属类:文学表达-外国名著-WHAT IS A GREAT BOOK?
属类:文学表达-外国名著-WHAT IS A GREAT BOOK?
1 | 回转频率也可以通过浅显的论证导出来。 | The cyclotron frequency can also be derived by an elementary argument | |
2 | 基本粒子所在亚微观领域,可能是物理学最主要的前沿。 | The submicroscopic domain, inhabited by elementary particles, is probably the most fundamental frontier of physics | |
3 | 基本粒子运动 | Movement of elementary particle | |
4 | 记者从沙区政府了解到,入驻“大学城”的大专院校,其选择标准在初期可暂时放宽,但中学、小学的入驻标准,则十分严格,必须是市级名校。 | According to sources with the District Government, ordinary colleges and universities of the city may be selected to enter in the Town at initial stages. As for elementary and secondary schools, the entry will be granted only to city-level famous ones. | |
5 | 胶子假设的无质量的中性基本粒子之一,被认为能传递一种把夸克结合在一起的强大的相互作用力量 | A hypothetical massless,neutral elementary particle believed to mediate the strong interaction that binds quarks together. | |
6 | 介子轻子族中的一种基本微粒(非介子),其质量为电子的209倍,是一种负电荷,平均寿命为2。2?0-6秒 | An elementary particle in the lepton family(not a meson,having a mass209times that of the electron,a negative electric charge,and a mean lifetime of2.2?0-6second. | |
7 | 今天的违法事例尽管千差万别,但它们都反映了基本社会道德的败坏,--人们丧失了为了别人而约束自己行为的能力。 | For all their differences, today’s scofflaws are of a piece as a symptom of elementary social demoralization the loss by individuals of the capacity to govern their own behavior in the interest of others | |
8 | 进一步扩大商品卡特尔协议成功的可能性,完全可用微观经济的基本理论来检验。 | The potential success of the further extension of commodity cartel arrangements can be assayed using fairly elementary microeconomic principles | |
9 | 就高度灵敏的动物而言,初级训练并不难。 | In the case of a highly intelligent animal, elementary training is easy. | |
10 | 具备一般电脑操作知识, 略懂英语。 | General knowledge of computer operation, Elementary English | |
11 | 据国家统计局介绍,到2000年,这16项指标中,除农民人均纯收入、人均蛋白质摄入量、农村初级卫生保健基本合格县三项指标外,其他13项指标均完成或者超额完成。 | According to NBS, by 2000, except for the three indexes of per-capita net income of farmers, per-capita protein intake and rural elementary health care level, the other 13 indexes had all been fulfilled or overfulfilled | |
12 | 据讲德语的瑞士朋友说,在过去,德语区在小学教导母语,中学起才开始学法文或意文。 | According to a German-speaking friend, German is taught as a mother tongue in the elementary schools in the German-speaking areas and students used to start learning French or Italian only in secondary schools. | |
13 | 名著探讨的是一切问题的基本道理;从这一意义上说,它们可视为初级课本。 | But the great books can be considered elementary in the sense that they treat the elements of any subject matter. | |
14 | 其他任何单位或者个人不得从事中小学教科书的发行业务。 | For elementary and secondary schools, and no other entity or individual may engage in such distribution. | |
15 | 轻子一种参与微弱互反应的基本粒子家庭的粒子,包括电子、介子以及与他们相关的中子 | Any of a family of elementary particles that participate in the weak interaction,including the electron,the muon,and their associated neutrinos. | |
16 | 确信自然界的简朴性,这是西方科技观的依据,它已被某些领域(如热力学、基本粒子)的许多研究成果所动摇。 | The belief in simplicity of Nature which founded western scientific and technological optimism was shaken by numerous findings be it in fields such as thermodynamics or elementary particles | |
17 | 如果领导显然无力应付复杂的工作,或是连最基本的问题也需要经常听取汇报,那就会引起外交人员自作主张,大搞本位主义。 | Leadership clearly incapable of grasping the complexity of the office or in constant need of briefing on the most elementary issues elicits the most self-willed assertions of Foreign Service parochialism | |
18 | 三极检波管:由美国的德福雷斯特所发明(1907年获专利权)的一种基本的电子管。 | Audion: Elementary radio tube developed by Lee De Forest (patented 1907). | |
19 | 实际应力在中心处存在初等 | The actual stresses do not exhibit the discontinuity of slope at the centre indicated by the elementary theory | |
20 | 是不是送他们到私立小学比较好? | Will it is better to send them to a private elementary school? | |
21 | 是的。孩子们在幼儿园的最后一年要学习简单的算术,开始学写汉字。这将为他们进入小学学习打下基础。 | You are right. In the last year in kindergarten, the children have lessons in elementary arithmetic and writing Chinese characters. That would prepare them for primary schooling. | |
22 | 守恒定律都是基于最基本的和直觉的概念,所以都是自然定律的最深刻的陈述。 | Conservation laws, being based on the most elementary and intuitive ideas, are the most profound statements of natural law | |
23 | 首先,弱智学校的老师在给弱智儿童上课及照顾他们之前必须接受某些特殊的培训,老师们教的课主要有语言,启蒙算术和基本知识与技能。 | In the first place, the teachers have to have some special trainings before they can teach and take care of the children. They chiefly give classes in. language, elementary arithmetic and basic knowledge and skills. | |
24 | 四率要求(普及初等教育入学率、巩固率、毕业率和普及率) | four rates required in elementary education, i.e., rates of children entering school, staying on school, graduating from school, and making primary and middle schooling universal | |
25 | 他根据希腊材料用拉丁文选编算术、几何与天文的初等读物。 | Using Greek sources, he compiled in Latin selections from elementary treatises on arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy | |
26 | 他连最基本的事实都不知道。 | He is ignorant of even the most elementary facts. | |
27 | 他是一个自学成材的人。他连小学也未读完。 | He is a self-educated man. He didn’t finish even elementary school. | |
28 | 它们面向大众,而不是专家教授。阅读高级教科书,必须先读初级课本。 | They are written for men, not professors. To read a textbook for advanced students, you have to read an elementary textbook first. | |
29 | 听着她的解释,我买了几张彩票,支持彻罗基小学筹集资金,使得四年级学生可以参加太空营。 | Following her explanation, I bought raffle tickets in support of the Cherokee Elementary School’s efforts to raise money so that fourth graders might attend space camp. | |
30 | 未经法定方式确定而发行中小学教科书的,依照《出版管理条例》第五十九条的规定处罚。 | Whichever entity or individual distributes text books for elementary and secondary schools without being determined by statutory means shall be punished in accordance with Article 59 of the “Regulation on the Administration of Publication”. |