属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小儿麻痹症 扶轮社计划
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小儿麻痹症 扶轮社计划
1 | 在反腐败斗争中,努力减少腐败比根除腐败更有效。 | When fighting corruption, it is more useful to try to diminish it rather than eradicate it. | |
2 | 在该地区内已知发生特定虫害或病害,但己采取区域控制措施,如建立可限制或根除所涉虫害或病害的保护区、监测区和缓冲区。 | In which a specific pest or disease is known to occur but is subject to regional control measures such as the establishment of protection, surveillance and buffer zones which will confine or eradicate the pest or disease in question. | |
3 | 在可持续发展条件下通过持续的经济增长消除贫困 | Eradicate poverty through sustained economic growth in the context of sustainable development | |
4 | 这些昆虫很难根除。 | These insects are very difficult to eradicate . | |
5 | 这一变化趋势反映了10年来中国落实扫除青壮年文盲,普及九年制义务教育和大 | This change shows the results achieved over the past decade through the effort to eradicate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people, universalize the nine-year compulsory education and develop higher education | |
6 | 政府正在努力消除种族歧视。 | The government is making efforts to eradicate racial discriminating. | |
7 | 只有社会主义制度才能从根本上解决摆脱贫穷的问题。 | Only the socialist system can eradicate poverty. | |
8 | 制定了新的住房建设计划以消灭该市的贫民窟。 | A new housing project was worked out to eradicate slums in the city | |
9 | 自然,仅仅为这件事还不至于叫他从此心上就没有了琼斯。 | This, it is true, would of itself alone never have been able to eradicate Jones from his bosom. | |
10 | ||1:到目前为止人类只消灭了天花这一种疾病。||2:2007年,比尔?盖茨宣布开始着手消灭另一种疾病即疟疾。||3:世界卫生组织迅速召集队伍致力于这项事业,并在随后投入大量资金,2009年仅在研究上就投入了6.12亿美元。||4:本周,"比尔和梅琳达?盖茨基金会"发表了另一个声明,内容是世界上对抗疟疾最先进的疫苗RTS,S的第三试验阶段(在人群中广泛使用药物并测量反应)的结果,发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》上的结果振奋人心。 | ||1: MAN has vanquished only one disease, smallpox. ||2: In 2007 Bill Gates set out to eradicate another, malaria. ||3: The World Health Organisation (WHO) was soon rallying its troops to the cause and a flood of money followed. $612m went to research in 2009 alone. ||4: This week the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation trumpeted another announcement: results from a phase III trial (the more extensive process of testing drugs in people) of a malaria vaccine called RTS,S. This is the world’s most advanced vaccine for malaria and the results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, were encouraging. | |
11 | ||1:到目前为止人类只消灭了天花这一种疾病。||2:2007年,比尔?盖茨宣布开始着手消灭另一种疾病即疟疾。||3:世界卫生组织迅速召集队伍致力于这项事业,并在随后投入大量资金,2009年仅在研究上就投入了6.12亿美元。||4:本周,“比尔和梅琳达?盖茨基金会”发表了另一个声明,内容是世界上对抗疟疾最先进的疫苗RTS,S的第三试验阶段(在人群中广泛使用药物并测量反应)的结果,发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》上的结果振奋人心。 | ||1: MAN has vanquished only one disease, smallpox. ||2: In 2007 Bill Gates set out to eradicate another, malaria. ||3: The World Health Organisation (WHO) was soon rallying its troops to the cause and a flood of money followed. $612m went to research in 2009 alone. ||4: This week the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation trumpeted another announcement: results from a phase III trial (the more extensive process of testing drugs in people) of a malaria vaccine called RTS,S. This is the world’s most advanced vaccine for malaria and the results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, were encouraging. | |
12 | ||1:人们对鳄鱼的原始恐惧太难根除。||2:当一只农田鸭子在夜间消失、或一位游泳者失踪,通常会归咎于鳄鱼或短吻鳄。||3:按大众的思维方式,它们无踪无影地栖息于任何一个阴暗水域,是巨兽。||4:约翰?瑟布贾纳森总是一再重申,它们不像人们认为的那样。||5:河边发生的大部分事故与它们无关。||6:而他所听说的唯一巨鳄只是神话中的kyunpatgyi,之后,他因此被几个缅甸朋友起了绰号,这个叫作kyunpatgyi巨鳄的他, 数杯啤酒下肚, 就能环绕当地的小岛游泳, 就像传说中的巨鳄那样, 还当真地带着微笑。 | ||1:Primal fear, too, was hard to eradicate .||2:When a farm duck was taken at night, or a swimmer disappeared, a crocodile or alligator would usually be blamed.||3:In the popular mind they became huge beasts, invisibly inhabiting any murky stretch of water.||4:Mr Thorbjarnarson would repeat that they were not like that.||5:Most riverine accidents had nothing to do with them.||6:And the only giant crocodile he knew of was the mythical kyunpatgyi, after which he was nicknamed by friends in Burma, which with the help of several beers could be seen swimming round a local island and surely with a smile. | |
