属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS M 37-1970
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 2X 32-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AGMA 2007-B-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM F 1049-1995
1 | 交流电解粗化铝板蚀孔衍生与腐蚀膜生成机制 | Etch Pit Nucleation and Growth and Etch Film Formation of the AC Electrograined Aluminum Plates | |
2 | 金属材料和件的腐蚀检查法 | Method for the etch inspection of metallic materials and components | |
3 | 空间飞行目的用预处理蚀刻油漆腻子的规范 | Specification for pre-treatment etch primer for aerospace purposes | |
4 | 铝版:一块薄铝片,经过表面处理后作为平版印刷用的版基,以承载版面涂层。可用柯式用的平面版或深触版。 | Aluminium plate:A thin sheet of aluminium used in lithography as a base for plate coating after surface treatment. It is used for both surface type and deep-etch offset plates. | |
5 | 铝箔在含铜、钾离子盐酸中之三角波交流电蚀 | Electrochemical Etch of Al-foil by AC-triangular Wave in Hydrochloric Acid Containing Cu(superscript 2+)and K(superscript +)Ions | |
6 | 磨后表面回火腐蚀检查 | Surface Temper Etch Inspection After Grinding | |
7 | 汽相氯化氢腐蚀剂 | vapor-phase HCL etch | |
8 | 清洗腐蚀剂:化学性的版面清洗,在涂布乐膜前使用。它是一种弱酸溶液,如醋酸等。 | Counter etch : A weak acid solution ,e.g. acetic acid , used to clean a plate chemically before coating . | |
9 | 深版:用阳片制的柯式印版。它的印纹部耸被腐蚀而稍稍低。作大量印刷用。 | Deep-etch plate: An offset plate made from a positive and on which the image printing areas are etched slight below the surface for long-run work. | |
10 | 蚀刻:用酸腐蚀金属版片或电版的一个阶段。每用酸腐蚀一次,腐蚀深度便增加一些,称为蚀刻一次。 | Bite: Stage in the process of etching a metal block or plate with acid. Each application of the acid increases the depth of the etch and is called a "bite". | |
11 | 探测硅片表面浅蚀坑的测试方法 | Test Method for Shallow Etch Pit Detection on Silicon Wafers | |
12 | 锑化铟单晶位错蚀坑的腐蚀显示及测量方法 | Standard method for showing and measuring dislocation etch pits in indium antimonide single crystal | |
13 | 通常,所有暴露在刻蚀剂中的材料都具有一定的刻蚀速率。 | More often, all of the materials exposed to the etchant have a finite etch rate | |
14 | 脱敏剂对全酸蚀粘接剂剪切强度的影响 | The Influence of Dentin Desensitizers on the Shear Bond Strength of a Total-etch System | |
15 | 为愤怒的妇女们说话,她们发怒,因为我们拒绝在政府戒律中列入一条简单的规则:“不得违反平等。”这条法令如此明显,可以用三个字母表示:ERA!(译注:为Equal Rights Amendment的缩写) | For women indignant that we refuse to etch into our governmental commandments the simple rule "Thou shalt not sin against equality," a commandment so obvious it can be spelled in three lettersERA! | |
16 | 无水洗版液:是无水酒精。在制深蚀版时用来清洗版面,然后在印纹基样上涂上假漆。亦称洗版酒精。 | Anhydrous plate wash: An anhydrous alcohol, a water-free alcohol used in lithographic deep-etch plate making to wash the plate before applying tie lacquer image base. Also called Alcohol wash. | |
17 | 无水印版:特别构造的深蚀柯式印版。版的表层是抗油的在机运载脂层,只要把印纹地方的表层除去。 | Waterless plate: Specially prepared deep etch plates for offset printing. The surface layer of these type of plates is covered with oil resist synthetic resin which is removed in those image areas. | |
18 | 烟草蚀纹病毒对玉米矮花叶病防治效果的研究 | Study on Tobacco Etch Virus against Maize Dwarf Mosaic Disease | |
19 | 烟草蚀纹病毒外壳蛋白基因的克隆与原核表达 | Cloning of Tobacco Etch Virus cp Gene and Prokaryotic Expression in E. coli | |
20 | 一种新的激光诱导液相腐蚀法制作GaAs腐蚀孔 | A New Method of Laser-induced Wet Etching Used for Etch Hole’s Facture on GaAs Wafer | |
21 | 用原子力显微镜和扫描电镜研究GaN外延层中的位错腐蚀坑 | Observation of Dislocation Etch Pits in GaN Epilayers by Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy | |
22 | 由于它的优点,如高蚀刻率、高选择性、无碳蚀刻和最小限度的残留污染,电子工业把它用在等离子和热清洁应用中。 | The electronics industry uses it in plasma and thermal cleaning applications for its advantages such as high etch rates, high selectivity, carbon-free etching, and minimal residual contamination. | |
23 | 在玻璃上蚀刻一幅图案 | etch a design on glass. | |
24 | 在早期的集成电路制作实践中,刻蚀偏差通常是通过在掩膜层上引入一个适量的修正来处理的。 | In early IC fabrication practice, etch bias was usually dealt with by introducing an appropriate amount of compensation in the masking layer | |
25 | 这本书将博得大众的欢迎。 | This book will (etch the public! | |
26 | 自动化蚀刻控制下的可重复性 | Better Repeatability Through Automated Etch Control | |
27 | 组合结构的牺牲层释放腐蚀修正模型 | Modified Release-Etch Modeling for Complex Sacrificial Layer Structures | |
28 | 《素描刻蚀》已有50多年的历史, 如今,这家俄亥俄公司将其卖给了多伦多玩具公司。 | The Ohio company that has produced or owned the Etch A Sketch for more than five decades has sold the classic toy to a Toronto-based toy firm. | |
29 | 为了庆祝这一节日,通过聚焦离子束,诺丁汉大学科学家将“ | So to celebrate, Scientists at the University of Nottingham managed to etch the words | |
30 | 这家总部设在布莱恩的艺术公司出其不意,将《素描刻蚀》及副产品Doodle Sketch卖给了多伦多Spin Master玩具公司,价格并未透露。 | Bryan-based Ohio Art Company made the surprise move to sell the Etch A Sketch and its spinoff, the Doodle Sketch, to Spin Master Corporation for an undisclosed price. |