属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-餐饮业 The restaurant business
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天鹅之歌 A swan’s song
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日笛悠悠 比尔·米林
1 | 优美的风景和温泉浴,二者使旅客停留在那里,极感愉快。 | The charming scenery and hot spring baths combine to make the travellers’ stay there most enjoyable . | |
2 | 幽美的风景加上温泉浴,使游客在那里的逗留成为极大的快事。 | The charming scenery and the hot spring baths combine to make the travelers stay there most enjoyable | |
3 | 有的学习音乐,认为音乐更能给人带来欢乐。 | Some study music because they fell it is more enjoyable | |
4 | 愉快地游一次泳(洗一次澡). | have (take) an enjoyable bathe | |
5 | 在海滨度周末一定很有乐趣。 | A weekend at the seaside is certain to be enjoyable . | |
6 | 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。 | Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. | |
7 | 在我看来,阅读比钓鱼更令人愉快。 | In my opinion, reading is more enjoyable than fishing. | |
8 | 这部电影很有趣. | The film was quite enjoyable . | |
9 | 这场比赛非常精彩,我急切盼望接下来在伊莫拉的比赛。 | An enjoyable race and I can′t wait for Imola. | |
10 | 这次聚会肯定会成功/很愉快。 | The party is bound to be successful / enjoyable . | |
11 | 这个假期变得愈来愈有趣。 | This holiday is becoming more and yet more enjoyable . | |
12 | 这个英语晚会很棒/很有意思。 | The English evening performance is wonderful / very enjoyable . | |
13 | 这个周末一定很有意思。 | This weekend is certain to be enjoyable . | |
14 | 这是令人愉快的一餐。 | It was a very enjoyable dinner | |
15 | 这是一次十分愉快的音乐会. | It was a very enjoyable concert. | |
16 | 这一次也许是他一生事业中最最适意的一博。 | And this one might be the most enjoyable fight of his entire career | |
17 | 正是这股烟使大地罩上一层薄雾,使天气变得温暖宜人。 | It was the smoke that made the land look hazy, warm and enjoyable . | |
18 | 至于我自己呢,我觉得这挺够味儿。 | As for myself, I found it most enjoyable . | |
19 | 总的来说,我觉得骑自行车比乘公共汽车更愉快。 | On the whole , I find riding a bike more enjoyable than riding a bus . | |
20 | 总之,这周末非常好玩。 | The weekend was, in all, a very enjoyable one. | |
21 | 最重要的是,时代华纳人以其创造性、令人信服的才能和精益求精的态度确保给观众、合作者和顾客不断提供与其盛名相匹配的的高性能服务、值得信赖的信息和令人愉悦的娱乐。 | Most important, our people’s creativity, talent and commitment to excellence--ensures that Time Warner continues to provide the high-performance service, trustworthy information and enjoyable entertainment our audiences, members and customers expect. | |
22 | 做饭是件令人愉快的工作。 | Cooking is an enjoyable task. | |
23 | ||1:据兰德尔所说,该书的绝大部分篇章都用来描写全球20家最顶级的餐厅的经营者。(该书还附有奈杰尔·皮克所画的精美插图。)||2:如能拜访一下这些餐厅,那将会是一次愉快至极的美食体验,但很少读者能有足够的时间和金钱去实践。||3: 兰德尔这本书对许多餐厅进行了描写,从爱尔兰乡间那所哈泽尔·艾伦开的 Ballymaloe House到纽约丹尼·迈耶的Union Square Café全都在其中。 ||4:其他的一些还有加州吉尔伯特·皮尔格拉姆的Zuni,还有一家叫“圣约翰”的英国餐厅。圣约翰专门供应一些许多厨师都不愿烹饪的动物部位。 | ||1: The bulk of the book is pen portraits of the people who run the world’s 20 best restaurants, according to Mr Lander (with elegant illustrations by Nigel Peake). ||2: Though few readers will have the time and money, visiting all of these establishments would be a hugely enjoyable gastronomic education. ||3: Mr Lander’s compass stretches from Hazel Allen’s Ballymaloe House in rural Ireland to Danny Meyer’s Union Square Café in New York. ||4: Others include Gilbert Pilgram’s Zuni in California and St John—a British “nose-to-tail” restaurant that specialises in serving the animal parts that most chefs disdain. | |
