1 | 关于人口增长和饥饿的统计数字读来令人感到不安。去年,世界人口达到了60亿。联合国预测,到2050年,这个数字很可能将接近90亿,而增加的人口几乎都来自发展中国家。 | The statistics on population growth and hunger are disturbing. Last year the world’s population reached 6 billion. And by 2050, the UN estimates , it will probably near 9 billion. Almost all that growth will occur in developing countries. | |
2 | 恒生银行公布业绩,纯利增长百分之二十点五,达一百零一亿四千万元,比普遍预期略低。恒生银行下跌百分之6.65,收报94.75元。 | Hang Seng Bank stock lost 6.65 per cent to $94.75 after posting a 20.5 per cent increase in net profits to $10.14 billion, slightly below consensus estimates . | |
3 | 花销甚至已超出了我们估计的最高值 | The costs have exceeded even our outside estimates . | |
4 | 计算年折旧额所需的数据和假设如下… | The data and estimates needed for the computation of the annual depreciation expense are… | |
5 | 将下一财政年度拟办工作方案及收支预算呈交港督批准 | The Authority shall submit to the Governor for his approval a programme of its proposed activities and estimates of the income and expenditure of the Authority for the next financial year | |
6 | 尽管墓志铭中提到的三个名字在当时都很普遍,但勒迈里估计说当时的耶路撒冷最多只有20个詹姆士有叫约瑟夫的父亲和耶酥的兄弟。 | All three names were commonplace, but he estimates that only 20 Jameses in jerusalem during that era would have had a father named Joseph and a brother named Jesus | |
7 | 就世界范围来说,联合国估计,至少2亿5000万城市居民得不到卫生安全的饮水,能得到的人中许多人不得不依靠每天只供水几小时的竖管 | Worldwide, the UN estimates , at least 250 million urban dwellers cannot get safe drinking water and many of those who do, have to rely on standpipes that run for only a few hours a day | |
8 | 具体来说,预算主管从各部门中收集预算估计数,然后将其传递到相应的部门进行复核和修订。除此之外,预算主管还被期望承担使组织内的各级管理者了解经营业绩情况的责任。 | Concretely speaking, a budget director collects the preliminary budget estimates and transmits them to the proper authority for review and revision, and is expected to keep all executives informed about budget performance. | |
9 | 据世界卫生组织估计,每年有400万人死于和吸烟有关的疾病。过去的两年时间里,世界卫生组织致力于促成一项国际健康条约来约束烟草广告和促销活动。 | The World Health Organisation estimates that four million people die from smoking-related illnesses every year and over the past two years it’s been working on establishing an international health treaty which could curb tobacco advertising and marketing | |
10 | 据预测,全球应用软件外包服务市场正以平均每年30%的速度增长 | According to estimates , the global market for applied software outsourcing service is growing at an average annual rate of 30%. | |
11 | 据最新估计,雅典奥运会的开支已达到100亿美元,这对于希腊这样的小国来说可是一笔不小的数目,何况它曾经是欧盟中最贫穷的国家。 | Latest estimates of the costs of hosting the Athens Olympics put them at up to $10bn-a huge amount for a small country like Greece, once the poorest in the EU. | |
12 | 克林顿在哈勒姆办公室的工作人员估计,他40%的演讲是收费的,这使克林顿的演讲年收入在1000万~1500万美元之间,足以抵消他在官司缠身时欠下的约500万美元的律师费。 | Clinton’s Harlem staff estimates that 40 percent of his speeches are for pay, which would put Clinton’s annual speaking income at somewhere between 10 million and 15 million, all but erasing his roughly 5million in legal bills | |
13 | 例如,假设在2月底太阳风公司的赊销信用部经理分析了应收账款并预计这些账款中大约有10美元将无法收回。 | To illustrate, assume that at the end of February the credit manager of Solarwind Company analyzes the accounts receivable and estimates that approximately $10 of these accounts will prove uncollectible. | |
14 | 例如,如果初步毒性分析或;和暴露水平评估结果提示某一人群可能会发生有害的健康影响,GEMS;Food就应提供更加,详尽的暴露信息。 | For example, if preliminary toxicological evaluations and/or exposure estimates suggest that adverse health effects might be expected for certain subgroups of the population, getting more detailed information on exposure by GEMS/Food may be warranted. | |
