属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/ASME B 18.18.4M-1987
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASME B 18.18.4M-1987
1 | "我们的泵是""工程产品"",具有非常高的质量和重型坚固耐用的设计,是专为苛刻的运行环境设计的稳定可靠、坚固耐用、使用寿命长的泵设备。" | "Our pumps are ""engineered products"" and are of very high quality and heavy-duty design. Our pumps are intentionally designed for long, reliable service life under harsh operating conditions." | |
2 | “ 新赛欧”的悬架系统针对中国路况经过了精心调校 | The suspension system of the “New Sail” has been carefully re-engineered to cater for Chinese road conditions. | |
3 | 5月末这个迷人的前景已经初见端倪,当然对于把转基因动物释放到大自然中去的结果人们还是颇感不安的。 | The end of May brought a vivid illustration of that promise--and a surge of unease at the prospect of releasing genetically engineered animals into the wild | |
4 | ES细胞源性表皮干细胞与胶原海绵构建组织工程皮肤 | Reconstructed Tissue-engineered Skin with ES Cell-derived Epidermal Stem Cells and Collagen Sponge | |
5 | α-天冬氨酰二肽酶基因工程菌的固定化及其应用 | Immobilization and Application of the Engineered Strain with α-Aspartyl Dipeptidase Gene | |
6 | 埃克森美孚化工Santoprene特种产品在工程性TPEs领域居世界领先地位,该材料兼具橡胶的性能和塑料的易加工性。 | ExxonMobil Chemical′s Santoprene specialty products are the global leader in engineered TPEs, materials with the performance of rubber and the processing ease of plastic.? | |
7 | 埃克森美孚化工开发了新型Santoprene?热塑性弹性体(TPE)产品,可在包覆成型应用中与工程热塑性塑料(ETPs)实现紧密接合。 | ExxonMobil Chemical has developed new Santoprene? thermoplastic elastomer (TPE)grades which bond successfully to engineered thermoplastics (ETPs)in overmolding applications. | |
8 | 不同支架材料构建组织工程化口腔黏膜的比较 | Comparison of Tissue-Engineered Oral Mucosa with Different Scaffolds | |
9 | 不同支架材料构建组织工程化口腔黏膜回植动物的比较 | Experiment on Transplanted Tissue-Engineered Oral Mucosa in Mice with Different Scaffolds | |
10 | 部长的敌人密谋陷害他。 | The minister’s enemies engineered his ruin. | |
11 | 茶氨酸生物合成工程菌构建 | The Construction of the Engineered Escherichia coli Strain for the Biosynthesis of Theanine | |
12 | 除法律规定或在本处明确规定的范围之外,若无UPS事先的书面授权,任何内容及/或信息不得被反面设计、修正、再造、再版、翻译成任何语言或计算机语言. | Except to the extent required by law or as expressly provided herein, none of the Content and/or Information may be reverse-engineered , modified, amended, reproduced, republished, translated into any language or computer language. | |
13 | 大多数早期的刺激微生物活性的方法是向水和土壤中添加氧或养分,现在叫工程生物补救法。 | Most of the early efforts to stimulate the activities of microbes involved the modification of waters and soils by the addition of oxygen or nutrients, now called engineered bioremediation. | |
14 | 敌人图谋毁灭他。 | His enemies engineered his ruin | |
15 | 第十六条 建设项目的职业病防护设施所需费用应当纳入建设项目工程预算,并与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投入生产和使用。 | Article 16 The expense of the occupational-disease-prevention facilities for any Construction Project shall be counted into the engineering budget of the Construction Project, and the occupational-disease-prevention facilities should be designed, engineered and put into operation concurrently with the main body of the project. | |
16 | 定制的瓦楞纸板或设计的泡沫外壳会更有效并加强外部包装箱的坚固程度。 | Customised corrugated board or engineered foam enclosures are more?effective and reinforce the rigidity of the outer box. | |
17 | 对于各种特殊应用,美国约曼公司可提供一个完整系列的工程控制装置。 | Yeomans offers a complete line of engineered controllers for specific applications. | |
18 | 非加热提高流速的选项应该是首选。如果没有合适的,适当设计和得到认可的间接加热系统对于液化压缩气体容器是可以接受的。 | Nonheated, flow-enhancing options should be evaluated as a first preference. If none are suitable, a properly engineered and approved INDIRECT heating system is acceptable for liquefied compressed gas containers. | |
19 | 非洲首次轮到它入主这个世界组织;非洲人为此曾精心策划,巧妙战胜英美大亨终于达到目的。 | The Africans had engineered their continent’s first turn at the helm of the world organization--and had outmaneuvered the big guns of the U.S. and Britain to achieve it | |
20 | 复合富血小板血浆的可注射型组织工程骨体外培养观察 | Observation of an Injectable tissue-engineered Bone Constructed with Autologous platelet-rich Plasma and Bone Marrow Stromal Cells | |
21 | 改革需要长远眼光,不是一次性评估,过程需要根据改革进行调整。 | Reform needs long-term horizon, not just one-time valuation. Process must be re-engineered with continual reform. | |
22 | 概括了关于食品安全性评价问题(表1)的现存法规框架似乎足以用来处理基因工程产物及其制品的安全性问题。 | The existing regulatory fame-work outlined in connection with the evaluation of the safety of foods (Table 1)seems to be sufficient to cope with genetically engineered organisms and their products. | |
23 | 肝组织工程支架的微制造工艺 | Microfabrication of Liver Tissue-Engineered Scaffold | |
24 | 高度专业化工程应用的紧固件的质量保证和检验 | Fasteners for Highly Specialized Engineered Applications, Inspection and Quality Assurance for | |
25 | 高度专业化设计应用中紧固件的检验和质量保证 | Inspection and quality assurance for fasteners for highly specialized engineered applications | |
26 | 高放核废物地质处置中工程屏障研究新进展 | Recent Advances in Research on Engineered Barrier for Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Nuclear Waste | |
27 | 工程菌及其固定化细胞对有机磷农药的降解 | Degradation of Organic Phserhorus Pesticides by Engineered Bacteria and Their Immobilized Cells | |
28 | 构建猕猴组织工程化周围神经的实验研究 | An Experimental Study on Reconstruction of Rhesus tissue-engineered Peripheral Nerve | |
29 | 骨髓干细胞诱导分化构建组织工程神经 | Repairing Peripheral Nerve Defect by Tissue Engineered Nerve | |
30 | 骨髓基质细胞复合三维支架修复犬下颌骨节段性缺损 | Experimental Study on Reconstruction of Segmental Mandible Defect Using Tissue Engineered Bone Combined |