属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-延长寿命 谢啦,老妈!
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-衰老 青春永驻?
1 | 这与史书记载一致,史书说秦始皇曾亲临该地,设祭坛祈拜天地,曾遣道士和童男童女出海为其寻找长生不老灵药。 | This is in accordance with historical records that say QinShihuang went there in person to pray to heaven and earth in front of an altar, and he shipped priests, together with virgin adolescents, out to sea to look for the elixir for him. | |
2 | 之后,又来到太上老君炼丹的地方,把葫芦内金丹吃了个精光,这才混出天门,回花果山去了。 | After this, he went to the place where Lord Lao Zi kept the elixir . The Great Sage ate up all the golden pills of elixir in the precious gourd, then he rushed out of the Gate of Heaven and went straight down to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. | |
3 | 最初是圣·梅朗夫人让他厌恶,所以他就把他的药倒出了三滴,--三滴就是够让她丧命了。 | First, M. and Madame de Saint-Mran incurred his displeasure, so he poured out three drops of his elixir --three drops were sufficient | |
4 | ||1:如果母系轮虫后代从母体继承了后生变化,产生了更多的过氧化氢酶,人们同样也会考虑相似的事情会不会也发生在其他物种上;而且,如果同样发生,可否通过人工诱导的方法,而不是通过冗长到一辈子都饿着肚子。||2:长生不老的研究已经将人类指向了一些奇怪的领域。||3:而没有几个比轮虫更奇怪的了。 | ||1: If inherited epigenetic changes were causing daughter rotifers to produce more catalase, it would raise the question of whether a similar thing happens in other species and, if so, whether it might be induced artificially, without all the tedious business of a lifetime’s starvation. ||2: The search for an elixir of life has taken people to some strange places. ||3: Few, though, are stranger than rotifers. | |
5 | ||1:英国哲学家史蒂芬?凯夫在他对这一问题的调查中指出,关于永生的各种传说都可以归为四类“说法”。||2:第一种在理论上至少是最简单的:完成中世纪炼金术士的遗愿,即发明一种长生不老药。||3:第二种是复活,即死而复生,这种信仰普遍存在于三个亚拉伯罕宗教(基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教)中。||4:第三种是人们认为无形的灵魂能够穿越死亡,这种理念的正式形态,至少可以追溯回柏拉图时代。||5:第四种是通过取得成就获得永生,即让自己名垂千古。 | ||1: In his survey of the subject, Stephen Cave, a British philosopher, argues that man’s various tales of immortality can be boiled down into four basic “narratives”. ||2: The first is the simplest, in theory at least: do what the medieval alchemists never managed and discover an elixir to simply avoid dying. ||3: The second concerns resurrection, or coming back to life after dying, a belief found in all three of the Abrahamic religions. ||4: The idea of an immaterial soul that can persist through death dates back, in a formal form, at least to Plato, and forms Mr Cave’s third narrative. ||5: His fourth narrative deals with immortality through achievement, by becoming so famous that one’s name lives on through the ages. | |
6 | 世上没有生命可以长生不老,随着机体内越来越多的细胞到了自己的海弗利克极限,最终,机体也就到了消亡的那一天。 | It is not an elixir of life, for eventually the body will run out of cells, as more and more of them reach their Hayflick limits. | |
7 | “流动性”,这剂引发投机性泡沫的万应灵药,犹如喷泉之水,从各国的央行汩汩流出。 | "Liquidity, " that bubbly speculative elixir , gurgled from the founts of the world’s central banks. | |
8 | 长生不老的研究已经将人类指向了一些奇怪的领域。 | The search for an elixir of life has taken people to some strange places. | |
