属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化与地质工程学 地球发光令人担心
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-身心医学 要相信你的身体很棒
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-精神身体医学 好好反省一下吧
1 | 苍蝇携带污物,而污物导致疾病. | Flies carry dirt and dirt engender s disease. | |
2 | 产生(后代);生育 | To engender (offspring;procreate. | |
3 | 产生神话的促使产生或形成神话的;在神话创作上多产的 | Serving to create or engender myths;productive in mythmaking. | |
4 | 仿佛她会提出各种深奥的问题,使谈话始终保持在低温状态。 | It was supposed to engender difficult questions and to keep the conversation at a low temperature | |
5 | 内部繁殖或发展;产生 | To breed or develop within;engender . | |
6 | 如果能够被有节制地使用,税收刑事控诉可以促进自觉遵守和促使公众接受税务机关的权威。 | When used sparingly and with specific civil compliance goals, criminal tax prosecutions can greatly increase voluntary compliance and engender public acceptance of the power of the taxing authority. | |
7 | 它们造成的不公平感是对经济和政治安全的威胁。 | The sense of injustice they engender is a threat to economic and political security. | |
8 | 像烟缸、打火机、钥匙链、圆珠笔等日常物件,既可作广告媒体又能传达良好祝愿。 | They include ash tray, lighters, key chains, ball-pens, any items that are used frequently, they serve as frequent reminders and engender some goodwill. | |
9 | 小资产阶级革命分子的狂热性和片面性,如果不加以节制,不加以改造,就很容易产生主观主义、宗派主义,它的一种表现形式就是洋八股,或党八股。 | Unless checked and transformed, the fanaticism and one-sidedness of petty-bourgeois revolutionaries can easily engender subjectivism and sectarianism, of which foreign stereotyped writing, or stereotyped Party writing, is one form of expression | |
10 | 一个能够使员工产生认同感的政策,研究表明这会走向更伟大的创新。 | A policy like that tends to engender a sense of acceptance,and the research literature suggests this leads to greater innovation. | |
11 | 友爱聚会一种产生或促进友爱的聚会,如为了满足参与者或作为社会行为主义的一种形式 | A gathering to engender and promote love,as for the satisfaction of the participants or as a form of social activism. | |
12 | 在甘肃省马家窑一带发现的被称之为马家窑类型的彩陶上,大都描绘水波纹、旋转纹图案。这些图案匀称、流畅 | In the painted pottery unearthed in Majiayao in Gansu Province, there are many rippling and rotary designs drawn with smooth and balanced strokes to engender a quiet and gentle mood. | |
13 | 在更加激烈的竞争中创造新的优势,获得更大的成功 | which would engender for them new competitive edges and greater successes in the fiercer state of competition. | |
14 | 自找麻烦采取一个可能会产生负面效果的不必要的行动 | To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects. | |
15 | 尊敬能导致爱 | Respect can engender love. | |
16 | ||1:尽管如此,这些实验以及整个研究领域存在巨大争议。||2:许多科学家怀疑地质工程学,多数绿党成员感到很气愤。||3:反对的原因很多。||4:一些人反对地质工程学这一学科和涉及该领域的实验,甚至对环境不会立即造成风险的实验也遭到了反对。||5:他们讨厌尽力影响气候机制而产生的傲慢行为,并对应对气候变化过程中可能将注意力远离控制碳排放的行为感到绝望。||6:他们发现,一些(也可能是许多)国家有能力改变全球气候的想法是一个地缘政治的梦魇。||7:根据这一逻辑,即使是很小的地质工程实验也是大灾难的开端,会产生不真实的安全感,并滋生一种永远都令人气愤的想法。 | ||1:Nonetheless, these experiments—and this whole line of research—are hugely controversial.||2:Many scientists are skeptical about geoengineering and most greens are outraged.||3:Opponents object to them for a range of reasons.||4:Some are against the very idea of geoengineering and any experiments in the area, even those which pose no immediate risk to the environment.||5:They abhor the hubris involved in trying to affect the mechanics of the climate and despair at the potential diversion of attention from controlling carbon emissions as the route to countering climate change.||6:They find the idea of some–possibly many—countries having the power to change the climate for the whole planet a geopolitical nightmare.||7:Even modest experiments in geoengineering, according to this logic, are the beginnings of a slippery slope, one that will engender a false sense of security and domesticate an idea that should have always remained outrageous. | |
17 | 此外,他们还随机邀请了一半志愿者到一个注册治疗师开的一系列工作坊中,学习冥想的技巧,旨在让冥想者产生一种善待自己、善待他人的情绪。 | In addition, half the participants, chosen at random, were invited to a series of workshops run by a licensed therapist, to learn a meditation technique intended to engender in the meditator a feeling of goodwill towards both himself and others. | |
18 | 干旱季节的灌溉以及产生经济活动的家禽饲养所提供电力。 | irrigation in the dry season and power for a poultry farm-all of which engender economic activity. | |
19 | 另外,以随机的方式抽取了一半的参与者,被邀请参加一系列由特许理疗师主持的研讨会,学习冥想技巧,以达到成为一名对自己或者他人心怀善意的禅定者。 | In addition, half the participants, chosen at random, were invited to a series of workshops run by a licensed therapist, to learn a meditation technique intended to engender in the meditator a feeling of goodwill towards both himself and others. | |
20 | Orchard银行没有在网上公布其罚款利率,也不会告诉我是多少(这毫不让人产生信心!) | Orchard Bank doesnt disclose its penalty rate online and wouldn’t tell me what it is (that didn’t engender confidence! ). | |
21 | 奥巴马已经学会使用才是真正的权力:那是一种激动人心、引领潮流、给人信念的权力。 | True power is what Obama has learned wield: the power to inspire, lead, and engender belief. | |
22 | 巴顿(淋浴的湿泉)的水会变冷,那里有益健康的水会造成死亡! | The baths of Badon [hot springs of Bath] shall grow cold, and their salubrious waters engender death! | |
23 | 不论这些被扭曲的辩词能带来何种短期利益,都无助于形成现在急需的长期信任。 | Whatever short-term benefit these distorted defences may bring, they do little to engender the long-term confidence that is so badly needed. | |
24 | 产生移情的一种有效方式便是通过简单直接地讲故事。 | And one powerful way to engender empathy is through plain old storytelling. | |
25 | 此外还有其他困难难以解决:其建议过于激进,根本不会促成华盛顿当前亟需的妥协。 | And there are practical difficulties: his proposals are far too radical to engender the sort of compromise needed in Washington. | |
26 | 但是他同时也意识到,经济改革必须伴随着人文及教育项目,这样才能造就一批新的国家精英。 | But he also realised that economic reforms needed to be backed by humanities and education projects to engender a new national elite. | |
27 | 当代大学生实用主义价值观产生的原因探析 | Analyses of the Engender Reason of Contemporary University Students Pragmatism Values | |
28 | 改革我国户籍制度实现城乡统一劳动力市场 | Reform the System of Our Registered Permanent Residence and Engender the Unitive Market of Labor | |
29 | 钢铁企业用电设备谐波的产生、危害与防治 | Engender harm and prevention of harmonic in iron and steel industry | |
30 | 另外,专家称,如果市场上只有青蒿素类的药品,一段时间以后最终还是会导致抗药性的出现。 | What’s more, public health experts say that the artemisinin-only pills on the market will inevitably engender drug resistance over time. |