1 | 随着每一美元钞票流入你的手中,你,且只有你才有权决定你自己的前途。 | With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you and only you have the power to determine your destiny. | |
2 | 髓质血流汇入粗而短的薄壁静脉。 | Blood from the medulla enters short, stout, thin-walled veins | |
3 | 他以职业家资格加入决赛。 | He enters the contest as a professional. | |
4 | 天姥连天向天横,势拔五岳掩赤城 | In a straight line to heaven, its summit enters heaven, Tops the five Holy Peaks, and casts a shadow through China | |
5 | 通过她的女房东托德夫人,故事叙述人谦虚谨慎地进入镇中居民的生活。 | Through Mrs. Todd, the woman with whom she boards, the narrator enters unobtrusively into the lives of the townsfolk | |
6 | 投身于医生这个职业的人五花八门,各色各样自然也免不了有一些懒虫和不顾一切后果的人。 | It is a mixed lot which enters upon the medical profession, and naturally there are some who are lazy and reckless | |
7 | 韦恩走进来,看见四张毫无表情的脸冷冰冰地看着他。 | As Wanyne enters , he finds four impassive faces regarding him coolly | |
8 | 违反本法规定,非法出境、入境,伪造、涂改、冒用、转让出境、入境证件的 | in violation of the provisions of this Law, leaves or enters the country illegally, forges or alters an exit or entry certificate, uses another person’s certificate as his own or transfers his certificate | |
9 | 未指定特定系统的,该数据电文进入收件人的任何系统的首次时间,视为到达时间。 | If no specific system has been designated, the time when the electronic message first enters into any of the recipient’s systems is deemed its time of arrival. | |
10 | 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。 | Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. | |
11 | 无论怎样,如果你通过一道门能脱离穷困,但同时又落入不名誉的境地,那样的门总还是一扇坏门 | that that is in any case a poor door through which to escape from misery through which infamy enters | |
12 | 物理定律的不变性以两种方式体现. | The invariance of physical laws enters in two ways | |
13 | 先期合同:指借款人在向世界银行申请贷款的过程中,签定有关贷款协议之前签定的合同。 | advance contracting: In World Bank loans, procedure whereby the borrower enters into a contract before the signing of the relevant loan agreement. | |
14 | 现在或随后已进入公共领域的 | Now or hereafter enters the public domain | |
15 | 现在或以后进入公共领域 | Now or hereafter enters the public domain | |
16 | 现在我们知道,食物进入胃时,胃的某些细胞产生一种激素,即促胃酸激素。 | We know now that a hormone, gastrin, is produced by certain cells in the stomach when food enters the stomach | |
17 | 心灵之窗开启,音乐得以进入心田,此时听到的,或者说自以为听懂的,主要也只是瞬息即逝的个人灵感。 | When something opens within, and the music enters , what we mainly hear, or hear corroborated, are personal private, vanishing evocations | |
18 | 心舒张后期发生在心室充盈和心房开始收缩之间的心脏舒张休息期 | The last stage of diastole in the heart,occurring just before contraction and during which little additional blood enters the ventricle. | |
19 | 新的可燃混合气通过进气口进入,燃烧过的废气从排气口排出.整个工作过程如下 | A fresh air-fuel charge enters through the intake port, and the Burned gases exit through the exhaust port. The complete cycle of operation is as follows. | |
20 | 新娘手持一束鲜花和她的父亲最后进来,父亲要把她交给新郎。 | The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will "give her away" | |
21 | 也就是说,驱动力是从传动轴末端的传动齿轮输送到差速器的。传动齿轮与一个很大的冠状齿轮啮合,传动齿轮驱动冠状齿轮。 | The driving power enters the differential through the drive pinion on the end of the propeller shaft. The drive pinion is meshed with a large ring gear so that the ring gear revolves with the pinion. | |
22 | 一旦使用者进入感应器的感应有效范围后离开,冲水阀螺线管就启动一次冲水冲刷卫生洁具。 | Once the user enters the sensor’s effective range and then steps away, the Flushometer Solenoid initiates the flushing cycle to flush the fixture. | |
23 | 一个人一旦挤进走运的掌权人的圈子,他就立刻会被社会接受。 | A person is accepted as soon as he enters the charmed circles of the holders of power | |
24 | 一种病毒进入一个细胞后就会迫使细胞俯首听命。 | When a virus enters a cell it hiiacks it, and makes it do what it wants. | |
25 | 引资者必须在外来资金实际进入广西前,获得由投资者签署的委托其开展投资引荐事务的委托书 | It shall have obtained the authorization signed by the investor about authorizing it to address the matters of recommendation of investments before the external fund actually enters into Guangxi,并 | |
26 | 有人进审判室时,你不必停,请继续说吧。 | You needn’t stop speaking when someone enters the court room; please proceed. | |
27 | 钥匙齿钥匙插入锁中并使锁簧和制栓接合的部分 | The part of a key that enters the lock and engages the bolt and tumblers. | |
28 | 在第五份批准书、接受书、赞同书或加入书交存之日以后,对于成为本公约的缔约国的每一国家而言,自该国交存适当之文书之日算起一年过后的第一个月的第一天起,本公约对该国生效 | For each State which becomes a Contracting State to this Convention after the date of the deposit of the fifth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the date of the deposit of the appropriate instrument on behalf of that State. | |
29 | 在分布式处理控制执行程序(DPCX)中,应用程序和终端之间的通信的一种方式,通信期间操作员可以不管预定的格式或字段而输入数据。 | In DPCX, communication between an application program and a terminal during which the operator enters data without regard for any predefined form or field | |
30 | 在磨擦纺纱过程中,条子进入纺纱装置后,纤维被开松并被铺放在分梳辊或梳理辊的表面,然后由气流从辊上引离进入磨擦区。 | In this process the sliver enters the system and the fibers are separated and spread onto a combing or carding roll. They are doffed from this roll and transported by air to the friction zone. |