属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-奥巴马总统准备接受枪支政策建言
属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-研究人员利用大脑细胞控制小白鼠的衰老过程
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-研究称美国移民政策将会损害密歇根州经济
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-观察员预计伊斯兰国的暴力会愈演愈烈
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-奥巴马访问印度期望提升两国伙伴关系
1 | 按放电相反的方向为一(蓄电池)充电. | To energize (a storage battery)by passing current through it in the direction opposite to discharge. | |
2 | 充电按放电相反的方向为一(蓄电池)充电 | To energize (a storage battery)by passing current through it in the direction opposite to discharge. | |
3 | 激励某人从事工作 | energize a person for work | |
4 | 加强管理. | energize the administration | |
5 | 接通所有输入电源。 | Energize the incoming power feeder. | |
6 | 如果有水分穿过外部密封进入油箱,油的导电性就会发生变化,这将导致继电器被激活。 | An influx of moisture past the outer seal and into the oil reservoir will change the conductivity of the oil and this condition will cause the relay to energize . | |
7 | 太阳的热核反应给人类以能量。 | The thermonuclear reactions of the sun energize the human body | |
8 | 太阳光刺激了地球的大气层,并给予它能量;阳光使空气开始流动,产生节奏,获得生命。 | Rays from the sun excite and energize the atmosphere of the earth, awakening it to flow, to movement, to rhythm, to life. | |
9 | 体制改革的结果出乎预料因而出现问题。为了振兴经济,戈尔巴乔夫必须恢复言论自由;言论自由导致舆论出现及政党的形成。 | But perestroika turned out to be more than they had bargained for.To energize the economy Mr.Gorbachev had to restore freedom of speech;freedom of speech led to the emergence of public opinion and the formation of political parties. | |
10 | 忧虑往往是浪费精力。 | To worry is often to energize needlessly | |
11 | 这将激发控制装置,改变符合端子的状态。 | This will energize the control, changing state of the load contacts. | |
12 | 大卫·基恩(David Keene)是美国步枪协会的会长。他说,很显然奥巴马政府已经决定了他们对枪支的立场,美国步枪协会准备鼓励其成员抗争。 | David Keene is president of the NRA. He says it is clear that the Obama administration has already decided its positions on firearms. He said the NRA is preparing to energize its members for a fight. | |
13 | 利用这些信息,研究人员开始尝试激活实验室小白鼠的下丘脑。他们通过给这种动物注射干细胞来实现这个目的。 | Using this information, the researchers began trying to activate, or energize , the hypothalamus in laboratory mice. They did this by injecting the animals with stem cells. | |
14 | 新的研究表明,在208年大衰退之后,底特律移民人口的增长有对于对抗人口减少和振兴经济。Global Detroit组织报告了这一调查结果。 | New research shows that after the 2008 Great Recession, a growth in Detroit’s immigrant population helped to fight population decline and energize the economy. Global Detroit reported the findings. | |
15 | 一位美国官员对美国之音表示,伊斯兰国在用杀害飞行员和其它暴力视频来激励其追随者。这位官员补充道,在武装分子的观念中,这些画面展示了该组织的实力。 | A United States official told VOA, ISIL is using the video of the pilot’s killing and videos of other violence to energize its followers. The official added that in the minds of the militants, the images show the group’s strength. | |
16 | 在2010年首次对印度访问期间,奥巴马曾对印度议员们表示,两国关系将是21世纪决定性的伙伴关系。大家期望这次访问能为这一关系重新注入活力。 | During his first visit to India in 2010, President Obama told Indian lawmakers that the relationship between the two countries will be the "defining partnership of the 21st century." There is hope that this visit will re-energize that partnership. | |
17 | 奥巴马在演说中,更近一步激励着工人运动。 | Obama sought to further energize the labor movement. | |
18 | 而管理者怎样才能释放深居他们体内的激情与才智——简而言之就是激励他们呢? | What can managers do to help unleash the passion and talent in their employees, in short, to energize them? | |
19 | 欢笑和逗乐是很必要的,这会为你的爱情生活注入动力,使一次性爱跟具活力。 | It is essential to laugh and have fun which will energize your love life making it more lively during a lovemaking session. | |
20 | 或者你会重中受到启发并运用到下次约会中。 | Maybe you can use this idea to energize your next meeting. | |
21 | 来看看下一季度最流行的元素,开始升级你的衣橱,给它能量吧! | Take a look to some of the hottest elements for the upcoming season and get ready to energize and update your wardrobe! | |
22 | 你会怎样激励员工呢(还是蚕食他们的激情)? | What do you do to energize your employees (or sap their enthusiasm)? | |
23 | 切实贯彻新时期的办院方针大力加强我院基础研究工作 | Energize the CAS basic research through real earnest implementation of the Academy-running guideline for the new era | |
24 | 如果你感到疲惫,吃点巧克力充电吧。 | If you feel tired, getting some chocolate may help energize you. | |
25 | 圣经告诉我们,身体需要一段时间的休息以便于养精蓄锐。 | The Bible teaches that your body needs downtime in order to heal and re-energize . | |
26 | 所以像的一些小技巧能让音乐更有力度 | So all of these little tricks sort of energize the music, | |
27 | 他们希望他能为他们的党带来活力。 | They hope he helps energize their party. | |
28 | 它富含的咖啡因、血清素,不仅可以激发你的欲望、使你充满活力,还可以提升你的心情。 | It can be an aphrodisiac and also can help energize you as it contains caffeine as well as serotonin which can lift your mood. | |
29 | 卫生高职教育要突出职业能力的培养 | Advanced professional medical education should energize professional ability training | |
30 | 我很乐意让中国在世界建筑舞台上大展英姿,并希望把自己在这里的事业延续下去。 | I am very enthusiastic about China’scontribution to world architecture, and hope to continue my involvement. Chinacontinues to energize me. |