24 | ||1:凯里是现今仍然在世的最杰出的英语作家之一,他的佳作在理智与情感上都给人以犒赏;凯里极具诗意但从来不忘作品的必须——让读者享受其中。||2:他的小说唯一不足的就是时常过分珍视自己的构思而几近忘记了读者。||3:《泪水制剂》较于其早先的一些作品来说要短小一些,也少了几许气势,但终归来说,这份故事仍旧是一次美妙的旅程。 | ||1: Mr Carey is one of the finest living writers in English. His best books satisfy both intellectually and emotionally; he is lyrical yet never forgets the imperative to entertain. ||2: His fault as a novelist is that at times he is too enamoured of his constructs and risks losing the reader. ||3: “The Chemistry of Tears” is a shorter and less ambitious book than some of his earlier works—but a wholly enjoyable journey. | |
25 | ||1:他带领战友们横跨二座桥梁。一座后来叫飞马桥,榴弹打在桥两边的金属构件上,清脆猛烈;一座只有木栏杆,子弹呼啸而过:“那是我曾经吹笛走过的最长的桥”。||2:这两次跨桥行动使他们与先期到达的部队胜利会师。||3:他后来了解到,在整个冲锋途中,德军阻击手们的瞄准具已把他标定,但是,出于可怜他这个精神失常者,没有射杀他。||4: 这个故事是[被俘] 德军讲的。米林认为他不会死。 ||5: 从他结识Boys’ Brigade 乐团到短暂军旅生涯的始终,吹笛送军前行太令人愉快了。吹笛也保佑着他。 | ||1: He took them across two bridges, one (later renamed the Pegasus Bridge) ringing and banging as shrapnel hit the metal sides, one merely with railings which bullets whistled through: “the longest bridge I ever piped across.” ||2: Those two crossings marked their successful rendezvous with the troops who had preceded them. ||3: All the way, he learned later, German snipers had had him in their sights but, out of pity for this madman, had not fired. ||4: That was their story. Mr Millin himself knew he wasn’t going to die. ||5: Piping was too enjoyable , as he had discovered in the Boys’ Brigade band and all through his short army career. And piping protected him. | |
26 | ||1:印第乌斯队的闹剧表现给本书带来了喜剧性的调剂,颇受欢迎。||2:埃尔卡特尔是该队的支持者俱乐部,名字有些令人费解,他们古怪的动作让人特别喜爱。||3:在客场对阵一流的蒙特雷队时,一名身为卡特尔会员的老奶奶被逮捕了。||4:“她举起她的印第乌斯队球衣向蒙特雷队的球迷进行亵渎性暴露,而蒙特雷队的球迷高喊着“炸猪皮”为她的胸部评分,炸猪皮是一种起皱的油炸猪肉体育场小吃。” | ||1: The Indios’ slapstick performances bring welcome comic relief to the book. ||2: The antics of el Kartel, its dubiously named supporters’ club, are especially enjoyable . ||3: At an away-match against posh Monterrey, a granny Kartel-member was arrested. ||4: “She had lifted up her Indios jersey to flash Monterrey’s fans, who graded her breasts with chants of ‘chicharrón!’—a stadium snack of wrinkled and fried pork.” | |
27 | ||1:在法庭上,他是一个好法官,能言善辩,裁决极其公正。||2:他38岁时成为高级律师,并被破格提升为最高法院首席法官,当时他的专业背景是商业法而不是犯罪法。||3:在他的职业生涯中,他对其他的法律体系很感兴趣,也坦诚地接受。||4:他热衷于法律的国际化,希望和欧洲民法典缔结“美好姻缘”。他很乐意工作在一个英格兰的司法体系日益颓败的时代。 | ||1:At the Bar he was a fine judge, dexterous in argument and scrupulously fair in his rulings.||2:He became a QC at 38, and was made Lord Chief Justice, exceptionally, when his background was in commercial rather than criminal law.||3:All through his career he was curious about, and open to, other legal systems.||4:He relished the internationalising of the law, hoped for an “enjoyable courtship” with European civil codes, and was pleased to work in an age when England was less and less a legal island. | |
28 | 18.变得有趣——当你在工作的时候不要为了工作而工作,你要把它当成是一件有趣的事情。 | 18. Make it fun - Work is most enjoyable when it doesn’t feel like work at all. | |
29 | 爱抚法是最受欢迎的刺激方式。 | Stroking is usually the most enjoyable form of stimulation. | |
30 | 爱情包含一个相互适应的动态过程,但并不是所有的适应过程都是平稳和令人愉快的; | Love involves a dynamic process of mutual adaptation, but not all adaptive processes are smooth and enjoyable ; |