13 | ||1:所有这一切很大程度上得益于扶轮国际。||2:1985年,一个在菲律宾进行的初步研究成功之后,商人组织和全球慈善团体宣布了一项计划,这项计划通过给有患小儿麻痹症风险的五岁以下儿童接种疫苗来根除小儿麻痹症。||3:预计这个计划将耗资一亿两千万美元。||4:其后要花费扶轮社八亿美元(加上许多通过其他途径获得的钱),病毒仍然还会存在,但是那些剩余的隐藏的地点发出自己的心声:越是内乱盛行的地方,医疗就越发的困难。 | ||1:All this is in large part thanks to the efforts of Rotary International.||2:In 1985, after a successful pilot study in the Philippines, this businessmen’s club cum global charity announced a plan to eradicate polio by vaccinating every child under five at risk of catching it.||3:The estimate then was that it would cost $120m.||4:Some $800m of Rotary money later (plus a lot from other sources), the virus is still out there, but its remaining hidey-holes tell their own story: where civil disorder is rife, medicine is hard. | |
14 | 商人组织能否根除世界各地的小儿麻痹症? | Can a businessmen’s club eradicate polio from the world? | |
15 | “除非我们根除它,否则我们无法成为一个领先的发达国家,”李明博表示。 | "Unless we eradicate this, we will not be able to become a leading, advanced nation, " he said. | |
16 | 1939年,这咆哮在希特勒宣传部长约瑟夫•戈培尔那儿激起回声,他写道:“要奋力消灭政治笑话。” | That was echoed by Hitler’s propaganda chief, Josef Goebbels, in 1939, when he wrote: "We will eradicate the political joke. " | |
17 | 2007年,比尔•盖茨宣布开始着手消灭另一种疾病即疟疾。 | In 2007 Bill Gates set out to eradicate another, malaria. | |
18 | 巴洛特利赞赏了英足总在他到来东地球场之后进行的根除足球种族主义的努力。 | Balotelli has praised the efforts of English football to eradicate racism from the game since arriving at Eastlands. | |
19 | 铲除文化垃圾净化成长环境--预防青少年犯罪问题的再思索 | Eradicate Cultural GarbagePurify Growing Environment--a second pondering of preventing youngsters’crime | |
20 | 车臣“毒瘤”不能根除的国际视角分析 | Analyze "the malignant tumor" of Chechnya cannot eradicate with international view | |
21 | 但是当细菌附着于固体表面并形成膜时,它们就变得难以被杀菌剂消灭。 | Once bacteria have attached themselves to solid surfaces and formed films, they are far harder to eradicate with standard disinfectants. | |
22 | 当天是印度为根除小儿麻痹症而设立的国家免疫日。 | India is observing National Immunization Day Sunday in efforts to eradicate polio. | |
23 | 当宗教领袖和社区领导人合适地加入这个行动,他们会结成消灭小儿麻痹症的强大同盟军。 | When properly engaged, religious and community leaders become strong community allies to eradicate polio. | |
24 | 到那时,爱尔兰的国民的注意力会更多地集中在貂的灭绝上,而不是饲养它们用来制作毛皮产品上。 | Until then, its citizens will continue to pay more to eradicate mink than they make from breeding them. | |
25 | 第三,我们将强调国家间、地区间和全球性的合作,因为没有任何一个实体可以独自解决世界的饥荒问题。 | Third, we will emphasise co-ordination on the country, regional, and global level, because no single entity can eradicate hunger on its own. | |
26 | 而英国和盖茨基金则合力希望能够彻底消除脊髓骨质炎。 | And the UK and Gates Foundation joined forces in a push to eradicate polio. | |
27 | 分析人士们说,单靠海军驻军无法消灭这一地区的海盗。 | Analysts say a naval presence alone will not eradicate piracy in the region. | |
28 | 该组织在新疆的真正实力尚不清楚,特别是考虑到中国政府为根除它所做的广泛努力。 | The actual strength of the group in Xinjiang is unclear, especially given extensive efforts by the Chinese authorities to eradicate it. | |
29 | 格雷塞尔认为可将过度活跃的转座子引入杂草种群,以根除它们。 | Gressel [6] has suggested that hyperactive transposons could be introduced into weed populations in order to eradicate them. | |
30 | 谷歌(Google)、IBM、太阳计算机系统公司(SunMicrosystems)以及Salesforce.com网站,都不再不惜代价地消除竞争。 | Companies such as Google, IBM, Sun Microsystems and Salesforce. com no longer try to eradicate competition at all costs. |