1 | 几年以前人们发现某些蝙蝠发出短促的尖叫声,它们利用接收回声就能确定障碍物的位置并绕开它,或者能确定在飞行中的昆虫的位置捕而食之。 | A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed. | |
2 | 假定两个扬声器都发射恒定频率的纯正弦声波。 | Suppose the speakers both emit a pure sinusoidal sound wave of constant frequency | |
3 | 间歇喷泉喷出水来。 | Geysers emit water. | |
4 | 间歇泉喷出水来。 | Geysers emit water. | |
5 | 建议要求保护在非操作状态下的设备。 | 10.Claim apparatus in non-operational state (“emitting”...“configured to emit ”) | |
6 | 利用EMIT-st及TOXI-LAB法分析海洛因、吗啡、甲基安非他命、古柯碱及大麻服食者之尿液 | Evaluation for the Analysis of Heroin, Morphine, Methamphetamine, Cocaine and Cannabis in Urine by Emit -st, TOXI-LAB Methods | |
7 | 冒泡:冒出小气泡,如碳化了的或正在发酵的液体. | effervesce:To emit small bubbles of gas, as a carbonated or fermenting liquid. | |
8 | 那位生物学家说,有些蝙蝠,借助于接受它们发出的尖叫声的回声,就能探测出障碍物的位置,并且避开这些障碍物。 | That biologist says: certain bats by receiving the echoes to the squeaks they emit , can locate and steer clear of obstacles. | |
9 | 脑电图记录法:记录及解释脑电活动的技术。脑的神经细胞能产生有节律地起伏的电脉冲。 | Electroencephalography: Technique for recording electrical activity in the brain, whose cells emit distinct patterns of rhythmic electrical impulses. | |
10 | 尿液之pH值对甲基安非他命及鸦片类药物检验用免疫学分析套组之影响 | Influence of Urine pH on TDx(superscript R), Emit (superscript R)d.a.u.(superscript TM)and AbuSign(superscript TM)on Methamphetamine and Opiates Immunoassays | |
11 | 燃烧废气释放税:对释放温室气体的产品征收的一种税。 | Carbon tax: A tax levied on products that emit greenhouse gases. | |
12 | 人们听见他发出非常伤心的哀叹声。 | He was heard to emit heartbroken sighs | |
13 | 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物--或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。 | It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles------or locate flying insects on which they feed. | |
14 | 声学证据表明苹果释放出的乙烯气体比其他植物高,能够引起附近植物枯萎。 | Acoustical evidence demonstrates that apples emit higher levels of ethylene, which causes neighbouring plants to wilt | |
15 | 施加在突触后神经元上的、使其减少发出冲动的一种影响。 | An influence on a post-synaptic neuron which reduces the probability that the neuron emit a spike. | |
16 | 使流出使(液体或物体)逐渐地放出或流出 | To discharge or emit (a liquid or gas, for example)gradually. | |
17 | 他没发出任何声音。 | He did not emit a sound | |
18 | 鸦片类药物检验试剂应用于ETS器上的改良 | Modification of the Syva EMIT d.a.u. Opiate Assay for Drugs of Abuse in Urine Using the ETS System | |
19 | 样品被X_射线辐射,样品中的原子被激发,每个元素发射不同的特征Ⅺ射线,这是定性分析的基础。 | The sample is irradiated with X-rays. The atoms in the sample are excited and will emit characteristic X-rays which is different for each element, this forms the basis for qualitative analysis. | |
20 | 一种组成神经系统的细胞。其显著特点为:当加刺激于其树突上时能开启离子电流;能将进入细胞体中的电位相加,如积累的电位足够高,则发出一动作电位(冲动)。 | A cell composing the nervous system.Its salient features are its ability to open to ionic current when stimulated on its dendrites;to sum the incoming potentials in its cell body and to emit an action potential down its atomic part,if the potential accumulated is high enough. | |
21 | 萤火虫发光但不放出热。 | Fireflies emit light but not heat | |
22 | 由金属管或条棒组成的,敲击时能发出乐音的打击乐器。 | A percussion instrument consisting of metal tubes or bars that emit tones when struck. | |
23 | 有些光源只发射某些波长,产生的光谱是一些亮线,亮线之间则是黑的。这样的线状光谱是发射这些辐射的元素的特征。 | Some sources emit only certain wavelengths and produce an emission spectrum of bright lines with dark spaces between. Such line spectra are characteristic of the elements that emit the radiation. | |
24 | 在不存在可观的磁场时,星云中的电子系综与离子相互作用可通过自由-自由和自由-束缚跃迁而发射弱连续辐射。 | In the absence of an appreciable magnetic field, the ensemble of nebular electrons interacts with ions to emit weak continuous radiation by free-free and free-bound transitions | |
25 | 在红外波长范围,暗云区是较透明的,而冷的原恒星应在红外区发射其能量的大部分。 | At infrared wavelengths the region is less opaque, and cool protostars are expected to emit most of their energy in the infrared | |
26 | 这是一个重要的成就,因为相对来说,行星很小,而且也不发光。 | This is a major achievement because, in relative terms, planets are very small and do not emit light. | |
27 | 这位神父显然能够发出奇异的气味,使得他周围的空气和他所接触过的任何物体散发异香并持续好几个小时。 | The padre could apparently emit strange odours that would scent the air around him and any object he touched for hours on end | |
28 | 炙烤或煅烧(水晶石或盐)直到发出毕毕剥剥的声音或停止爆裂的声音. | To roast or calcine (crystals or salts)until they emit a crackling sound or until crackling stops. | |
29 | ||1:即使在这之前,天然气供应不是很充足的情况下,燃气发电厂也有巨大优势:修建速度快,且造价便宜——成本大概是燃煤电厂的三分之一,不足核电站的四分之一。||2:生产同一单位的电,燃气发电厂排放的二氧化碳比燃煤发电厂排放的少。||3:除此之外,煤在燃烧时也会产生各种有害气体,包括二氧化硫和汞。 | ||1:Even before their fuel became so plentiful, gas-fired stations had hefty advantages.||2:They are quick and cheap to build-perhaps a third of the cost of coal-fired stations, and less than a quarter of the cost of nuclear ones.||3:Gas-fired stations emit much less carbon dioxide, per unit of electricity, than coal, which also gives off all sorts of other nasties when burned, from sulphur dioxide to mercury. | |
30 | ||1:加强管理也具有一定的效用。||2:美国三分之一以上的温室气体排放来自燃煤发电厂。||3:去年七月,环境保护局发表了一项规章,要求28个州减少二氧化硫和氮氧化物的排放;在接下来的十二月份,又要求发电厂减少汞和其他有毒空气污染物的排放。 | ||1:Toughening regulation has an effect, too.||2:Coal-fired power plants are the source of more than one-third of greenhouse-gas emissions in America.||3:Last July the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a rule that requires 28 states to reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide they emit ; in December came another, reducing the amount of mercury and other toxic air pollutants that power plants can puff out. |