属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电子商务与数据安全 数据大失窃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电子商务与数据安全 数据大失窃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电子商务与数据安全 数据大失窃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电子商务与数据安全 数据大失窃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电子商务与数据安全 数据大失窃
1 | Epsilon算法在结构模态重分析中的应用 | Applications of Epsilon -algorithm in Eigensolution Reanalysis of Structures | |
2 | ε-氨基己酸,6-氨基己酸 | epsilon aminocaproic acid] | |
3 | ε星位于这个星座的西边缘。 | Epsilon lies at the western edge of the constellation | |
4 | 城市共分成了五个区,分别以希腊字母α,β,γ,δ,和ε命名。 | The city was divided into five parts, each called after a Greek letter;alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon | |
5 | 广义小量分解法在载荷识别中的应用 | Application of Generalized Epsilon Decomposition Method in Loading Identification | |
6 | 赖氨酸,L-赖氨酸,2,6-二氨基己酸 | Alpha-epsilon -Diamino-Caproic Acid | |
7 | 循环加氢精制替代氧化精制己内酰胺的工业应用 | Commercial Application of a New Recycled Hydrofining Process Substituting for Oxidative Purification of Epsilon Caprolactam | |
8 | 载脂蛋白Eε4等位基因对阿尔茨海默病患者认知功能和P300的影响 | The Effects of Apolipoprotein E Epsilon 4 on Cognitive Function and P300 Latency of Alzheimer’s Disease | |
9 | Epsilon声称这次泄漏事件里,在2500个客户中只有2%受到影响。 | Epsilon says that only 2% of its 2,500 clients have been affected by the leak, | |
10 | 但是对于许可电子邮件营销商Epsilon来说,这次它们数据泄露已经引发了广泛的关注。 | But the theft of data from Epsilon , a marketing-services company, has nonetheless caused widespread concern. | |
11 | 但这次Epsilon的失窃影响长远。 | But the fallout from the Epsilon debacle will spread far and wide. | |
12 | 据传,数以百万计的记录信息遭到窃取,而Epsilon仍在继续调查泄漏原因,并拒绝给出具体的失窃数字。 | Many millions of records are reportedly involved, although Epsilon , which is still investigating the cause of the leak, refuses to confirm the exact number. | |
13 | 在4月1日的时候Epsilon就透露说,入侵者已经成功窃取了系统上保存的电子邮箱地址和一些个人姓名。 | On April 1st Epsilon revealed that an outsider had managed to get hold of the e-mail addresses and names of some individuals that it held on its system. | |
14 | “这张照片展示了关于天苑四恒星系统的一项新发现,”派尔说。 | "This graphic illustrated a new discovery related to the Epsilon Eridani star system, " Pyle says. | |
15 | Epsilon公司每年在世界范围内为约2500家公司发送超过400万封电子邮件。 | Epsilon sends more than 40 billion emails a year for about 2, 500 companies around the world. | |
16 | 发现E4可能有益的一个巨大的线索出现在几年前,当时韩的研究小组扫描了78个美国士兵的载脂蛋白E基因。 | One big clue that epsilon 4 might be beneficial emerged several years ago, when Han’s team scanned the APOEgenes of 78 American soldiers. | |
17 | 拉什特说,也许,失掉后面这个能力后E4的好处就形同虚设了。 | Perhaps, Rusted says, without this second capability, epsilon 4’s benefits fallby the wayside. | |
18 | 来自数据安全公司的JeffHudson说,“Epsilon的事情仅仅是冰山一角”。 | "The Epsilon case is just the public tip of an iceberg, " says Jeff Hudson of Venafi, a data-security firm. | |
19 | 祁吕贺兰山字型构造控金研讨 | Discuss on gold control by Qi-Lu-He epsilon -type structure | |
20 | 如果这些钓鱼邮件现在就层出不穷地冒出来,那当然会极大地损害那些把自己客户信息委托给Epsilon的公司的名誉。 | If a flood of dodgy e-mails does now appear, it will certainly damage the reputations of the firms that gave Epsilon their customers’ data. | |
21 | 他选择了不要知道他是否携带E4,此基因型能大大提高早老性痴呆的发病几率。 | He opted not to know whether he was carrying the epsilon 4 version, which can vastly increase the odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease. | |
22 | 天苑四b只有10光年远,拿它开头挺不错。 | At only 10 light-years away, Epsilon Eridani b is a great place to start. | |
23 | 一个很好地例子:Epsilon(现在是索尼SNE)的数据遭破坏。 | Case in point: Epsilon ’s and now Sony’s (SNE) data breaches. | |
24 | 因此Epsilon遭到的攻击,会让黑客有机会访问百万个电子邮箱地址。 | Hence the hacking of Epsilon , which at a single stroke may have given hackers access to millions of email addresses. | |
25 | 这个行程唯一的不足是,天苑四b极其不可能承载生命。 | The only downside to that itinerary is that Epsilon Eridani b is an extremely unlikely candidate for hosting life. | |
26 | 致心律失常右室发育不良的心电图新概念--Epsilon波的特性及其临床意义 | New concepts of ECG on right ventricular dysplasia causing cardiac arrhythmia --Features and clinical implications of Epsilon wave |