属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地方电视台 小城眼光
1 | 不管怎样,他住在迪涅担任教职九年以后,当初成为那些小城市和小人们谈话的题材的闲话,都完全被丢在脑后了。 | However that may be, after nine years of episcopal power and of residence in D----, all the stories and subjects of conversation which engross petty towns and petty people at the outset had fallen into profound oblivion | |
2 | 从事贩卖黑奴的商人必须签约,保证为西班牙殖民地和葡萄牙殖民地供应黑奴,并必须获得西班牙国王或葡萄牙国王的批准。贩运黑奴是一种垄断的贸易,因而在巴西黑奴进口的数量不多,价钱也特别昂贵。 | But as far as it was, had been carried on by the assiento’s, or permission of the kings of Spain and Portugal, and engross ’d in the public, so that few Negroes were brought, and those excessive dear. | |
3 | 厄尔吞夫人一味坚持成见,不知检点,只跟简·凡凡可斯讲话而不理睬自已 | With so mush perseverance in judging andbehavin ill did Mrs. Elton engross | |
4 | 她常对我说应该从他那里得到一些好处,做为我陪伴他的报酬,因为他的确好象独占了我。 | She used to tell me that she thought I ought to expect some gratification from him for my company, for indeed he did, as it were, engross me | |
5 | 她虽然难免想到自己,却并不是完全只想到自己。 | But self, though it would intrude, could not engross her. | |
6 | 可是里昂提斯的全部注意力好像都贯注在潘狄塔身上。 | But Perdita seemed to engross all Leontes’ attention. | |
7 | 难道他不是有些迷而忘返了吗 | Don’t it rather engross him? | |
8 | 热中于;埋头于;全神贯注于. | be engross ed in | |
9 | 如果让我给你一个忠告来提高你的阅读速度的话,那就是全神贯注的研究你的资料。 | If there was one piece of advice I would offer to improve your reading rate it would be simply to engross yourself in the material you are studying. | |
10 | 使全神贯注完全占据了思想或注意力;吸引 | To occupy completely the mind or attention of;engross . | |
11 | 誊清或印刷…的终稿;正式写成文件 | To write or print a final copy of;engross . | |
12 | 我走进书店,聚精会神地读关于饮食的书以及食谱。 | I go into bookshops and engross myself in diet books and cookbooks. | |
13 | 先生们对她百般奉承,把她弄得神魂颠倒。 | Gentlemen pay her attention, and engross her all to themselves | |
14 | 引人注意,使着迷占据…的全部注意力、兴趣或时间;使全神贯注 | To occupy the full attention,interest,or time of;engross . | |
15 | ||1:大多数城市每天只用几小时播放新的电视节目。||2:本地新闻快报是许可执照的条件之一;廉价的谈话类节目是难以避免的(广电总局总喜欢引用BBC一档娱乐节目“一个秀”作为反面教材)。||3:布莱顿一个新频道“最新电视”的史密斯希望,观众能够提供可以鼓舞他们的影片。||4:河口电视为一些灵异事件爱好者还提供了夜间谈话节目。 | ||1:Most will air only a few hours of new telly each day.||2:Local bulletins are a condition of the licence; cheap chat shows are inevitable (station controllers like to cite “The One Show”, a jovial BBC programme, as a model).||3:Bill Smith of Latest TV, Brighton’s new channel, hopes viewers will want to contribute films on topics that engross them.||4:Estuary TV is airing a nightly talk show for fans of the paranormal. | |
16 | 誊清或印刷…的终稿;正式写成文件。 | To write or print a final copy of; engross . |