属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-优化浪漫 恋爱中的经济学(上)
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-无人机定点清除美国涉恐公民引发争议
1 | 例如,为突出人们的真正喜好而设计出来的系统曾在医院和医生之间产生了较好的配对。 | Systems designed to elicit people’s true preferences generated better matches between hospitals and doctors, for example. | |
2 | 他说,“我从不认为杀了恐怖分子要比拘捕他更好。我们希望尽可能多地拘捕恐怖分子,这样我们就能以适当方式从他们嘴里探出情报,破坏掉恐怖袭击。” | "I never believe it is better to kill a terrorist than to detain him. We want to detain as many terrorists as possible so we can elicit intelligence from them in an appropriate manner and disrupt terrorist attacks." | |
3 | 奥巴马同样清晰地认识到“公有”举措能够引发的反对。 | Mr Obama, too, is aware of the emotional opposition that government ownership can elicit . | |
4 | 把这番话说给加拿大人听,也许会引发对方提醒,加拿大作为出产钾肥、油砂和铀的国家,拥有关键影响力。 | Put to a Canadian, such talk may elicit reminders of that country’s pivotal influence as a potash, tar sands and uranium producer. | |
5 | 并且,这些问题往往能获得那些通常不太愿意发言的学生的回馈。 | Moreover, the questions often elicit responses from students that might otherwise be reluctant to speak up. | |
6 | 并且还可以从其它地方引入资金。 | And it could elicit funds from others. | |
7 | 刺探出原始的畏惧感,触发了一种互不相容、排他的焦虑感。 | elicit primal fears, activating anxiety-provoking feelings of incompatibility and exclusion. | |
8 | 但是,就如我提到的,指导员是培养引导游戏技巧的,而不是去指挥命令游戏行为或者做裁判的。 | But, as I mentioned, the coaches work to elicit play skills, not to dictate playground behavior or act as referees. | |
9 | 但是在地震之前,他的研究没有足够的引起安全防范措施。 | But his research didn’t translate well enough to elicit safety precautions before the quake. | |
10 | 当“鲸鱼”在病床边还能获得些同情的时候,人格障碍患者和反动派却只能招来愤怒,焦虑和恐惧。 | While a "whale" can still elicit sympathy at the bedside, the borderline or sociopath elicits anger, anxiety and fear. | |
11 | 第二个实验是为了观察对爱情和性更隐晦的暗示是否也会诱发类似的效果。 | The second study examined whether more subtle reminders of love and sex can also elicit similar effects. | |
12 | 反伊斯兰的热情或许在升温,但恐怖主义似乎已不再像以前那样能起到推波助澜的作用。 | Anti-Islam fervor may be rising, but terrorism just doesn’t seem to elicit the passions it once did. | |
13 | 刚开始的时候,他只是想和她说几句话,冲他笑一笑。 | At first, he wanted only a few words with Polina, just to see if he could elicit a smile. | |
14 | 给圣诞老人的信往往会令人捧腹大笑。 | Letters to Santa can often elicit out-loud laughter. | |
15 | 更要命的是阿拉伯世界的动乱,反而有可能引起华盛顿的“革命”,也即奥巴马因之在连任选举中失败。 | Worse, the upheaval in the Arab world may elicit a revolution in Washington, to wit Obama is defeated in the 2012 general election. | |
16 | 故事板可以帮助你引出,澄清,完成,以及确认请求。 | Storyboarding helps you elicit , clarify, complete, and validate requirements. | |
17 | 皇家全科医师学会会长史蒂夫·菲尔德说,“在社交场合下,我不会直接说,‘你病得很危险’,但是,我会设法了解情况,鼓励他们去看医生。” | In a social situation, I wouldn’t just say, ’You’re dangerously ill’ but I’d try to elicit information and encourage them to see a doctor. | |
18 | 鉴于资本流动的规模,如果中国实施的举措力度不大,其它国家(尤其是亚洲国家)也可能不会实施大的举措。 | Given the scale of capital flows, a small move by China will probably only elicit a small move by other countries, especially in Asia. | |
19 | 尽管警察不大可能转用iPhone来审问犯人,但这是从朋友那里获得准确真实回答的好办法。 | While the police are unlikely to switch to interviewing suspects via iPhone, it’s a good way to elicit precise, true answers from friends. | |
20 | 开放式的问题能够防止以假设为依据做出判断,并会引出一些令人惊讶的答案。 | Open-ended questions prevent you from making judgments based on assumptions, and can elicit some surprising answers. | |
21 | 如果能用手指按在疼痛的部位上,明确指出它位于骨头、肌肉或关节的某一点,那么你可能受到了严重的创伤。 | If you can elicit pain at a specific point in a bone, muscle or joint, by pressing your finger into it, you may have a significant injury. | |
22 | 如果我们食物中毒了,我们服用这些药之后它们会真正发挥催吐的作用。 | So if we have food poisoning, we take these drugs and it will actually elicit vomiting. | |
23 | 世界卫生组织报道,能让人产生诸如恐惧等强烈情感的形象是最为有效的禁烟标识。 | The World Health Organisation reports that images that elicit strong emotions, such as fear, are the most effective anti-smoking labels. | |
24 | 他们为这位共和党的参选人鼓掌,好像不再关注他在在亚利桑那提到奥巴马时观众喝倒彩的情形。 | They applaud the Republican candidate and don’t seem too concerned when his mentions of Mr Obama elicit boos from the audience in Arizona. | |
25 | 通常,需要联合使用这些反馈机制才能实现此目的。 | Typically, you’ll need a combination of these feedback mechanisms to elicit this action. | |
26 | 同样,苏格拉底的启发式提问能够引导对方思考(不是为了套取信息)。 | Likewise, Socratic questioning is designed to make the other person think rather than elicit information for you. | |
27 | 网民们斥诉黄假惺惺的眼泪只不过是为了博取同情。 | Internet users accused Huang of crocodile tears designed to elicit sympathy. | |
28 | 未来朝鲜的挑衅可能引起恼人的蔑视,而不是令人兴奋的关切。 | Additional provocations by the DPRK in the future should elicit bored contempt rather than excited concern. | |
29 | 我探出他们对于什么导致症状的理解、他们预期的病程和他们感知到的严重性。 | I elicit their understanding of what gave rise to the symptoms, their expected course, and their perceived seriousness. | |
30 | 相对而言,人们更容易操纵游戏,用一些不寻常的动作让那些未被设定好的机器原形毕露。 | It is relatively easy to manipulate the game and do unnatural things in order to elicit behavioural flaws in a badly programmed bot. |