15 | 联合国儿童基金会预计全世界约有1.5亿的儿童营养不良,超过1.2亿的儿童从来没上过学。 | UNICEF estimates that around the world 150 million children are malnourished and over 120 million never go to school | |
16 | 联合国估计,世界上有近8亿人口营养不良。它产生的效应是破坏性的。大约有4亿的育龄妇女体内缺铁,也就是说,她们的婴儿将可能有各种天生的缺陷。 | The UN estimates that nearly 800 million people around the world are undernourished. The effects are devastating. About 400 million women of childbearing age are iron deficient, which means their babies are exposed to various birth defects. | |
17 | 明智之举:首先,不要选择超过你承受范围的标价。其次,如果你不能确定每次点击应付多少钱,在注册过程中,我们会帮你进行成本估算,并进行广告宣传的详细设置。 | Be smart: First, don’t bid more than you can afford. Second, if you are unsure what to pay per click to acquire a new customer, we help you by giving you cost estimates , specific to your campaign settings, during the sign up process. | |
18 | 某些事实在当时也许尚未为人们所知,因而对事情的估计,基本上只能是猜测,还可能受到试图作出判断的人的情绪和意向的影响。 | The facts may be unknown at the time, and estimates of them must be largely guesswork, coloured by the general feelings and aims of whoever is trying to pronounce | |
19 | 你也许会认为通讯量评估员预计的点击数及点击费过高或过低.如果是这样,你可以在最大点击费方框中输入新的最大点击费并按”Recalculate Estimates”确定. | You may decide that the Traffic Estimator predicted too many/few clicks at too high/low a CPC. If so, you can enter a new maximum CPC in the maximum CPC field and click Recalculate Estimates . | |
20 | 年麻醉药品估计数字和统计数字对比表 | Comparative Statement of Estimates and Statistics on Narcotic Drugs for 1985 1985 | |
21 | 佩顿估计澳大利亚大约有380万只野猫,每年杀死大约38亿只本地的动物。 | Paton estimates that Australia has about 3.8 million feral cats, which kill about 3.8 billion native animals a year | |
22 | 如果没有精确的销售估计,那么其他预算估计的可靠性都将值得怀疑,整个预算也将被扭曲。 | Without accurate sales estimate, the other budget estimates cannot be reliable, then the whole budget is distorted. | |
23 | 塞夫顿估计,造出一个供临床应用之前试验用的功能心脏要花上50亿美元。 | Sefton estimates that creating functioning heart for preclinical testing will cost $5 billion | |
24 | 上述估算结果只能是粗略的近似值。 | Such estimates should be considered only as crude approximations | |
25 | 设备可靠性试验可靠性测定试验的点估计和区间估计方法(指数分布) | Equipment reliability testing--Procedure for point estimates and confidence intervals from reliability determination tests(Exponential distribution) | |
26 | 审核范围亦包括评估董事于编制该等财务报表时所作的重大估计及判断、所拟定的会计政策是否适合贵公司及贵集团的具体情况及有否贯彻运用并足够披露该等会计政策。 | An audit also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgments made by the directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the circumstances of the company and of the group, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. | |
27 | 世界工业生产指数,方法和估计 | Indices of World Industrial Production; Methods and Estimates | |
28 | 世界经济最近增长情况的初步估计和预测公报 | Bulletin of Preliminary Estimates and Forecasts of Recent Growth in the World Economy | |
29 | 世界卫生组织评估表示,吸烟将导致每年三百万人的死亡,并且在二十年内,因吸烟死亡的人数将超过任何一种疾病所导致的死亡人数。 | The World Health Organization estimates that smoking now causes three million deaths annually and within two decades will cause more deaths than any single disease. | |
30 | 事先填好的用蓝色标明的数字是我们推荐的最大点击率.选用此推荐值可以保证最佳的广告和点击效果.决定了最高点击费以后,按”Calculate Estimate”键确认. | The pre-filled amount highlighted in blue is our recommended maximum CPC. Matching this amount ensures maximum ad exposure and clicks for all of your keywords. Once you have decided on a maximum CPC, click Calculate Estimates . |