属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 8164-1990
1 | “欧洲中心论”与世界史研究-兼论世界史研究的“中国学派”问题 | Euro -Centrism and the Study of World History | |
2 | 2003年九月,戴-克与北汽控股签定价值十亿欧元的战略合作框架协议,施伦普赴京首次拜会了中国国务院总理温家宝。 | Schrempp first met the Chinese premier in Beijing in September 2003 when the Company signed a Euro 1 billion framework agreement with BAIC. | |
3 | 2003年也是欧元正式在欧元区12国启动的第一年;欧盟的一体化建设,特别是欧盟扩大进程取得重要进展。 | The year 2003 is also the 1st year for the official Euro launch in the euro zone consisting of 12 member states. The EU integration process, in particular, the enlargement, has made significant progress. | |
4 | 2004年欧洲杯希腊队技战术运用情况的研究 | Research on Techniques and Tactics of Athens Football Team in 2004 Euro Cup | |
5 | 2004年欧洲杯足球球队技战术能力评价的自组织特征映像神经网络模型的研究 | Self-organizing Feature Map Neural Network Based Model for Evaluating Technical and Tactical Abilities of Football Teams in UEFA EURO 2004 | |
6 | 2004年欧洲杯足球赛进攻队攻入对方罚球区30m附近时传球失误原因分析 | Research into Reasons of Passing Ball Failure for Attacking Team Within 30m of Opponent’s Penalty Area at Euro 2004 | |
7 | BMW高水准的技术广泛获得好评,X5在同等车型中,是第一台在Euro NCAP撞击测试中,荣获最高评价的跑车。 | BMW′s high standards have received due recognition: the X5 is the first vehicle in its class to receive top marks from the latest Euro NCAP impact test | |
8 | EGR 阀废气再循环及先进的 EMS 系统准确控制气缸内的燃烧温度,有效抑制有害排放物的生成,排放达到欧 III 标准,更加环保。 | The EGR valve combined with the advanced EMS system can achieve precise control over the combustion temperature in the cylinders, effectively reducing the unfavorable emissions to meet Euro III standards and thereby better protecting the environment.” | |
9 | WMTC与Euro Ⅲ限值的相关性研究 | Study on the Correlation of the Limits of WMTC and Euro Ⅲ Testing Cycle | |
10 | 标准配置的Telligent智能发动机管理系统,欧洲II号的排放标准,坚固耐用,设计使用寿命可达60万公里左右。 | Rugged, durable Euro 2 engines with the Telligent engine system, for a designed service life up to 600,000 km or so. | |
11 | 玻璃容器 520ml欧式啤酒瓶 尺寸 | Glass containers; 520 ml Euro -form bottles; dimensions | |
12 | 玻璃容器.520ml欧式瓶子.尺寸 | Glass containers; 520 ml Euro -form bottles; dimensions | |
13 | 薄壁和超薄壁陶瓷载体的压强测试方法研究 | On Pressure Measurement of Thinwall and Ultrathinwall Substrates to Meet Euro 4 Emission Regulation | |
14 | 参加试车的巴士有12辆,都装备有标准欧洲1号引擎。 | The trial will involve 12 buses with standard Euro 1 engines. | |
15 | 参与此次旅程的所有E级轿车全部达到了欧IV排放标准,其中更包括有3辆配备了尖端BLUETEC技术的E级轿车。 | All the E-Class cars are up to the Euro IV standards, three of which are equipped with sophisticated BLUETEC technology. | |
16 | 此言绝非虚妄,这项设计使得BMWX5在EURO NCAP的撞击测试中,成为同型车产品中第一台荣获五星级安全评价的大型越野车。 | This is no idle claim-the X5 is the first vehicle of its class to win five stars for occupant safety in a Euro NCAP impact test. | |
17 | 从边缘到中心-浅论西方中心主义与翻译理论建设 | Euro -Centralism and Translation Study in China | |
18 | 单一的欧洲货币 | The single euro (or Eurocurrency) | |
19 | 但是一笔约为690万瑞士法郎(约合450万欧元)的资金尚未到位。 | But the money-some 6.9m Swiss Francs (4.5m euro )has yet to be allocated. | |
20 | 但是在很多的经济方面,欧元的确已经开始影响我们了。欧元在过去3年以来一直是非现金交易的选择途径。 | But many of the economic effects are already with us. The Euro made its debut in the financial markets three years ago and it has been an option for any non-cash transaction ever since. | |
21 | 到1999年1月,欧元将在达到欧洲经济货币联盟指示的成员国中流通。到2002年中期,这些国家将完成由本国货币到欧元的转换。 | The euro will enter into circulation in January 1999 in those Member states which meet the criteria for entry to the EMU, and by mid 2002 the changeover from national currencies to the euro in those countries will be complete | |
22 | 低排放的发动机达到欧III标准,最大输出功率从110千瓦(150马力)到160千瓦(218马力)。 | Low emission Euro 3 engines with output ranging from 110 kW (150 hp)to 160 kW (218 hp). | |
23 | 低温灌洗UW液和Euro-Collins液保存离体鼠肺效果的组织形态学比较研究 | Histomorphological Comparison on Pulmonary Preservation with Cold UW and Euro -Collins Flushing Solutions in Rats | |
24 | 对镍过敏的人接触过某些欧元硬币后可能会皮肤发炎。 | Some of the euro coins have been causing skin irritation to people who are allergic to nickel. | |
25 | 俄罗斯央行表示考虑增加外汇储备中的欧元比重,加上美元整体走势偏淡,欧元升至新的高位报1.3107美元,可等候回吐至1.3020水平再作吸纳,止蚀放1.2920美元,上望目标为1.3300美元。 | Russia Central Bank said they will consider to increase the weighting of Euro in reserves. Euro rallied to new record high at 1.3107USD. Wait to long Euro again at 1.3020USD with stop at 1.2920USD. Target at 1.3300USD. | |
26 | 而一欧元的价位已达九十六点二六美分,这是两年来首度超过九十六美分。 | Meanwhile, the euro rose to as high as 96.26 US cents, exceeding 96 US cents for the first time in two years | |
27 | 二战后欧美国家小学外语课程发展述评 | Review on the Development of Euro -American Foreign Language in Elementary School after the 2nd World War | |
28 | 该产品具有出众的TBN(总碱值)保持力,能够为用于高负载长途拖运的Mercedes-Benz欧III低排放发动机在整个换油期内提供充分的保护 | Excellent TBN retention ensures protection throughout the drain in high load, long distance haulage in Mercedes-Benz Euro III engines | |
29 | 该项目总投资两亿欧元,由戴-克,福建省汽车工业集团和台湾中华汽车工业股份有限公司合作,在福建省福州市建立新厂生产梅赛德斯-奔驰凌特和Vito/Viano轻型车。 | separate Euro 200 million project proposal to produce Mercedes-Benz Sprinter and Vito/Viano vans in a new facility in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, which will be jointly operated by DaimlerChrysler, Fujian Motor Industry Group from Fujian, and China Motor | |
30 | 根据IMF每年两次全球经济展望报告中的一项研究报告,同时期,欧元地区股市总市值减少百分之二十,日本减少百分之十二。 | According to a research report in IMF’s biannual World Economic Outlook, total stock market value in euro areas declined by 20 percent in the same period of time, while Japan market declined by 12 percent |