属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伊朗革命 等待真主
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 简·奥斯汀 迷中之谜
1 | ||1:除了灵长类动物,会使用工具的哺乳类动物屈指可数。||2:海獭会在石头上砸开蛤蜊;海豚在海床上觅食时,会将海绵绑在鼻子上以保护自身;大象会用树枝拍打昆虫;驼背鲸会呼出阵阵气泡来困住鱼群。||3:至今,人们仍认为非灵长类动物中只有这四种会使用工具。||4:但英国圣安德鲁大学的Volker Deecke在《动物认知》上刚发表的研究指出了第五种会用工具的动物,而且是令人相当意外的一种。||5:粗犷野性的象征——灰熊,看来是除了人类以外唯一一种发明了梳子的动物。 | ||1:PRIMATES apart, few mammals employ tools.||2:Sea otters use rocks to smash clams open, dolphins wrap sponges around their noses to protect themselves while they forage on the seabed, elephants swat insects with branches and humpback whales exhale curtains of bubbles to trap schools of fish.||3:Until now, these four examples had been thought the extent of the non-primate mammalian tool-users club.||4:But a study just published in Animal Cognition, by Volker Deecke of the University of St Andrews, in Britain, has added a fifth and rather surprising one.||5:That epitome of rugged wildness, the grizzly bear, seems to be the only species other than humans to have invented the comb. | |
2 | ||1:那些信奉传统基督教的马克思主义者和左派人士首次联合起来,尤其还煽动学生共同抵抗伊朗王的统治。||2:Axworthy写到,在近几年里,脱离什叶派团体的左翼人士“更加灵活,有感召力,与时俱进与伊朗现实相结合”。||3: 与Mr Buchan一样,他也恰到好处地引用了最近公开的史料。 ||4:还指出了西方政府在获取重大事件方面的不足,例如1977年底英国报道认为“不会威胁到基本稳定”,另一西方媒体认为伊朗是不是在虚张声势。||5:伊朗人质劫持者惊奇地发现美国驻德黑兰大使馆的4名CIA人员不会说波斯语。 | ||1: A hodgepodge of Marxists and other leftists allied themselves at first to the religious fundamentalists in common cause against the shah, inspiring Iranian students, in particular, to rise up against his rule. ||2: Within a few years, though, the left had lost out to Shia Islamic political groups that were, Mr Axworthy writes, “more flexible, more charismatic, more in tune with Iranian realities and less hidebound”. ||3: Like Mr Buchan, Mr Axworthy has mined newly opened archives to good effect. ||4: He lays bare the failure of Western governments to keep abreast of fast-changing events. One British dispatch saw “no threat to basic stability” in late 1977; another asked whether Iranians were still “the epitome of idleness”. ||5: The Iranian hostage-takers were astounded to find that, of the four CIA officers in the American embassy in Tehran, none could speak Persian. | |
3 | ||1:那些有关奥斯汀身体及其肖像的开篇章节让人难忘。||2:奥斯汀的照片很少流传下来,在这数十年期间,奥斯汀的形象已经被油画书籍剧本电影重新想象。||3:社会变迁,沧海桑田,她在文化中的地位和意义也随之改变。||4:在维多利亚时代她的小说故事被加入了魔法元素;由于不再着迷于现代主义,他们将奥斯汀的小说同童话故事以及理想化的英国糅合起来。||5:一战期间,士兵们带着她的书奔赴前线,其字里行间透漏出对战争危险和艰苦的理解,就像是在恶战中跟战友并肩作战。||6:二战期间,奥斯汀被认为是英国人作风的缩影,是战争期间可供休憩的精神家园的一部分,需要好好保护。 | ||1:The opening chapter on Austen’s body and her image is the most memorable.||2:Few pictures of Austen survive, and over the decades she has been re-imagined in paintings, books, plays and films.||3:Her place and meaning in culture have also shifted as society has changed.||4:The Victorians saw magic in her stories; disenchanted with modernism, they aligned her novels with fairy tales and an idealised England.||5:In the first world war soldiers carried her books to the front line as companions in a terrifying conflict, perceiving peril in the pages and toughness in her words.||6:During the second world war Austen was considered the epitome of Englishness, part of the restful home front that needed protecting. | |
4 | 粗犷野性的象征—灰熊,看来是除了人类以外唯一一种发明了梳子的动物。 | That epitome of rugged wildness, the grizzly bear, seems to be the only species other than humans to have invented the comb. | |
