属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-汇集于集市 Gathered in the marke
1 | 但自相矛盾的是,如果丈夫欠了债务,可以将妻子卖给债主为奴,时间可以多达三年。 | Yet, paradoxically, the man who fell into debt could enslave his wife to a creditor for up to three years | |
2 | 改不掉的坏习惯. | be enslave d to a habit | |
3 | 教育使人易于领导,难以驱使;易于管理,难以奴役。 | Education make a people easy to lead,but difficult to drive;easy to govern,but impossible to enslave . | |
4 | 使…成奴隶. | enslave | |
5 | 他们使用胡萝卜加大棒的手段来奴役殖民地人民。 | They applied the carrot and stick to enslave the people in the colonies. | |
6 | 他们是这样才进行干涉的:不是为支配和奴役别人,而是为了开化、教育和解放他们。 | Thus, they intervened, not to control and enslave others but to enlighten, instruct, and liberate | |
7 | 为了保持一个人的思想自由,为了不让鉴赏力和批评的独立性受到限制,即使付出一切代价也值得的。 | It’s worth everything, isn’t it, to keep one’s intellectual liberty, not to enslave one’s powers of appreciation, one’s critical independence | |
8 | 真源了无取,忘迹世所逐 | ..The world has forgotten the true fountain of this teaching And people enslave themselves to miracles and fables. | |
9 | ||1:非洲奴隶主要通过桑给巴尔岛流向阿拉伯半岛,镇上还有纪念雕塑(下图所示)。||2:废奴主义者强烈抗议奴隶贸易。||3:而岛上的阿曼统治者态度却极为坚决,他们坚持认为,古兰经赋予了人们以异教徒为奴的权利。||4:英国本身的态度也含糊不清。||5:名义上,桑给巴尔受印度办事处管辖,官员很重视这里的稳定程度。||6:另外,人们很容易从生活在丛林中得大象身上取得光洁无暇的象牙,在引进奴隶的同时,象牙也一同流入英国,制成畅销的台球、钢琴键、装饰品和刀叉。||7:Hazell指出:“仅在谢菲尔德,(每年)就有170吨象牙来到刀叉制造商手中。” | ||1: Zanzibar was the main conduit of slaves from Africa to Arabia, as a sculpture in the town commemorates (pictured below). ||2: Abolitionists railed against the trade. ||3: But the island’s Omani rulers were implacable, arguing that the Koran gave the right to enslave infidels. ||4: Britain itself sent out mixed messages. ||5: Zanzibar was nominally under the control of the India Office and officials there valued stability. ||6: Besides, the slaves came along with flawless and easily worked ivory from jungle elephants that was in demand in England for billiard balls, piano keys, trinkets, knives and forks. ||7: “The cutlers of Sheffield alone took 170 tons [a year],” the author notes. | |
10 | 《老子》哲学神秘主义则让万物保持自己渊深而神秘的生命,不允许人类以自私之心奴役自然、污染自然。 | It does not allow man to enslave and pollute nature with his selfishness. Divinity should be restored to the universe; | |
11 | 如果能,为什么我们无法接受奴役低智商人群的行为呢? | If so, why don’t we think it’s acceptable to enslave people with low IQs? |