1 | 还有,不要为了找寻同盟者而让你的理想妥协,坚持你的信念,奋力向前。 | Also, don’t compromise on the ideal you envision in order to get an ally. Stick to your cause and press forward. | |
2 | 或者您甚至可以想象任意一个Java类可以被当作Web服务,以本机Java调用作为访问协议。 | Or you can even envision any arbitrary Java class being treated as a Web service, with native Java invocations as the access protocol. | |
3 | 将你的眼睛闭上一会儿,想象一下人体所有浪漫的部分。 | Close your eyes for a minute and envision all the romantic parts of the human body. | |
4 | 近年来,中国政府大力倡导建设和谐世界,那么在您的心目中,和谐世界究竟应该是一个什么样的世界? | In recent years China has vigorously advocated the building of a harmonious world. How do you envision this kind of the world? | |
5 | 空客的开发者同时又将未来的空中旅行设想成一个极度清洁的过程。 | Airbus’ developers also envision the air travel of the future as an exceedingly clean affair. | |
6 | 里奥托说:“我预想为时不远,每个海地人都会清楚比起其他支付手段,他们更愿意通过移动支付获得付款。” | "I envision a time when every Haitian will figure out that he’d prefer getting paid this way than any other method, " Liautaud says. | |
7 | 美元对欧元的汇率确实升值了,但这也很难想象有很大的影响。 | The dollar did rise against the euro briefly, but it is difficult to envision this, either, having much effect. | |
8 | 那么,为什么奥巴马政府愿意在国内外表达并接受美国将衰落和紧缩的言论呢? | Why, then, does the Obama administration envision and accept decline at home and retrenchment abroad? | |
9 | 能想象自己实现了一个目标将会迫使你朝目标前进;在有疑虑的时候让你坚持下去。 | Being able to envision yourself achieving a goal will compel you to move forward and persevere during times of doubt. | |
10 | 你想像着你和伴侣到90岁还疯狂相爱,相互私语着甜言密语。 | You envision you and your partner madly in love at 90 and still whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears. | |
11 | 你越早发现梦想、制定好实现它的计划,那么实现目标起来就越快。 | The sooner you envision your dreams and develop a plan to turn them into reality, the faster you will accomplish your goals. | |
12 | 普通人也许会把IT视为极客之家。 | The average person may envision IT as the home of the geek. | |
13 | 企业改制中加强审计工作完善内部控制制度的设想 | Envision on Strengthening Auditing Work to Improve Internal Administration System in Enterprise System Reform | |
14 | 全部CORBA结构是从一个接口开始的,理解接口的最佳方法就是想像我的汽车,对,我的汽车。 | The CORBA mechanics all start with an interface. The best way to think of an interface is to envision my car. | |
15 | 全面地想象你。 | Envision the whole of you. | |
16 | 然而,要禁止成年教徒返回该地区是很困难的。同样难以想象的是那片土地上的生活是怎样的。 | But it will be hard to prevent adults from returning to the sect if they want to, or are unable to envision another way of life. | |
17 | 让我们回到项目开发的起步阶段,想像一下如果多了PHP社区这样一个关键因素后会怎么样。 | Rewind back to the beginning of the project and let’s envision the same scenario with one additional key element: the PHP community. | |
18 | 如果妳们是编剧或者监制,妳们会想为妳们的角色设计怎样的故事线? | B&TF: If you were a writer or producer, what kind of a storyline would you envision for your characters? | |
19 | 如果去想美国有现在四倍的人口和风趣的语言,我想你知道会发生什么的。 | But don’t envision America with quadruple the population and a funny language, and think you understand what’s happening here. | |
20 | 如果玉米价格如我们预想的那样上涨,玉米或许真的可以得到所需的种植面积。 | If corn prices rally as we envision , corn may indeed garner the acreage it needs. | |
21 | 设计师构想在三脚基底上建立天空之桥,然后升起机械结构让它们能扬起升空。 | Designers envision building the skybridges at the saddle and then using a jacking mechanism to hoist them into place. | |
22 | 设想未来的能力部分依赖于海马体,对记忆十分关键的大脑结构。 | The capacity to envision the future relies partly on the hippocampus, a brain structure that is crucial to memory. | |
23 | 设想一个重大而又理想的目标,让自己每天唯有为之努力,你的成绩会让你不可思议! | Envision a goal so valuable and desirable that you cannot help but work toward it every day. And be truly amazed at what you can achieve. | |
24 | 虽然大部分人把这种能力不当回事儿,这种设想一个不同空间和时间的能力实际上对我们的生存却是至关重要的。 | Although most of us take this ability for granted, our capacity to envision a different time and place is in fact critical to our survival. | |
25 | 他困惑了,闭上眼睛想象萨利身体里的瘤,去寻找那个黑色的入侵者。 | He puzzled, shutting his eyes to envision the interior nub, to search out the dark invader. | |
26 | 他们需要将目光从目前的主要需求和行为中移开一些,并构想新的图景。 | They need to step back from current dominant needs and behaviors and envision new scenarios. | |
27 | 他们也在设想研制一种从周围环境中获取能量的佩戴式健康监护器。 | The Georgia Tech researchers also envision making wearable health-monitoring devices that get their power from ambient energy. | |
28 | 它将是一个天然的版本的太空殖民地设想通过杰勒德·奥尼尔在二十世纪七十年代末的。 | It would be a natural version of the space colonies envision by Gerard O’Neill in the late 1970’s. | |
29 | 图1显示了如何设想最终产品的外观。 | Figure 1 shows how you might envision the look of the final product. | |
30 | 为了展望组成用例的流程,以及涉及到的用例事务,您需要经验的帮助。 | In order to envision the flows that will make up the use cases and the use case transactions they involve, you need experience. |