5 | “他被看作是鹰派的自我为中心的知识分子的典型”(保罗·肯尼迪) | "He is seen . . . as the epitome of the hawkish, right-of-center intellectual" (Paul Kennedy) | |
6 | “五人制”足球从场地、人数和技术的使用上,都是“十一人制”足球的一个缩影。 | Five-member soccer game is just an epitome of eleven-member one from its field, team member and skill. | |
7 | iPhone现在已经成为许多消费者眼中智能手机的缩影。 | The iPhone is now the epitome of what a smartphone should be in many consumers eyes, and for good reason. | |
8 | 波兰爱国者都是美德的典范,以及迫害布尔什维克的人都是邪恶的象征,对于这样简单的叙述他予以谴责。 | He decries the simple narrative in which Polish patriots are paragons of virtue, and their Bolshevik persecutors the epitome of evil. | |
9 | 船舶余热海水淡化浅谈--多效蒸发淡水装置的工作原理概述 | Epitome of Freshening by Ships’Afterheat Abstract of Multi-effect Distillation Fresh-water Device’s Operation Principle | |
10 | 但是,他虽曾是一位举足轻重的人物,却不是波兰伟大的缩影。 | But he was a divisive figure, not an epitome of Polish greatness. | |
11 | 迪拜是廉价信贷房地产繁荣的一个缩影,开发商用廉价贷款为庞大的建筑项目融资。 | Dubai was the epitome of the cheap credit property boom, with developers using inexpensive loans to finance grandiose building projects. | |
12 | 第二次世界大战后英国从巴勒斯坦撤出,是大英帝国由盛转衰的一个缩影。 | After the Second World War, Britain evacuated from Palestine, which is the epitome of the British Empire from wax to wane. | |
13 | 东海神崇拜与祭祀的变迁可谓是国家祀典岳镇海渎变迁的一个缩影。 | The evolvement of the sacrifices to the East Sea God can be called the epitome of the evolvement of the nation’s ceremony. | |
14 | 对于一座城市来说,博物馆是城市发展历程的缩影,也是彰显城市文化脉络的重要标志。 | To a city, a museum is an epitome of its development, it is also an important symbol of its culture. | |
15 | 还记得作为一个银行经理何时该是谨慎的化身么? | REMEMBER when a bank manager was the epitome of prudence? | |
16 | 假装阅读百科全书可以向别人展示你有多聪明。 | Pretending to read an encyclopedia is the epitome of asserting how smart you are to others. | |
17 | 她捧着一束玫瑰花、身着蓬松洁白的婚纱,韩心澄(HanXincheng)俨然是一位魅力四射的中国现代新娘。 | With her bouquet of roses and fluffy white dress, Han Xincheng looked the epitome of the glamorous modern Chinese bride. | |
18 | 卡钦斯基先生之死是悲剧的,但他是一个引起社会分裂的人物,而不是波兰伟大人物的代表。 | Mr Kaczynski’s death was tragic. But he was a divisive figure, not an epitome of Polish greatness. | |
19 | 两淮垦殖业及工业的发端:近代中国工业革命的缩影 | Cultivation and Reclamation in North Jiangsu as Epitome of Industrial Revolution | |
20 | 庐隐小说:身世与情感的缩影 | Lu Ying’s Novel- the Epitome of Experience and Feelings | |
21 | 苹果现在是主流的缩影。 | Apple is now the epitome of mainstream. | |
22 | 普京虽厌恶1990年代的俄国,但他自己恰恰是那个时代的缩影。 | Mr Putin, despite his belligerence about the 1990s, is the very epitome of that period. | |
23 | 浅论清真词的集大成 | On the Epitome of Islamic Poetry | |
24 | 青瓷文化的缩影--初读龙泉大窑村 | The epitome of porcelain culture---the first impression of Dayao village in Longquan county | |
25 | 清华的奥运之路,是中国大学体育参与奥运的缩影。 | The Olympic path of Tsinghua University is the epitome of Chinese college sports participating in the Olympic Games. | |
26 | 人文关怀体现护理质量提高 | Humanitarian Concern is the Epitome of High Quality Nursing | |
27 | 如今已经没有大胆之举(政客们的作为甚少又不及时从欧元区危机中可见一斑)。 | Today there is no boldness (the euro-zone crisis is the epitome of politicians doing too little too late). | |
28 | 瑞典的沃尔沃是中等偏上阶级喜好的缩影; | Sweden’s Volvo is the epitome of good middle-class taste; | |
29 | 甚至长期以来做为城市演化史缩影的纽约在二十世纪七十年代也遭受了创伤。 | Even New York, for so long the epitome of urban sophistication, went through a bad patch in the 1970s. | |
30 | 实验经济学:跨学科研究的新典范 | Experimental Economics: an Epitome of Interdisciplinary Studies |