属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国 印度和气候变化
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电动汽车 马力十足
1 | 20年前,在上一届生境大会准备阶段,有先见之明的经济学家和环保专家巴巴拉·沃德妙手偶得一个比喻来描述未来的大灾难 | Twenty years ago, in the run-up to the last Habitat conference, the prophetic Barbara Ward, economist and environmentalist , reached for a simile to describe the coming cataclysm | |
2 | 环境保护学者、环保人士 | environmentalist /conservationist | |
3 | 那个电视明星,先前有点束手束脚,现在却大显身手,惟妙惟肖地学着美国总统。算是在电视里跟一个汽车制造商和一个环境污染问题专家在一起,竭力说好话给这两个人消气。 | The network TV personality, who had been diffident earlier, had blossomed and was doing a skillful imitation of the U.S. President, supposedly on television with a carmaker and an environmentalist , trying to appease both | |
4 | 这位环境保护论者就节约能源问题发了一通议论。 | The environmentalist launched out at great length on energy preservation. | |
5 | 作为一个环保主义者,特别是作为一个保护长城的人,我对这篇报道感到焦虑。 | As an environmentalist and a Great Wall conserva-tionist in particular, I found the report troubling | |
6 | ||1:中国正遭受着持续雾霾、栖息地大规模破坏以及食品重金属中毒等问题。||2:然而,当问起环境专家“什么是中国最大的问题”时,得到的答案通常如出一辙。||3:北京清华-卡耐基中心的王涛答道:“水资源问题最为严重,一方面由于水资源缺乏,另一方面由于它的污染状况。”||4:“水资源,”中国社科院潘家华表示认同,“人们不能在沙漠中生存。”||5:前水利部部长汪恕诚曾说:“中国面临的挑战就是要珍惜每一滴水,否则就是灭亡。” | ||1: CHINA endures choking smog, mass destruction of habitats and food poisoned with heavy metals. ||2: But ask an environmentalist what is the country’s biggest problem, and the answer is always the same. ||3: “Water is the worst,” says Wang Tao, of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Centre in Beijing, “because of its scarcity, and because of its pollution.” ||4: “Water,” agrees Pan Jiahua, of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. “People can’t survive in a desert.” ||5: Wang Shucheng, a former water minister, once said: “To fight for every drop of water or die: that is the challenge facing China.” | |
7 | 从一个环保人士的角度看来,印度和中国的做法只能让人绝望。他们太沉迷于经济增长了。为了推动经济增长,他们建了更多的火力发电厂-一种极不环保的能源。他们的城市都弥漫着烟雾。他们的河流都着火了。我们对此也无能为力。 | From an environmentalist ’s point of view, India and China elicit despair. They are obsessed with growth. To fuel it, they are building ever more coal-fired power stations, a filthy form of energy. Their cities fume. Their rivers catch fire. There is not much anyone can do about it. | |
8 | 特斯拉比落魄的丰田普锐斯更能体现环保,比法拉利更能体现实用-在后加速器放两个儿童座位,可容纳7人。 | A Tesla is a more stylish way of displaying environmentalist credentials than a lumpen Toyota Prius and more practical than a Ferrari—putting two child seats in the back boosts the capacity to seven passengers. | |
9 | 旺加里·马塔伊,肯尼亚环保专家,活跃的政治家,于九月二十五日逝世,享年71岁。 | Wangari Maathai, Kenyan environmentalist and political activist, died on September 25th, aged 71. | |
10 | 现代中国首位环保人士梁从诫于10月28日辞世,享年78岁 | Liang Congjie, modern China’s first environmentalist , died on October 28th, aged 78 | |
11 | “粮价一直在涨,但其产生的影响却并未被世人同步感知。”人类生态学者李斯特·布朗如是说。 | Food prices are rising, but the impact is not being felt equally around the world, says environmentalist Lester Brown. | |
12 | Lomborg主管哥本哈根共识中心,是《多疑的环境保护论者》和《冷却》的作者。 | Lomborg directs the Copenhagen Consensus Center and is the author of The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It. | |
13 | 除了演员和作家,AliceSilverstone还把自己定义为环境保护论者和素食者。 | Alicia Silverstone defines herself not only as an actress and author, but as an environmentalist and vegan. | |
14 | 但是从环境保护者的角度,更多是负面的消息。 | From an environmentalist ’s perspective, though, these positives are outweighed by much larger negatives. | |
15 | 但作为一个节约主义和环保主义者,我清楚低利率将会让人们考虑长期投资。 | But as a conservationist and environmentalist , I know that low rates enable a certain kind of long-term thinking. | |
16 | 核能带来的风险仍然没有改变,风险一直都在。 | "The risks from nuclear energy remain unchanged; there were always risks, " said Stephen Tindale, a British environmentalist . | |
17 | 环境保护主义者马军表示,公众对官方数据越来越持怀疑态度。 | Environmentalist Ma Jun says that the public has become increasingly sceptical of the official data. | |
18 | 近代中国环保第一人:梁从诫于11月28日去逝,享年78岁 | Liang Congjie, modern China’s first environmentalist , died on October 28th, aged 78 | |
19 | 据一位前沿领域环境学家的计算,与开车相比,走路更容易引发全球变暖。 | Walking does more than driving to cause global warming, a leading environmentalist has calculated. | |
20 | 懒惰的环保主义者:不费力的环保小建议 | The Lazy Environmentalist : No-Sweat Tips For Going Green | |
21 | 你认为环保主义者就是指那些致力于环境改善的人吗? | Would you say that an environmentalist is someone who actively works to help the environment? | |
22 | 你认为自己是环保主义者吗? | Do you consider yourself an environmentalist ? | |
23 | 人们常认为环保主义者是挑剔的,或许这是因为目前对环保主义者尚没有一个统一的定义。 | Environmentalists are often viewed as prickly. Maybe it’s because there is no set definition of what defines an environmentalist . | |
24 | 如果说霍夫由商人转型为环保人士是因为:他相信光合作用就像相信自由市场一样,那么瑞什则是一个彻头彻尾的激进分子。 | But if Hoff is a businessman turned environmentalist , as trusting of the free market as he is of photosynthesis, Reij is a radical at heart. | |
25 | 善待动物组织批评戈尔是一位“肉食主义的环保主义者”并要求他去做素食主义者。 | PETA criticised Gore for being a "meat-eating environmentalist " and urged him to go vegetarian. | |
26 | 数百万油罐已装满这种燃料,此番景象给环境保护主义团体敲响了警钟。 | The prospect of millions of petrol tanks being filled with such a fuel has alarmed environmentalist groups. | |
27 | 思考者,环境保护者,非凡的哲学家。 | Thinker, environmentalist and philosopher extraordinaire . . . | |
28 | 外交政策:在《质疑环境保护论者》一书中,您对气候变化对农业生产的影响持乐观态度。 | FP: In The Skeptical Environmentalist , you write optimistically about the impact climate change will have on agricultural production. | |
29 | 我的结论是:好心的环保主义者每天会做出很多事与愿违的决定。 | My conclusion is that a well-meaning environmentalist will make counterproductive decisions several times a day. | |
30 | 我们真的会像环境学家比尔•麦克基本说的那样面对“自然的终结”? | Are we truly, to quote environmentalist Bill McKibben, facing the "end of nature" ? |