1 | 不是奏给耳朵听,而是更甜, | Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear ’d | |
2 | 不是奏给耳朵听,而是更甜,它给灵魂奏出无声的乐曲 | Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear ’d, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone: | |
3 | 她的目标是,使她的朋友喜爱她。 | Her object was to endear herself to her friend | |
4 | 可爱的微笑. | an endear ing smile | |
5 | 他有办法让大家都喜欢他. | He managed to endear himself to everybody. | |
6 | ||1:很少有话题能像税收改革那样具有经济意义,也很少有话题能像税收改革这样枯燥无味。||2:政府赤字还在增加,人口老龄化还在加剧,经济增长依然迟缓,税收改革又重新回到美国的政治议程。||3:一些人秣马厉兵帮助美国共渡难关,供应学派经济学家布鲁斯·巴特莱特就是其中的一位,他是一位税务专家,曾在里根政府里担任顾问。||4:在上世纪80年代的美国改革阵痛中,巴特莱特先生确立了他在经济领域的重要地位,然而现在许多共和党人视他为“叛徒”,因为唯一可以接受的税改方案因他而被删除。||5:他那本结构平衡、条分缕析介绍美国税制的普及读本《福利及税负》不再使他更受理论家的追捧,但把这本书当作一个困难话题的“开口小菜”倒是不错。 | ||1:Few subjects match tax reform for economic importance and utter lack of sex appeal.||2:With a government bleeding red ink, an ageing population and growth lagging, reform is back on America’s political agenda.||3:Bruce Bartlett, a supply-side economist, tax expert and former adviser to President Reagan, is among those best equipped to help navigate the murky terrain.||4:Mr Bartlett held influential economic positions during the country’s last great spasm of reform in the 1980s, but he is now held an apostate by many Republicans, for whom the only acceptable tax changes are cuts.||5:His balanced, well-researched primer on America’s tax system, “The Benefit and the Burden”, will not endear him further to ideologues, but it is a refreshing entrée to a difficult subject. | |
7 | 但是随着中国经济增速放缓,美国经济逐渐复苏,中国市场也并不那么吸引人了,一些公司在中国的发展境遇还起了警示作用。外资公司和中国虽联系密切,但他们会发现自己并不受欢迎,如卷入行贿门事件的英国制药业巨头葛兰素史克肯定对此深有体会。 | But as China slows and America gradually recovers, those stories are becoming less compelling. Some of them are turning into cautionary tales. Exposure to China does not always endear a firm to investors, as GlaxoSmithKline, a British pharmaceutical giant embroiled in a corruption scandal in the country, is now discovering. | |
8 | 不管这些指控的利益何在,州长也已经大体失去了选民对他的青睐。 | Whatever the merits of the charges, moreover, the governor has failed in general to endear himself to voters. | |
9 | 不太正直的同僚们就沉醉于礼物,恩惠,和更奢华的生活方式的诱惑中。 | less scrupulous colleagues endear themselves with gifts, favours and the lure of an easier lifestyle. | |
10 | 得意志这种在德国本土作战的焕然一新的热情,很难说不是Ackermann,这个瑞士人对本地即得利益的维持。 | This renewed enthusiasm for banking on German soil may, or may not, reflect efforts by Mr Ackermann, a Swiss, to endear himself locally. | |
11 | 那时候的笑在一个安全的条件下,被一个个意外的情况引起(比如躲猫猫),注意不要让小宝贝们只跟他们的父母亲密。 | They are triggered by surprise in a safe situation (think peek-a-boo), and don’t just endear babies to their parents. | |
12 | 你也许会想要指出这样问是不对的,但是这样做决不会让你更讨面试官喜爱。 | While it may also be tempting to point out the illegality of the question, doing so likely won’t endear you to the interviewer. | |
13 | 任何可能令它们不那么讨厌的声音或吠叫都被一段恐怖而静默的潜泳取而代之。 | Any sound or bark that might endear them is replaced by an eerie, silent swim. | |
14 | 他说这将令苹果公司及其最近刚离世的董事会主席史蒂夫·乔布斯受到数以百万计中国人的喜爱。 | Such an offer, he said, would endear Apple and its recently deceased chairman, Steve Jobs, to millions of Chinese. | |
15 | 我的这身装束总让店主对我爱理不理。 | This outfit does not endear me to shopkeepers. | |
16 | 摇滚不是我的最爱。 | rock music does not endear itself most to me. | |
17 | 这篇文章并没有让基亚瓦茨教授赢得米兰出租车司机们的爱戴。 | The op-ed did not endear Professor Giavazzi to the city’s cab drivers. | |
18 | 这是西方奢侈品牌向中国消费者示好的一个最新举措。 | It’s the latest move by a Western luxury brand to endear itself to the Chinese consumer. |