1 | 有人认为,性器官包括生理和心理两部分(比如,如古谚所言,最能引发人情欲的器官是人心),它们需要一种驱动性的考验以确保情侣两人身上的化学吸引能够维持长久,让两人能够同甘共苦。 | Some argue that the sexual organs, both physical and mental (for, as the old saw has it, the most powerful erotic organ is the mind) need a test drive to make sure the chemistry between a couple means they will stay together both in sickness and in health. | |
2 | CandidaRoyalle在色情演员的黄金年龄就开始行动了,她决定从女性的欣赏角度拍色情电影。 | Candida Royalle was in the business during the golden age of porn and decided to make erotic films from a female perspective. | |
3 | SM是一种有着多重意义的复杂的性行为。 | SM is a sophisticated erotic activity with several layers of meaning and significance. | |
4 | 安迪去年4月13日,(星期一)看到她在Craigslist网站色情服务专区做按摩师服务项目列表。 | He found her listing as a masseuse in the Craigslist Erotic Services section last April 13, a Monday. | |
5 | 别笑:非色情图片的点击率为百分之49.8,并未明显偏离随机几率。 | Don’t laugh: The hit rate of those shown non-erotic picures, at 49. 8 percent, did not deviate from chance. | |
6 | 布罗尔斯玛在有线电视行业工作期间听到关于缺乏针对女性的色情内容之网络抱怨。 | While working in the cable industry, Broersma heard networks complain about the lack of erotic content for women. | |
7 | 此时双方仍有向前发展的空间,渴望得到对方,催生性好奇。 | There is still space between the two of you where you can long for each other and this creates a new erotic curiosity. | |
8 | 大麻馆位于一栋两层楼内,之前是一家名为Rumpspankers的轻松谈及成人情色俱乐部的所在。 | The cafe is in a two-story building which formerly housed a speak-easy and adult erotic club called Rumpspankers. | |
9 | 但可以肯定的一件事情是:许多男人真的喜欢这个场景,因此一段色情舞蹈对他们来说是一件大方的礼物。 | One thing’s for sure: many a man truly enjoys the visual, so an erotic dance can be a generous gift. | |
10 | 但是女性有占上风的性资本的另外原因是:男性的“性赤字”。 | But women have the erotic upper hand for another reason: the male "sexual deficit" . | |
11 | 当然,对很多男孩来说,这是非常大的伤害;但对另一些男孩来说,这是非常色情的经历。 | For many of these boys, of course, it was traumatic, but for other boys it’s an erotic experience. | |
12 | 到南韩的成人性爱主题公园走一趟吧,眼见为实莫胜于此,Loveland。 | And this is no more true than when you take a trip to South Korea’s adults-only erotic theme park, Loveland. | |
13 | 对于SCRABBLE游戏,只拼写性词汇,只给色情词汇奖励积分。 | For scrabble, spell only sexy words, with bonus points for particularly erotic words. | |
14 | 而5到7级是身体在面对色情片等性爱画面时达到的兴奋水平。 | But a score of between five and seven is the kind of excitement a body has to erotic images such as pornography. | |
15 | 高潮之际,他抓住女方的头往地板上撞,既不浪漫也非色情。 | The scenes of him banging the lady’s head on the floor mid-passion were neither romantic nor erotic . | |
16 | 更难与日常生活相吻合的是“桃花梦”。 | Even more difficult to square with normal life are erotic dreams. | |
17 | 好的情色图像是敏锐的具有探索性,而且这就可能来自于这种情感或者构图,或者它们两者。 | Good erotic images are smart and explorative and this can come from the emotion or the composition or both. | |
18 | 好啦好啦,这儿还有一个可以观看小剧场旧色情电影院。 | Okey dokey. There’s also a small theater for viewing old erotic cinema. | |
19 | 贾也补充道:“这种禁止情欲、暴力、恐怖的绝对纯净的文化只是一种异想天开而已” | He added: "This kind of cultural over-cleanliness that bans the erotic , violent and terrifying is cultural naivety. " | |
20 | 接着,他们又播放了一些中性的平和音乐,在此之后他们开始观看一些情色短片。 | Then, theywere played some "neutral" music. After listening to the neutral music, they were all shown a short erotic film. | |
21 | 她除了为其蓝色洋蓟(BlueArtichoke)电影公司拍摄面向女性的色情片,还在荷兰电影学院(DutchFilmAcademy)讲授一门关于色情片的课程。 | Besides making female-orientated porn for her Blue Artichoke movie company, she teaches a course in erotic film at the Dutch Film Academy. | |
22 | 她们喜欢的理由和你一样:既色情,又够爽还略带那么点刺激。 | Your woman likes to watch for the same reasons as you do: It’s erotic , exhilarating and slightly taboo. | |
23 | 她有着巨大的情色资本,同时也很机智,工作经验丰富。 | she’s got a heap of erotic capital. She is also smart and skilled at her job. | |
24 | 尽管这一切,情色交易下的扭抱,它仍是最让人信服的画面——我们欲望的力证。 | Despite everything, it remains the most trusted image that we have for the clinching of an erotic deal: the zinger of our desires. | |
25 | 酒店保安部门会定期监测Craigslist,以掌握它为酒店赢来多少色情交易。 | Hotel security services routinely monitor Craigslist to see how much of the erotic trade they are attracting. | |
26 | 可是这些嘘寒问暖的话过去在床上、在性爱后的倦怠里都会说的。 | The small talk had come, however, in bed, in the languid aftermath of erotic occasions. | |
27 | 快速笨拙地乱摸通常不那么能引起性欲,并且肯定不会表明欲望。 | A quick fumble is often less erotic , and certainly not as indicative of desire. | |
28 | 另一个由加拿大人完成的独特的研究,他们让女性阅读色情文章,然后根据文章的色情分级。 | Another ingenious study, done by Canadians, had women read erotic passages and rate them on the steaminess of the passage. | |
29 | 美术或文学情色中的体验(无论什么样的品质或品味),偏向于那种自体情欲和自恋。 | The experience of the erotic in art or literature (of whatever level of quality or taste) tends to the auto-erotic and narcissistic. | |
30 | 目前尚不清楚为什么魅力资本是值钱的,当然一些不明显的职业除外。 | It’s not clear quite why erotic capital is worth money outside a few obvious, ahem, professions. |