属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧盟委员会 拉加德或将成为欧盟委员会掌门人
1 | [天主教]红衣主教团选举教皇并为其咨询. | The College of Cardinals elects and advises the Pope. | |
2 | “选修科目”指的是并非规定必修,而是学生选修以填满其学习计划的课程。 | The term "elective" is used to signify a course that is not required but that the student chooses ("elects ")to take to fill out the study program | |
3 | 3、党的最高领导机关,是党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会。 | (3)The Party’s supreme leading organ is the National Party Congress and the Central Committee it elects . | |
4 | B:其任期同其产生的全国人大任期相同,其连任不得超过两届。 | B: The term of office for the President is the same as that of the NPC which elects him(or her), and he (or she)will serve no more than two consecutive terms. | |
5 | 党的中央纪律检查委员会全体会议,选举常务委员会和书记、副书记,并报党的中央委员会批准。 | The plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection elects its standing committee, secretary and deputy secretaries and reports this to the Party Central Committee for approval. | |
6 | 党的中央领导机关是党的全国代表大会和它所产生的中央委员会,中央委员会向党的全国代表大会负责并报告工作。 | The central leading organ of the Party is the National Party Congress and the Central Committee it elects . The Central Committee is accountable to and reports its work to the National Congress. | |
7 | 公司违反前款规定选举、委派董事、监事或者聘任经理的,该选举、委派或者聘任无效。 | Where a company elects , nominates or appoints any director or supervisor or employs a manager contrary to the provisions of the preceding clause, such election, appointment or employment is ineffective. | |
8 | 呼吁扩大选特首的选举委员会 | calls for an enlargement of the Election Committee which elects the chief executive | |
9 | 会议主要选举主席、副主席、干事和其他四名委员会成员。 | The meeting elects the Chairman. Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and four other committee members. | |
10 | 监事会应在其组成人员中推选一名召集人。 | The supervisory committee elects a convenor from among its members. | |
11 | 立法议员通常必须在选举前居住于选他做议员的选区至少一年。 | A legislator generally must have resided in the district which elects him for at least a year before election | |
12 | 每个选区选举一名下议院成员。 | Each constituency elects one member of the House of Commons | |
13 | 每一选票所选的人数,多于规定应选代表人数的作废;等于或少于规定应选代表人数的有效。 | When a ballot cast exceeds the number of deputies to be elected, the ballot is invalid. It is valid only when the number of deputies it elects equals or is less than the number of deputies to be elected. | |
14 | 美国总统由总统选举团选举产生. | In the USA the Electoral College elects the president. | |
15 | 全国人民代表大会选举并有权罢免全国人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员。 | The NPC elects and has the power to recall members of the Standing Committee. | |
16 | 如果驾驶人选择关闭加速防滑控制系统功能,就只能通过选择制动功能来改善汽车的牵引力,有效范围最高不超过80公里/小时(约50英里/小时)。 | If the driver elects to turn off the ASR drive, the vehicle′s traction is improved by selective braking only, effective up to a maximum of 80 km/h (50 mph). | |
17 | 如果银行无论出于何种理由选择不办理它所收到的托收或任何相关的托收指示,应毫不延误地采用电讯,或者如果电讯不可能时,采用其它快捷的工具,通知向其发出托收或指示的当事人。 | If a bank elects , for any reason, not to handle a collection or any related instructions received by it, it must advise the party from whom it received the collection or the instructions by telecommunication or, if that is not possible, by other expeditious means, without delay. | |
18 | 如通知行不能确定信用证的表面真实性,就必须不延误地告知发出该指示的银行,说明本行不能确定该信用证的真实性。如通知行仍决定通知,则必须告知受益人本行不能核对信用证的真实性。 | If the Advising Bank cannot establish such apparent authenticity, it must inform without delay the bank from which the instructions appear to have been received that it has been unable to establish the authenticity of the Credit and if it elects nonetheless to advise the Credit it must inform the beneficiary that it has not been able to establish the authenticity of the Credit. | |
19 | 如通知行决定不通知,就必须不延误地告知开证行。 | If the bank elects not to advise the Credit, it must so inform the Issuing bank without delay. | |
20 | 如通知行决定通知,就应合理审慎地核验所通知的信用证的表面真实性。 | But that bank, if it elects to advise the Credit, shall take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the Credit, which it advises. | |
21 | 他还不够选举的年龄。 | The age that he still elects inadequately | |
22 | 夏莲特国王因陀罗的目的是成为菩萨(类似于佛陀,选择留在人间),“第一层”为他而保留。 | The aim of the Sailendra King Indra was to become a bodhisattva(a near-Buddha who elects to remain on Earth), and the "first stage" was reserved for him | |
23 | 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会选举并有权罢免本级人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员。 | A local people’s congress at or above the county level elects and has the power to recall members of its standing committee. | |
24 | ||1:美国去年掀起了一波社会保守主义热潮。||2:据说这些社会议题,会激发美国人在投票时,割舍自己的经济利益:一名厂工投票支持了一位反对堕胎的共和党人;作为回报,他得到的是反工会法律。||3:去年这个老生常谈的话题的局面得到了扭转。||4:2010年,美国人支持经济紧缩政策;2011年他们得到限制堕胎法。||5:对于反对堕胎的人来说,这是几十年来最高兴的一年。||6:对于巴拉克.奥巴马而言,让他头疼的堕胎议题,看上去又要“强势回归”了。 | ||1:Last year saw a surge in social conservatism.||2:It has been said that social issues inspire Americans to vote against their economic interests: a factory worker elects an anti-abortion Republican; in return he gets anti-union laws.||3:Last year the adage was reversed.||4:In 2010 Americans voted for economic austerity; in 2011 they got abortion restrictions.||5:For those who oppose abortion, it was the most promising year in decades.||6:For Barack Obama, it was a headache that looks set to grow worse. | |
25 | 每个美国大型零售商都会选择一家积极处理与之相关业务的领军企业。 | Each large American retailer elects a product-category captain who is closely involved in how its sales are managed. | |
26 | 前款所称累积投票制是指股东大会选举董事或者监事时,每一股份拥有与应选董事或者监事人数相同的表决权,股东拥有的表决权可以集中使用。董事会应当向股东披露候选董事、监事的简历和基本情况。公司以累积投票制选举董事、监事时,具体参照公司《累积投票制实施细则》执行。 | ||The cumulative voting system mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the voting rights of each share equal to the number of directors or supervisors to be elected when the Shareholders’ General Meeting elects directors or supervisors, and the voting rights owned by shareholders can be used collectively.|| The board of directors shall disclose the resumes and basic information of candidate directors and supervisors to shareholders. When the Company elects directors and supervisors through the cumulative voting system, refer to the Company’s "Implementation Rules for the Cumulative Voting System" for specific implementation details | |
27 | 条约规定,负责欧盟选举的欧洲理事会,必须提名欧洲议会会“选举”为主席的人为候选人。 | This says that the European Council, mindful of European elections, must nominate a candidate whom the European Parliament then “elects ” as president. | |
28 | Makefile(或者Ant脚本、或者该公司所选择使用的其它格式)都是处理过程的核心。 | Makefiles (or Ant scripts, or whatever format the Company elects to use) are the core of the build process. | |
29 | 波兰同时选举其国会的下议院和上议院。 | Poland elects both its lower and upper houses of parliament. | |
30 | 当推举可某人使得社区更好时候,我认为营销是有魔力的。 | Marketing is magic when it elects someone who changes the community for the better. |