9 | 臭氧,这个保护地球以隔离太阳紫外线的气体正被一些法国医生赞扬为-种能解除痛苦的特效药。 | Ozone, the gas which protects the Earth from the sun’s deadliest rays, is being hailed as a stress-relieving elixir by French doctors. | |
10 | 但这不是长生不老的药物,因为到最后,人体还是会在到达生命极限时消耗细胞,直到耗尽所有细胞。 | It is not an elixir of life, for eventually the body will run out of cells, as more and more of them reach their Hayflick limits. | |
11 | 的确剂糖浆中三组分含量的HPLC法测定 | Determination of Three Ingredients in D’tapp Elixir by HPLC | |
12 | 地高辛酏剂的正确服用方法 | Exact means of taking elixir didoxini | |
13 | 对长生不老的追求让人们看到了一些不可思议的现象,但是没有比轮虫(这种延长寿命的机制)更令人感到奇异的了。 | The search for an elixir of life has taken people to some strange places. Few, though, are stranger than rotifers. | |
14 | 她吃下长生不老药后化作仙女,从地球升到了月球上。 | She ascended from earth to live on the moon as a celestial being after drinking an elixir . | |
15 | 尽管不是到火星去或是有长生不死药,但肯定是惊险刺激,甚至是超出我们所能控制的范围。 | Perhaps not a trip to Mars or the elixir of life, but certainly surprises and shocks well beyond your control. | |
16 | 尽管诺贝尔奖还没有颁发给过能将生命延续两年的长生不老药发明者,但是这个奖项本身却似乎恰恰是这样一剂长生不老药。 | NO Nobel prize has yet been awarded for the invention of an elixir of life, but the prize itself seems to be one. | |
17 | 经济学中最像灵丹妙药的莫过于生产率增长,尤其是对步入暮年的发达经济体而言。 | PRODUCTIVITY growth is the closest economics gets to a magic elixir , especially for ageing advanced economies. | |
18 | 可以说,你的灵丹妙药必须成为时代精神。 | Your elixir must become, so to speak, the spirit of the age. | |
19 | 没有人在Source,托莱多这个拥挤的工作银行的训练中心,认为玻璃工业能永远保持11%的事业情况。 | No one at the Source, a crowded Toledo job bank and training center, sees the glass industry as an elixir for 11%-plus joblessness. | |
20 | 浅谈道教科仪内秘之术与内炼养生的关系 | The relations between Taoist rites and Inner Elixir for the way to keep in good health | |
21 | 人体生长激素也被发现是一种起恢复作用的酏,虽然实验表明它也不能将生命时钟倒转。 | Human growth hormone has also been touted as a restorative elixir , even though research has indicated that it can’t turn back the clock. | |
22 | 萨马尼表示,无论目标多么诱人,科学家们距离开发出青春永葆之灵丹妙药依然路途遥远。 | The bottom line, Samani says, is that scientists remain a long way from developing an elixir of youth, however alluring that goal may be. | |
23 | 试论庄子语言观及其对道教内丹学的影响 | The influence of Zhuang Zi on Taoist Inner Elixir | |
24 | 是的,她没有,透过敞开的窗户,她正沐浴着生命的甘霖。 | No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window. | |
25 | 所有这些不过是装灵丹妙药的玻璃瓶。 | All these are merely the bottles carrying his mysterious elixir . | |
26 | 他们存了一些长生不老药,足够让他们把事情料理妥当。然后,是啊,他们会死。 | They have enough Elixir stored to set their affairs in order and then, yes, they will die. | |
27 | 探索从第一位炼金术士把不老长寿药和点石成金看成同一类目标开始。 | They have sought it since the first alchemist put an elixir of life on the same shopping list as a way to turn lead into gold. | |
28 | 文章也指出,这是在过去几个月里第二次发现的能使青春永驻的灵丹妙药。 | The article also points out that this is at least the second elixir of eternal youth that has been ’discovered’ in the last few months. | |
29 | 因为您总是正确的,您的确是一个伟大的药物学家,您用来医治我儿子的那种仙丹几乎是立刻就把他救活了过来。 | FOR you must indeed be a great chemist, and the elixir you administered to my son, which recalled him to life almost instantaneously. |