属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S72-402-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 1384/A1-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 1384-1997
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-马术在中国愈发热门
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-马术在中国愈发热门
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-马术在中国愈发热门
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙艺术 普拉多的文艺复兴(2)
1 | 奥林匹克运动会的骑术比赛. | Equestrian events at the Olympic Games | |
2 | 达·芬奇在1493年构思的大型骑士雕像《骏马》新近在米兰落成揭幕,另一座也于1999年10月7日在密执安州的大急流城竣工。 | A grand equestrian statue, II Cavallo, that Leonardo planned in 1493 has just been unveiled in central Milan and a second christened Oct.7 1999 in Grand Rapids, Michigan | |
3 | 竞技场,赛马场骑术表演的比赛或活动场所 | An arena for equestrian shows. | |
4 | 马术活动用防护帽 | Helmets for equestrian activities. | |
5 | 马术是骑马和驯马的艺术,包括不同风格。马术也是奥运会比赛项目。 | Horsemanship is an art of riding and handling a horse, and includes diverse styles. Equestrian competition is part of the Olympics. | |
6 | 马术运动用防护帽.修改件A1 | Helmets for equestrian activities; Amendment A1; | |
7 | 骑马用防护帽规范 | Specification for helmets for equestrian activities | |
8 | 如果说,此人站在地上时由于他的身材长得高,易于惹人注意,那么骑在马上的雄姿,就更加吸引人了。 | If he possessed the power of arrest any wandering eye when exhibiting the glories of his altitude on foot, his equestrian graces were still more likely to attract attention | |
9 | 他们的骑术都很高超。 | They all showed extraordinary equestrian skill. | |
10 | 他们的骑术都很高超。 | They all showed extraordinary equestrian skills. | |
11 | 我想订两张马术比赛的票。 | I want to book two equestrian tickets. | |
12 | 一位著名君主的骑马像 | an equestrian statue of a famous monarch. | |
13 | 与此同时,他还开始为洛多维科的父亲弗切朗科·斯福尔扎雕刻一尊巨型骑马塑像。 | He also labored on a monumental equestrian statue in honor of Lodovico’s father, Francesco Sforza | |
14 | “中国已经在马术界和普通马术市场有了巨大增长。而且最近5到10年对马匹和马术运动的兴趣更加深入。” | "China has seen a huge increase in the equestrian world and the equestrian market in general, and the interest in horses and horse sports over the last 10 years or five years, intensively." | |
15 | ||1:目前中国拥有25家赛马场和300家马术俱乐部。||2:土地开发商正在天津兴建一家投资20亿美元的马术中心。||3:它被称为天津驭马文化城。||4:开发商已经承诺修建4000个马厩。||5:他们还表示将修建一个最先进的马匹医疗中心,150处教练办公室和培训场地。||6:开发项目还将包括一家赛马场和体育会所,以及一家国际马术学院。 | ||1:China now has 25 horse racing tracks and 300 equestrian clubs.||2:Land developers are building a $2 billion equestrian center in the city of Tianjin.||3:It is called the Tianjin Equine Culture City.||4:The developers have promised to build 4,000 stables to house horses.||5:They have also said they will build a state-of-the-art medical center for the animals, 150 trainer offices and training areas.||6:The development also will include a racecourse, clubhouse and an international equestrian college. | |
16 | ||1:如果不是丁香医生的出现,她的故事可能就到这里结束了,丁香医生是一个很受欢迎的在线辟谣论坛。||2:去年12月底,在一篇迅速走红的文章中,丁香医生将矛头对准了权健,称其每年的销售额高达数十亿元,用来投资足球和马术俱乐部、化妆品、银行、保险和酒店。||3:文章称,该公司通过欺骗病人赚取了巨额利润。||4:它指责权健的创始人兼老板舒玉辉像非法传销一样经营公司。||5:丁香医生称,权健的销售人员主要是通过召集新成员加入来赚钱的,同时也能从销售中获得提成。 | ||1:Her story might have ended there, had it not been taken up by a popular online myth-busting forum, Dingxiang Doctor.||2:In late December, in an article that went viral, the website took aim at Quanjian, which it said had been taking in billions of yuan from annual sales. It had investments in football and equestrian clubs, cosmetics, banking, insurance and hotels.||3:The article said the firm had earned huge profits by swindling patients.||4:It accused Quanjian’s founder and boss, Shu Yuhui, of running the company like an illegal pyramid scheme.||5:Quanjian’s salespeople, Dingxiang Doctor said, made money mainly by corralling new ones to join, earning commission on their sales too. | |
17 | Maiken Jaeschke就职于环球马术,这家德国公司将马匹进口到中国。它还建立了马术设施,并销售骑具和装备。 | Maiken Jaeschke is with Equestrian Globe, a German company that imports horses into China. It also builds equestrian facilities and sells riding gear and equipment. | |
18 | 委拉兹开斯的《布列达的投降》和五幅骑士肖像画将回归展厅并挂到原处。 | Velazquez’s “Surrender of Breda” and his five great equestrian portraits will return to the Hall, where they originally hung. | |
19 | 奥林匹克运动会的马术比赛项目 | equestrian events at the Olympic Games | |
20 | 奥运马术跳栏项目的经理库赫先生说,他们有最先进的马厩来保持马匹体温正常。 | Gerald Kuh, jumping manager for the equestrian Olympics, describes how new state-ot-the-art stables will keep horses cool. | |
21 | 奥运马术项目导师义工申请周五截止 | Deadline for Equestrian Events trainer-volunteers applications | |
22 | 对喜欢马的人来说,北京奥运的主要项目是马术比赛。本届奥运马术比赛将在香港举行,而不是北京。 | For horse lovers, the main event of the Olympics is the equestrian competition - and that will be held in Hong Kong, not Beijing. | |
23 | 国家自行车击剑运动管理中心马术训练场 | Equestrian Training Field of National Cycling and Fencing Administration . | |
24 | 她2001年创办了自己的公司,一家马术用品商店,创立一本有关马术运动的杂志。 | She decided in 2001 to start her own business, opening an equestrian store and then founding a magazine devoted to the sport. | |
25 | 尽管瑞士在夏季奥运会项目方面实力并不强,但凭借其马术传统,它迄今已经赢得了15块盛装舞步奖牌。 | Although the Swiss are summer Olympic minnows, their equestrian tradition has won them 15 medals for dressage. | |
26 | 马术运动员的心理品质:客观测量与专家评价的不一致性 | Psychological Characteristics of Equestrian Riders: Paradox between Objectivity Measurement and Expert Evaluation | |
27 | 马在阿根廷生活中仍占主导地位,这个国家有世界上最伟大的骑马者传统。 | The horse still plays a vital role in Argentine country life; the nation has one of the world’s great equestrian traditions. | |
28 | 男爵西(Nishi),奥运会马术比赛金牌获得者,把自己的马也带到了岛上; | Baron Nishi, an Olympic gold medallist equestrian who brings his horse to the island; | |
29 | 你怎么本该在马术基地,却卖了你表演的小马,去换可卡因。 | How you’re supposed to be on the equestrian circuit but sold your show pony for cocaine. | |
30 | 跳水马术击剑足球体操手球曲棍球柔道五项全能 | Diving Equestrian Fencing Football Gymnastics Handball Hockey Judo Pentathlon |