has efficacy in relieving headaches. | |
15 | 本文所提及的研究,是在对物理学习过程中的自我效能理论进行初步研究的基础上,从科学实证的角度初步探讨物理学习过程中自我效能与学习效果之间的关系 | In this article, the relationship between self-efficiency and studying result in the Physics learning are initially discussed on the basis of former study into the self-efficacy theory during physics learning, from the view of scientific proof. | |
16 | 笔者认为,可采用自我报告法通过问卷方式了解学生在物理学习活动中的行为表现和心理活动,推知学生自我效能水平的高低。 | The author claims that the level of self-efficacy can be assumed by understanding the behavior and mental activities of students in the course of their learning by means of their self-statement on a questionnaire. | |
17 | 不利的相互作用是指两药合并应用后会降低疗效,增强毒性,或二者兼有。 | Interactions that are classified as adverse either compromise therapeutic efficacy , enhance toxicity, or both | |
18 | 测试新药的效能. | Test the efficacy of a new drug | |
19 | 厂址、产品技术标准编号等文字说明,限时使用的产品应注明失效时间。 | address of the manufacturer, and the serial number of the technical specifications of the said product; explicitly specifying the date of expiry in case of a product with time limit of efficacy . | |
20 | 传统名品乌龙茶,独步古今,减肥美容有奇效。 | Traditional famous oolong tea has no equal in both ancient and modern times. and it has special efficacy for weight-reducing and beautifying. | |
21 | 但是,如果政策失效冲击了该地区的中央银行,它们在出口经济仍然强劲的情况下实施了反冲销,那么亚洲房产和股票市场就会发生喜人的初期泡沫。 | If, however, a burst of policy efficacy strikes the region’s central bankers, and they de-sterilize, while their export economies remain strong, a pleasant series of incipient bubbles in Asian property and stock markets could ensue. | |
22 | 当事人应当自扣押之日起十五日内缴纳税款。对扣押的鲜活、易腐烂变质或者易失效的商品、货物, | the party concerned shall pay its taxes within 15 days of the date of confiscation. In the case of confiscated commodities or goods and materials which are fresh, live, perishable or easily lose their efficacy , | |
23 | 第二十六条禁止进口疗效不确、不良反应大或者其他原因危害人民健康的药品。 | [Article 26] It is forbidden to import a drug if its efficacy is not reliable, if its side-effects are great, or it is for any other reason harmful to people’s health. | |
24 | 第二十五条 航标周围不得建造或设置影响其工作效能的障碍物。航标和航道附近有碍航行安全的灯光,应当妥善遮蔽。 | Article 25. No obstacle affecting the efficacy of navigation aids may be erected or installed in areas surrounding the aids. Any lights in the vicinity of the navigation aids or navigational lanes that jeopardize navigation safety shall be properly screened. | |
25 | 第二十五条国务院卫生行政部门对已经批准生产的药品,应当组织调查;对疗效不确、不良反应大或者其他原因危害人民健康的药品,应当撤销其批准文号。 | [Article 25] The department of the State Council responsible for administering health shall organise investigation into drugs already approved for production; where the efficacy of a drug is not reliable, the side-effects to a drug are great, or a drug is for any other reason harmful to people’s health, the approval number shall be revoked. | |
26 | 第三十六条药品包装必须适合药品质量的要求,方便储存、运输和医疗使用。规定有效期的药品,必须在包装上注明有效期。 | [Article 36] The packaging of drugs must be appropriate to the requirements of the quality of the drug and must facilitate their storage, transportation and use. Where a period of efficacy for a drug has been fixed, the period of efficacy must be clearly indicated on the package. | |
27 | 第四十八条药品生产企业、药品经营企业和医疗单位,应当经常考察本单位所生产、经营、使用的药品的质量、疗效和不良反应。 | [Article 48] Drug-producing enterprises, drug-handling enterprises and medical treatment units shall regularly inspect and study the quality, efficacy and side-effects of drugs produced, handled or used by them. | |
28 | 第一条为加强药品监督管理,保证药品质量,增进药品疗效,保障人民用药安全,维护人民身体健康,特制定本法。 | [Article 1] This law has been drawn up in order to strengthen drug control and administration, ensure the quality of drugs, enhance the efficacy of drugs, guarantee safe drug use and safeguard the physical health of the people. | |
29 | 对非暴力主义的实效的怀疑,他是深有体会和感触的。 | He is too well aware of the doubts about the efficacy of nonviolence | |
30 | 对扣押的鲜活、易腐烂变质或者易失效的商品、货物, | If the commodities or goods sequestered are fresh, live, perishable or prone to losing their efficacy , |