属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-Words and Their Stories: State Nicknames, Part 3
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:美国各州别名
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:美国各州别名 3
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-威尼斯玻璃制品业 吹制的艺术
1 | 如果你有机会在新墨西哥州的基督圣血山脉观看红红的落日,你就会明白这个位于西南部的州为什么被称为“迷人之地”。 | If you get a chance to see a red sunset over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico, you will know why that southwestern state is called the Land of Enchantment . | |
2 | 如果你有机会在新墨西哥州的基督圣血山脉观看红红的落日,你就会明白这个位于西南部的州为什么被称为“迷人之地”。 | If you get a chance to see a red sunset over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico, you will know why that southwestern state is called the Land of Enchantment . | |
3 | 如果你有机会在新墨西哥州的基督圣血山脉观看红红的落日,你就会明白这个位于西南部的州为什么被称为“迷人之地”。 | If you get a chance to see a red sunset over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico, you will know why that southwestern state is called the Land of Enchantment . | |
4 | 威尼斯是魅力之都,同时也是问题之城。周边海平面升高,城内水质污染,经济形势严峻。威尼斯玻璃制造业最负盛名。长期以来,这个盛名之业也随威尼斯一起沉落。 | A CITY of enchantment , Venice is also besieged with problems. It is threatened by rising sea levels, polluted lagoons and a grim economy. And glassmaking, its most famous industry, has long been sinking along with the city. | |
5 | 阿拉比这几个字在静默中向我呼唤,我的灵魂沉浸其间,被这种东方的魔力吸引。 | The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me. | |
6 | 对纳博科夫,艺术和生活永远是「充满了错综复杂的魅力和诡计的棋局」。 | For Nabokov, art and life were always "a game of intricate enchantment and deception" . | |
7 | 多年前我住在“桃州”佐治亚州,而我长大的新墨西哥州的口号是“魔力之地”。 | Years ago I lived in the "Peach State" of Georgia, and I grew up in New Mexico, whose slogan is "Land of Enchantment . " | |
8 | 福特嘉年华的魅力 | The enchantment of Ford FIESTA | |
9 | 广告营销的常青树--情感诉求广告的魅力和问题 | The Evergreen Tree of Advertisement Marketing--Enchantment and Problem of Emotion Pursuing Advertisement | |
10 | 那么我们到底怎么了?为什么当我们年岁渐长,环顾四周时却发现原来生活的魅力已经不复存在了? | So what happened? Why is it that we reached a certain age, looked around, and the enchantment was gone? | |
11 | 文本意义的魔化与祛魅 | The Enchantment and Disenchantment of the Textual Meaning | |
12 | 我问她,睁着双眼斜躺在塑料椅上,等待着心醉的故事再一次开始。 | I asked her, reclining in the plastic chair with my eyes open, waiting for the enchantment to begin, once again. | |
13 | 西部人文景观的历史魅力 | Historical enchantment of humane landscape in the West Region | |
14 | 在梦想之中体验法兰西的魅力,使完美家居在法兰西的烂漫格调中更加完美。 | To experience French enchantment in dream, to make perfect household more perfect in the French romantic style. | |
15 | 在南美洲,那片充满神奇的土地,我们可以在河水中涉水而行,河水里的小鱼将顺着泰勒的尿道上游。 | IN SOUTH AMERICA, Land of Enchantment , we could be wading in a river where tiny fish will swim up Tyler’s urethra. | |
16 | 在这个群魔乱舞之夜必须注意: | Precautions must be taken on this night of enchantment . |