1 | (一)母婴保健指导:对孕育健康后代以及严重遗传性疾病和碘缺乏病等地方病的发病原因、治疗和预防方法提供医学意见; | (l)instruction on maternal and infant health care: medical advice on breeding healthy offspring and on the pathogenic factors, treatment and prevention of serious genetic diseases and endemic diseases such as the iodine deficiency syndrome; | |
2 | 2001-2005年黔江区燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒监测结果分析 | Retrospective Analysis of Endemic Fluorosis in a Coal-Burning Polluted Area in Qianjiang District in 2001-2005 | |
3 | B型及C型肝炎盛行乡内各村之间的盛行率差异:高雄县梓官乡之小区研究 | HBsAg and Anti-HCV Prevalence among Villages in an Endemic Township: A Community Study in Tzukuan, Kaohsiung | |
4 | NP30/抗体检测试剂盒在云南大山区型血吸虫病流行区的现场应用 | Field Application of NP30/Antibody Detection Kit to Detecting Schistosomiasis in Mountainous Endemic Regions in Yunnan | |
5 | 阿伊努族是日本最北部诸岛的本土人。是对于某一特定地点或人们相关的和特殊的 | The Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan.Something endemic is prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people | |
6 | 安徽特有植物安徽羽叶报春的繁殖生物学研究 | Reproductive Biology of Primula merrilliana, an Endangered Plant Endemic to Anhui Province | |
7 | 濒危植物翅果油树的研究进展及其开发前景 | Advances in Research on the Endemic and Endangered Plant of Elacagnus mollis and Its Exploitation Prospects | |
8 | 病毒透过呼吸道或消化道传播,特征是突然发热,继之在舌、唇、口鼻部其它组织、乳头和足部出现疼痛的水泡。口蹄疫在许多国家为地方性传染病,由于扩散迅速、严重影响动物的生产力,因此被认为是世界上破坏经济最严重的家畜疾病。 | The afflicted animal develops fever and painful blisters on the tongue, lips, other tissues of the mouth, muzzle or snout, teats, and feet. FMD is endemic in many places, and because of its rapid spread and impact on animal productivity, it is considered the most economically devastating livestock disease in the world. | |
9 | 长江上游四种特有鱼类肌肉营养组成与评价 | Analysis of the Nutritional Composition of Muscle in Four Endemic Species | |
10 | 常见病、传染病、地方病、职业病的防治 | prevention and treatment of common, contagious, endemic and occupational diseases | |
11 | 大骨节病病区判定和划分标准 | Criteria of decide and delimi of Kashin-Beck disease endemic area | |
12 | 大同盆地砷、氟中毒地方病生态地球化学研究 | Eco-geochemical Investigation on the Endemic As and F Poisoning in Datong Basin | |
13 | 岛屿特有种全缘冬青遗传多样性的ISSR分析 | ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Ilex integra, an Insular Endemic Plant | |
14 | 低的免疫接种率、加上埃及伊蚊在靠近地方性流行区的城市的广泛侵扰以及人们旅行经常往返于本病地方性流行区,都增加了城市型黄热病爆发流行发生的危险。 | Low immunization coverage, coupled with the widespread infestation of Ae. aegypti in cities near endemic areas and frequent travel to and from endemic areas, have increased the risk for the occurrence of outbreaks of urban yellow fever. | |
15 | 地方性斑疹伤寒,由鼠和其它啮齿动物身上的蚤而传播,其症状较轻,病死率不足5%。 | Endemic typhus, spread by fleas on rats and other rodents, is milder (mortality under 5%). | |
16 | 地方性氟骨症临床分度诊断 | Diagnosis of clinical classification for endemic skeletal fluorosis | |
17 | 地方性氟中毒病区划分标准 | Divide standard of endemic fluorosis areas | |
18 | 地方性氟中毒病区控制标准 | Control standard for endemic fluorosis area | |
19 | 地方性甲状腺肿的诊断及分度标准 | Diagnostic and classificatory criteria of endemic goiter | |
20 | 第二十八条 各级人民政府应当采取措施,加强母婴保健工作,提高医疗保健服务水平,积极防治由环境因素所致严重危害母亲和婴儿健康的地方性高发性疾病,促进母婴保健事业的发展。 | Article 28 People’s governments at various levels shall take measures to strengthen the work of maternal and infant health care, to improve medical and health-care services, to work hard at preventing and controlling the frequently-occurring endemic diseases, caused by environmental factors, that are seriously jeopardizing the health of mothers and infants, thereby promoting the development of undertakings of maternal and infant health care. | |
21 | 第十四条 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,防治草原地区牲畜疫病和人畜共患疾病。 | Article 14. The local people’s governments at various levels shall take measures to prevent and treat endemic diseases among livestock and diseases contracted commonly by both human beings and livestock in grassland areas. | |
22 | 碘缺乏病(IDD)区划分标准 | Criteria of delimitation for endemic areas | |
23 | 都勒说:"尽管身为一名训练有素的美国军医,只要想到我们要去的地方蔓延着出血热等疾病,我还是害怕得够呛。 | "For a U.S.-trained physician and soldier, the idea of going to a place where something like hemorrhagic fever is endemic scares the hell out of me," Doyle said | |
24 | 对来自地方性流行区,出现不明原因发热的人进行检查,确定是否感染拉沙热是很重要的。 | It is very important that fevers of unknown origin in people coming from these endemic areas beinvestigated for the possibility of Lassa fever. | |
25 | 氟病黄牛自由基损伤及硒铜镁保护作用机理的研究 | Study on the Free Radical-induced Damage in Cattle with Endemic Fluorosis and the Protective Mechanism of Selenium, Copper, and Magnesium | |
26 | 福建武夷山自然保护区珍稀、濒危和特有植物及其分布 | The Precious, Rare, Dangerous and Endemic Plants in Fujian Wuyishan Nature Reserve and Their Distribution | |
27 | 该城中肆虐的暴力行为. | (fig)the violence endemic in the city | |
28 | 肝癌高盛行率地区手术切除之良性肝肿瘤 | Clinical Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Surgical Resection of Benign Liver Tumors in Taiwan, an Endemic Area for Hepatocellular Carcinoma | |
29 | 高度疟疾流行区快速控制疟疾试验 | A Pilot Project on Fast Eliminating Malaria by Eradicating Source in a Highly Malaria Endemic Area | |
30 | 贵州省织金县燃煤型氟病区儿童氟骨症情况调查 | Research on Prevalence State of Children with Skeletal Fluorosis in Burning Coal Endemic Fluorosis in Zhijin County of Guizhou Province |