属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人权 关于同性恋的分歧
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-世界自然保护联盟发布年度《濒危物种红色名录》
1 | 她做好充分准备去勾引主教本人。 | She was quite prepared to entrap the bishop himself | |
2 | 警方已经被进一步授权诱捕毒贩。 | The police have been given extra powers to entrap drug traffickers. | |
3 | 另一种方法是在有规律合胶的底纱中加入一小段,即一小段能产生花式效应的材料。 | Another variation is to entrap short segments of a novelty-effect material into regularly plied base yarns | |
4 | 设圈套陷害他的对手固然是个妙计,可是到头来却是害人反害己。 | It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard | |
5 | 设圈套陷害他的对手固然是个妙计,可是到头来却是作法自毙。 | It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent,but in the end he was hoist by his own petard. | |
6 | 使入或似乎使入陷阱. | Entrap :To catch in or as if in a trap. | |
7 | 使受困扰使阻碍、牵绊或纠缠如陷入泥沼一般 | To hinder,entrap ,or entangle as if in mire. | |
8 | 他以为在把她捆住,实际上他已捆住了自己。干这种聪明笨伯的事,其最后的结果,也许是作茧自缚。 | And thinking that he was binding her, he bound himself, And the culmination of this clever goofiness might be to entrap himself. | |
9 | 围住(例如敌人);包围或诱陷 | To surround(an enemy,for example;enclose or entrap . | |
10 | 要想从无休无止的重复中解脱出来,须首先识别那些困住你的行为模式,然后才能摆脱旧的习惯。 | If you are to make any progress in excavating yourself from the cycles that entrap you, you must first identify the patterns that keep you stuck. Then you can begin to release the old behaviors. | |
11 | 有意使…陷入圈套或使…迷惑的,如在辩论中。 | Intended to entrap or confuse, as in an argument. | |
12 | 诱捕用诱饵吸引或设陷阱 | To lure or entrap by or as if by a decoy. | |
13 | 正在沉降的沉淀物也能夹带胶体使其沉淀。 | The settling precipitates can also entrap colloids which it passes bringing them down | |
14 | ||1:以惊人的速度发生着变化。||2:在20世纪50年代的同性恋性行为在几乎所有的地方都是非法的。||3:在英国,内政大臣发誓要“消灭”它,派出去卧底警察在酒吧闲逛,使同性恋者落入陷阱,把他们关进监狱。||4:在中国20世纪80年代的同性恋者被围捕,不经审判就送往劳动营。||5:世界各地的同性恋生活在阴暗和恐惧中。||6:直到2003年美国的一些州法律仍然禁止“鸡奸”。 | ||1:The leap forward has been startlingly quick.||2:In the 1950s gay sex was illegal nearly everywhere.||3:In Britain, on the orders of a home secretary who vowed to “eradicate” it, undercover police were sent out to loiter in bars, entrap gay men and put them in jail.||4:In China in the 1980s homosexuals were rounded up and sent to labour camps without trial.||5:All around the world gay people lived furtively and in fear.||6:Laws banning “sodomy” remained in some American states until 2003. | |
15 | 捕鱼刺网的使用是对这些物种伤害最大的捕鱼方式之一。这种网在湄公河等主要河道上使用。它们横跨在河道上,网住了水路中的一切生物。 | The use of gillnets is among the fishing methods harmful to these species. The nets are used on the Mekong River and in other major waterways. They hang across waterways and entrap everything in the path. | |
16 | 丰田汽车已经确定会卡住油门踏板的地垫是造成突然加速的原因之一。 | Toyota has identified floor mats that can entrap a car’s gas pedal as one cause of sudden acceleration. | |
17 | 这一句译为:“一些女性杂志建议用保持神秘感来诱惑男人,使这种成见根深蒂固。”似乎更合适。 | Some women’s magazines perpetuate these stereotypes by offering advice on how to entrap men or keep them guessing. | |
18 | 柱塞配流海水液压泵配流副闭死体积的研究 | An Investigation into Entrap Volume in Seawater Hydraulic Pump with Piston Valving |