属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-解密达芬奇密码 Deciphering the da
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-解密达芬奇密码 Deciphering the da
1 | 公爵夫人华丽的白鼬外袍、头冠和项圈式衣领 | a duchess resplendent in ermine robes,a tiara,and a diamond dog collar. | |
2 | 画面的所有东西--她写信这件事,她的白鼬毛皮夹克,一串珍珠--都从属于这个瞬间。而在这个例子中,你是需要对这个瞬间负责的。 | Everything in this painting--the business of her letter, her ermine jacket, a string of pearls--is subordinate to the moment, for which, in this instance, you are responsible | |
3 | 她戴的貂皮无沿帽是在她头发还是黄色时买的。 | She was wearing the ermine toque she’d bought when her hair was yellow | |
4 | 她身穿貂皮衣服。 | She furred herself with ermine | |
5 | 她身上穿着貂皮衣服。 | She furred herself with ermine . | |
6 | 那书上准会提到,主教穿的是细布袖套,法官穿的是貂皮长袍。有手枷,有脚镣,有踏车,有鞭挞,市长大人开盛宴,亲吻教皇脚丫子。 | There would be mention of the bishops in their lawn sleeves, the judges in their ermine robes, the pillory, the stocks, the treadmill, the cat-o’-nine tails, the Lord Mayor’s banquet, and the practice of kissing the Pope’s toe | |
7 | --女人:长辈们说跑动的东西最难逮,是吗?--老人:不一定!(一声爆炸,灯突然灭了.)布来美!厄尔曼真是神射手,是吗?--布来美:厄尔曼?--老人:对,厄尔曼就是德国人.哈…… | --WOMAN: My old man says a moving target is harder to hit, ain’t it?--OLD MAN: Not all. (There is a bomb, the lights go out suddenly.)Blimey! Ermine ’s a ruddy marksman, ain’t he?--BLIMEY: Ermine?--OLD MAN: Yes, Ermine the German. Ha … | |
8 | 上了年纪的那位太太裹着一条贵重的貂皮边丝绒披巾,额前还戴着法国假卷发。 | The elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl, trimmed with ermine , and she wore a false front of French curls | |
9 | 一只显现冬日白色的貂 | An ermine in its winter color phase | |
10 | 一只显现冬日白色的貂),但这个词同时也意指变化或发展的阶段或时期 | an ermine in its winter color phase,but the term also refers to a stage or period of change or development | |
11 | ||1:这是一次主题展览。除了“美与爱”的主题外,还有“个性于情感”,“身体与灵魂”两个主题。||2:参观者一进美术馆立即就能与《西西莉亚·加莱拉尼的画像》,也叫《抱貂的女人》打个照面。||3:尽管各种仿制品已经让我们对这幅画很熟悉了,但是真作所散发出来的光辉仍让人惊叹。||4:往前走能看到一幅未完成但却饱含激情的《圣杰罗姆》。||5:首次,《岩间的圣母》的两个版本同时展出,一幅属于国家美术馆本馆,另一幅来自卢浮宫。 | ||1: The exhibition is arranged thematically; in addition to “Beauty and Love”, there is also “Character and Emotion” and “Body and Soul”. ||2: The visitor quickly comes face to face with the portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, also known as “The Lady with an Ermine ” (pictured above). ||3: Although the image is familiar from reproductions, the radiance of the painting is surprising. ||4: Further along is an unfinished, yet searing, “Saint Jerome”. ||5: For the first time, both versions of “The Virgin of the Rocks”, one the National Gallery’s own and the other belonging to the Louvre, are shown together. | |
12 | ||1:做为一个哲学家和科学家,达芬奇总是在努力的理解他在对自然深入研究中所观察到的一切。||2:艺术曾是他用来表达自己想法的一种形式。||3:《抱貂的女人》画的是米兰公爵年轻的情妇,她身着时髦的红袍,从袖子侧缝中透出她浅色的内衣。||4:打好的结,,还有系在西西莉亚左侧袖子上的黑缎带的精心处理过的细节深深吸引着达芬奇。||5:她的右臂处在阴影之中,所以右侧袖子上的缎带只是粗略的几笔。||6:这位艺术家观察到在阴暗处视觉敏锐度会下降,并把这种观察结果应用到绘画中。||7:达芬奇的大脑总是装满了各种必要的信息。||8:正是右侧袖子的模糊轮廓将这幅肖像变得栩栩如生,正如19世界英国评论家和艺术批评家沃特帕特所描述的那样,创造出了“几乎等同于幻想的现实” | ||1: As a philosopher and scientist, da Vinci strove to understand what he observed in his close studies of nature. ||2: Art was an expression of his thoughts. ||3: “The Lady with an Ermine ” shows the Duke of Milan’s teenage mistress in a fashionable red gown, its slit sleeves revealing a pale underdress. ||4: Da Vinci, always fascinated by knots, carefully details the way the black ribbons are tied on Cecilia’s left sleeve. ||5: Her right arm is in shadow. The ties on that sleeve are sketchy. ||6: The artist has taken into account his observation that visual acuity declines in the dark. ||7: The brain fills in necessary information. ||8: The sketchiness of the right sleeve helps bring the portrait to life, creating what Walter Pater, a 19th-century British essayist and art critic, described as a “reality which almost amounts to illusion”. | |
13 | 白色的小东西毛茸茸的,很是骨感,学者们写过大量文章论述貂代表着纯洁无瑕。 | The creature is white, furry and bony. Scholars have written reams about this ermine ’s significance as an allegory of purity. | |
14 | 参观者一进美术馆立即就能与《西西莉亚•加莱拉尼的画像》,也叫《抱貂的女人》打个照面。 | The visitor quickly comes face to face with the portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, also known as "The Lady with an Ermine " (pictured above). |