属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-永恒的守护者 The constant gardene
1 | E-Learning:变革教学结构和教育本质的学习新环境 | E-learning: New Surroundings for Changing Educational Structure and Educational Essences | |
2 | 保健食品部除代理柔细乳明治婴儿奶粉外,并领先推出正宗美味食补的汉方鸡精,例如四物鸡精、十全鸡精。 | In addition to the marketing & distribution of Meiji infant milk powder, the health food division also introduced chicken essences that are flavored by Chinese medicine: four herbs and ten herbs. | |
3 | 此香乃系诸名山胜境内初生异卉之精,合各种宝林珠树之油所制,名`群芳髓’. | This is made from the essences of the different exotic young plants which grow in all famous mountain resorts. Distilled with the resin of every precious tree, its name is Marrow of Manifold Fragrance. | |
4 | 从党内民主的实质和本质看党内民主的发展 | On the Democracy’s Development inside CCP from the Substance and Essences of Democracy inside CCP | |
5 | 顶空-固相微萃取-毛细管气相色谱-质谱联用方法快速分析香精中挥发性化学成分 | Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Essences by Headspace-Solid Phase Micro-extraction-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry | |
6 | 而优秀的员工及可靠的船队都是提供高质素服务的先决条件。 | Quality people and a reliable vessel fleet are essences in our quest for quality ferry service. | |
7 | 故常无欲以观其妙,常有欲以观其徼 | "Truly, ""Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the Secret Essences ""; He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the Outcomes." | |
8 | 国际标准舞舞者的身体知觉探讨:从梅露庞蒂的知觉现象学为出发 | A Study on the Essences of Ballroom Dancing’s the Dancer’s Body: Proceeding from Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception | |
9 | 后来既受天地精华,复得雨露滋养,遂得脱却草胎木质,得换人形,仅修成个女体 | As the months and years went by and the Vermilion Pearl Plant imbibed the essences of heaven and earth and the nourishment of rain and dew, it cast off its plant nature and took human form, albeit only that of a girl. | |
10 | 今当运隆祚永之朝,太平无为之世,清明灵秀之气所秉者,上至朝廷,下及草野,比比皆是. | This is a prosperous, long-enduring reign when the world is at peace and there are many people in the court and in the countryside who are endowed with the good essences . | |
11 | 你我方才所说的这几个人,都只怕是那正邪两赋而来一路之人,未可知也. | These people we’ve been discussing are probably all pervaded by mixed essences of both good and evil.They are people of similar ways. | |
12 | 事实上它们所含的天然香精与化学物质都是无色的。 | Actually, the natural flavor essences and the chemicals they contain are colorless. | |
13 | 他便料定,原来天生人为万物之灵,凡山川日月之精秀,只钟于女儿,须眉男子不过是些渣滓浊沫而已 | He had come to the conclusion that while human beings were the highest form of creation, the finest essences of Nature were embodied in gifts, men being nothing but the dregs and scum. | |
14 | 香精:用来散发香味的液体,由天然香精或合成香料以及定色剂制成。 | Perfume: Fluid preparation used for scenting, composed of natural essences or synthetics and a fixative. | |
15 | 玄之又玄,众妙之门 | "Or rather the ""Darker than any Mystery"", The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences ." | |
16 | 以硫磺或硫化物为基料的杀虫剂或制品 | insecticidal preparation or articles based on tobacco essences or powders | |
17 | 中国名酒,滴滴凝聚天地之精华。 | China’s famous wine condenses all essences under the heaven in each drop. | |
18 | ||1:马里斯女士在书中追溯了“荒野崇拜”的起源,并称正是这种崇拜激发了复原居住地的行动。||2:她认为,拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生和亨利·大卫·梭罗等早期美国环境保护论者都被误读为了荒野崇拜的信奉者。||3:虽然爱默生曾描绘过“不受人类纷扰的自然精髓:空间、大气、河流、树叶”,他也刻画过“黄昏时分,在缀满云朵的天空下,行走于坑洼的雪地上,穿越一片荒原”的“无上欣喜”。||4:而当1845年梭罗坚决要离世隐居时,他选择了瓦尔登湖,一个离周边最近的村落仅有一英里半的地方。||5:马里斯女士写道,保护自然,相对而言是近代的紧急要务。 | ||1: Ms Marris traces the emergence of a “wilderness cult” that she believes affects efforts to restore habitats to a previous form. ||2: She argues that early American environmentalists, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, have been misread as its champions. ||3: Although Emerson described “essences unchanged by man; space, the air, the river, the leaf”, he also wrote of the “perfect exhilaration” of “crossing a bare common, in snow puddles at twilight, under a clouded sky”. ||4: And when Thoreau became determined to get away from it all in 1845, he retired to Walden Pond, a mere mile-and-a-half away from the nearest village. ||5: Preserving nature, Ms Marris writes, is a relatively recent preoccupation. | |
19 | 变革教学结构和教育本质的学习新环境 | E-learning: New Surroundings for Changing Educational Structure and Educational Essences | |
20 | 长期以来,哲学家们困惑于如何说明这些本质。 | Philosophers had long wondered how to account for essences . | |
21 | 二是善于总结经验、善于理论思考、善于把握规律、把握本质的能力; | Second, the capacity of being good at summing up experiences, theoretical considerations, and grasping the essences ; | |
22 | 反映光的本性的若干著名科学实验 | Several Famous Science Experiments for the Essences of Light | |
23 | 服装面料新品开发的基本要素及思路 | Basic Essences and Suggestions of the Development on the New Garment Materials | |
24 | 过氧化钠与二氧化碳反应实质的实验探究 | Tested Study on Essences of Reaction Between Sodium Peroxide and Carbon Dioxide | |
25 | 好几个星期,我的实验室就像是混合了下水道、垃圾堆和球员更衣室的味道。 | For weeks, my laboratory smelled like the combined essences of sewer, garbage dump and locker room. | |
26 | 接下来就可以把这种声音要素和声音库中已知的各种声音要素加以比对并进行匹配。 | That essence can then be compared with a library of known essences and a match made. | |
27 | 六经辨证的原义、结构与本质及相关问题探讨 | Structures and Essences of Original Meanings of Differentiation of the Six Meridian Syndromes and the Relative Issues | |
28 | 论按要素贡献分配机制的完善 | The Perfects of the Distribution System of Productive Essences Depending | |
29 | 论创世界一流大学的实质 | Essences of Establishing the First- class Universities | |
30 | 马克思的“实践本体论”就是以实践为根据去理解人的存在、人的本质、人的思维和人的世界。 | Marx’s "practice ontology" is that bases on practice to understand the man’s existence, essences , thoughts and universes. |