属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-古巴艺术家担心新法律的审查
1 | 从“叶落归根”到“落地生根”-华人移民美国观念的嬗变 | From "Going Back to Ancestral Home at Old Age Like Falling Leaves Returning to Their Roots" to “Taking Root Where They Reside"-The change of Chinese in their attitudes to emigrating to the United States | |
2 | 二战后一段时期,从故土移居来的许多欧洲家族被鼓舞移入澳洲定居。 | European families emigrating from their homelands in the aftermath of World War II were encouraged to immigrate to Australia. | |
3 | 疾病预防与控制中心将如何在防止这些城市出来的人畜共患病为美国人民利益作出贡献呢? | How will CDC serve the interests of the people of the United States in preventing emergent zoonotic diseases from emigrating from these cities? | |
4 | 她正在考虑去到加拿大定居。 | Shes thinking about emigrating to canada | |
5 | 农村外出务工年轻女性的安全流动与权益保障问题研究―基于河南的调查 | Our Research of the Rural Emigrating Female Workers’ Safe Float and Their Right Safeguard-The Investigation Based in Henan Province | |
6 | 他目前不太重视移民到加拿大的想法。 | He’s playing with the idea of emigrating to canada | |
7 | 我舍不得离开家,所以决定不移居国外了. | I was deterred from emigrating by the thought of leaving my family. | |
8 | 香港南来作家身份的想象性建构 | Identity Construction’s Objects of the Writers Emigrating from the Mainland to Hong Kong | |
9 | 移民的或与移民有关的 | Of or relating to emigrants or the act of emigrating . | |
10 | Luis Puerta是一位艺术家,他通过私下出售他的画作养家糊口。他对路透社表示:“我以前从未考虑过移民,但现在我开始考虑了。” | Luis Puerta is an artist who has supported his family by selling his paintings in private. He told the Reuters news service, "I never thought of emigrating before, but now I am." | |
11 | 它还为一大批受过良好教育的菲律宾工作者提供了就业机会。每年有大约一百万的菲律宾毕业生除了移民没有什么可以选择的工作。而且在呼叫中心提供的是相当于中等阶层的工作(新员工一开始每月有470美元的收入)。 | It also helps that the country has a big pool of well-educated workers. The million or so Filipinos who graduate every year have few other options to choose from, besides emigrating . And working in a call centre is considered a middle-class job (new recruits start at $470 a month). | |
12 | “假如你是一名社会学家,你可能想问,一个国家的相当大一部分人在移居海外,这意味着什么,”他说。 | "If you were a sociologist you might want to ask what does it mean for a substantial part of your country to be emigrating , " he says. | |
13 | 报告指出差不多60%的人正在考虑移民,或是正在办理移民和已经移民。 | The study says almost 60 percent are considering emigrating , have begun the process, or have emigrated. | |
14 | 毕竟,不去法学院而移民到另一大陆是一个相当极端的做法。 | After all, emigrating to another continent is a rather extreme way of getting out of going to law school! | |
15 | 当时美国经济前景黯淡,移民出国的人比移入美国的人多。 | Economic prospects were so dismal in the U. S. that more people were emigrating than immigrating. | |
16 | 调查发现,在九百八十名受访者中,有46%的人考虑过移民,14%的人已经移民或是提交了移民申请。 | The report found that 46% of the 980 people surveyed had thought about emigrating ; 14% had done so already or applied to do so. | |
17 | 俄罗斯媒体报道称,年轻专业人士正忙着移民国外,逃避那种未来数年由同一批人掌权的前景。 | Russian media have reported young professionals emigrating , fleeing the prospect of the same figures in power for years to come. | |
18 | 很多人离开自己的国家移民国外。 | are emigrating form the country. | |
19 | 就目前来看,非洲的同性恋者的生活成了生存问题,许多相对富有的同性恋通常会选择移民到一个更包容的地方。 | So for the time being gay life in Africa is one of survival, with richer gays often emigrating to more tolerant climes. | |
20 | 论西北少数民族人口流动问题 | Emigrating Issues of Northwestern Minority | |
21 | 年龄在18岁到25岁之间的被调查者有超过一半的人说他们正在“认真地考虑”移民一事。 | More than half of 18 to 25-year-olds questioned said they were ’seriously considering’ emigrating . | |
22 | 他们一旦认识到这一点,为了避免落网,便通常会选择移民并重新开始。 | Once they realize this, they often chose to avoid the trap by emigrating and starting afresh. | |
23 | 它可以胁迫更多受过教育的以色列流动性中产阶级移居他国。 | It could frighten more of the educated and mobile Israeli middle class into emigrating . | |
24 | 翁达杰先生本人在19岁移民加拿大前也经过一样的航程。 | Mr Ondaatje made such a journey, before emigrating to Canada aged 19. | |
25 | 我的妹妹,再有12个月就可以毕业,毕业后她将会移民。 | My younger sister has another 12 months left in her studies and after that she will be emigrating . | |
26 | 原本决心在伊朗度过一生的年轻亲属们如今在讨论移民。 | Young relatives who had been determined to stick out life in Iran were talking about emigrating . | |
27 | 在1967年“六日战争”(SixDayWar)期间服完兵役后,佩尔穆特从以色列移民到美国。 | He has lived in the US since emigrating from Israel after serving in the army in the Six Day War of 1967. | |
28 | 在一个短暂的向内净移民插曲之后,爱尔兰人再次向外移民。 | After a brief interlude of net immigration, the Irish are emigrating once again. | |
29 | 这个星期我对要移民已经毫无疑义,我不能再在这里等三年,五年或者十年去得到我原来的生活。 | Any doubts I had about emigrating faded this week. I cannot wait three, five or ten years to get my life back. | |
30 | 这会鼓励国民在国家范围内的自由移动以寻找工作,而不是出国务工。 | That should encourage Poland’s workers to move within the country in search of work, rather than emigrating . |