属类:学习英语-Ask a Teacher 名师答疑-名师答疑:Very 和 Too 的区别
1 | 他酒後兽性大发. | Drink brings out the beast in him, ie emphasizes the brutal part of his nature | |
2 | 他强调和艺术圈一呼四应的人物打成一片的重要性。 | He emphasizes the importance of hanging out with the movers and shakers of the art world. | |
3 | 体育专家们把自己的成就归功于一种完整主义的教学方法,它不仅强调体育技能,而且也强调孩子们在合作配合中所需要的社交技能。 | The PE specialists attribute their successes to a holistic approach, one that emphasizes not only the physical, but the social skills that children need to work cooperatively | |
4 | 外语课程强调交际能力。 | The curriculum for foreign languages emphasizes communication skills. | |
5 | 为了全球协调一致的目标,1997年11月FAO大会通过的IPPC新修订文本(NRT)强调了信息的合作与交流。 | The New Revised Text (NRT)of the IPPC approved by the FAO Conference in November 1997 emphasizes cooperation and the exchange of information toward the objective of global harmonization. | |
6 | 文跷重扮象与扭逗,武跷则强调个人技巧与绝招 | The former stresses appearance and amusement, while the latter emphasizes individual unique skill. | |
7 | 我们努力营造一种积极向上的工作氛围。Synygy拥有一套注重团队合作的奖励体系,支持职业发展的指导计划,和一套强调舒适但不失职业风度的着装标准。 | We strive to create a positive work environment. At Synygy, you will find a bonus system that emphasizes teamwork, a mentor program that supports career advancement, and a dress code that stresses comfort without sacrificing professionalism. | |
8 | 我们深信,“家庭和谐是事业成功的基础,家庭生活幸福的能量,可以延续至个人的工作岗位上,协助企业及个人发展,使之更上一层楼”。 | Overall, Uni-President Enterprises Corp. is a company that emphasizes human management, respects individuals, and is sincere, reliable and fair. We are a company where every employee is willing to share his knowledge, develop new ideas, take on responsibilities and honor each other. | |
9 | 也许通过示范我们的体系强调个人的发展--独立决策的能力和自我管理的能力,比陷入通常不容易展示的我们的相对优势的争论,我们会获得更多。 | We would be better served by demonstrating that our system emphasizes the development of the individual-his capacity for independent decision and self-government-than by entering a contest where our comparative advantage is not always easily demonstrated | |
10 | 应用建筑强调空间的关联、朝向、环境设计是否合乎需要、构造成分的安排和视觉上的协调,以及相对的构造体系本身的设计。 | The practice of architecture emphasizes spatial relationships, orientation, the support of activities to be carried out within a designed environment, and the arrangement and visual rhythm of structural elements, as opposed to the design of structural systems themselves. | |
11 | 有关经济伦理的著作很少强调环保在发展中国家和发达国家中的必要性。 | The literature of business ethics seldom emphasizes the need for environmental protection in developing or developed countries. | |
12 | 有神授超凡能力的有神授超凡能力的,或与此有关的,或属于基督教的一种的,其强调个人宗教经验和神启能力,如治病、预言和语言天赋 | Of,relating to,or being a type of Christianity that emphasizes personal religious experience and divinely inspired powers,as of healing,prophecy,and the gift of tongues. | |
13 | 在矿工的案例中,经济伦理强调应该采用严格的安全和健康法规,这对于中国可持续的经济增长和社会发展有着极为重要的作用。 | In the case of the miners, business ethics emphasizes that imposing strict safety and health regulations is crucial for sustainable economic and social growth in China. | |
14 | 这个词侧重指某一有独立性的政府所治理的地区的政权机构,亦可指政府本身 | The word state emphasizes the political organization of the area under an independent government,and it can refer to the government itself state | |
15 | 这么多的车祸唤起注意小心驾驶的必要。 | The great number of automobile accidents emphasizes the need for careful driving. | |
16 | 这样多的车祸唤起人们,注意小心驾驶车辆的必要性。 | The great number of automobile accidents emphasizes the need for careful driving | |
17 | 这种方法有时被称为资产负债表法,因为它侧重于对资产负债表中应收账款的正确评估。 | This method is sometimes called the balance sheet approach, because the method emphasizes the proper balance sheet valuation of accounts receivable. | |
18 | 这种高科技轻型材料更突出了车辆的优雅特点。 | As a high-tech lightweight construction element it emphasizes the unique elegance of this gran turismo Coup. | |
19 | 这种图示方法既强调了海退性质也强调了同时性。 | This method of portrayal emphasizes both the regressive nature and the time equivalence | |
20 | 注重交际能力的大学英语教学探索 | College English Teaching Which Emphasizes Communicative Ability | |
21 | 着重客户服务,吸引大量顾客 | emphasizes customer service to bring in crowds | |
22 | 最基本的区别是very是强调它后面所跟的单词。"Too"放在单词前面时的意思是指超出需求范围。你可以通过以下句子中much这个形容词来清楚地理解其用法。 | The basic difference is that "very" emphasizes the word that follows it. "Too" before a word means there is more than what is wanted. You can see how this works clearly with the adjective "much" in these sentences: | |
23 | 《时代》杂志表示,该调查结果“也算是一种反改革,是对共和党执政时期强调放松管制与自力更生的反弹。” | TIME termed the results "a counterreformation of sorts in a Republican-led era that emphasizes deregulation and self-reliance. " | |
24 | 《周易》生命哲学又强调,道的根源在于有价值的普遍生命。 | The life philosophy in Zhou Yi emphasizes that the root of Dao is that has universal life. | |
25 | 「社区精神卫生持续性护理」强调人的价值及以「病患及家属的需求为中心」之照护品质; | Community psychiatric mental health nursing care emphasizes humanistic values and focuses on serving patient and family needs. | |
26 | Constantino教授强调,四分之三的家庭中,一个孩子表现出自闭症症状,其他的则没有。 | Constantino emphasizes that, for three in four families, one child had an autism spectrum disorder and the rest showed no signs of autism. | |
27 | FFWHCs强调女性性器官在大小和外观上的巨大差异和变化。 | The FFWHCs emphasizes the tremendous variation in the size and appearance of women’s genitals. | |
28 | McCain参议员着重强调了他的军事背景以及他在外交政策事务方面的经验。 | Senator McCain emphasizes his military background and his experience in foreign policy issues. | |
29 | Ubuntu也重视可接入性与国际化,以求让尽可能的多的人用到它。 | Ubuntu also emphasizes accessibility and internationalization to reach as many people as possible. | |
30 | XSLT高级程序员以函数编程方式编写XSLT,这种方式强调无状态方法。 | Advanced XSLT programmers write XSLT in a functional programming style that emphasizes a stateless approach. |