属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-心理疾病治疗 身体与灵魂
1 | 表达式:算术或逻辑运算符、常数、函数和字段名称、控件和属性的任意组合,计算结果为单个值。 | expression: Any combination of mathematical or logical operators, constants, functions, and names of fields, controls, and properties that evaluates to a single value. | |
2 | 催化燃烧式甲烷测定器测量结果的不确定度评定 | The Catalysis Combustion Type Methane Metering Equipment Measurement Result Uncertainty Evaluates | |
3 | 凡带有W的等级,其粘度测量采用两种试验方法:一种方法是采用低温曲柄模拟器;另一种方法则依据泵送试验,以测定临界泵送温度。 | For the W grades, viscosity is measured by two test methods, one in the cold cranking simulator and the other in a pumping test that evaluates borderline pumping temperature. | |
4 | 该网站用系列智商测试、道德方面多项选择题和随意回答的问题对用户进行评估。 | The site evaluates users with a battery of IQ tests, multiple-choice questions on ethical issues, and open-ended queries | |
5 | 国会还设有总审计室(GAO),总审计室评估行政机构的活动并向国会报告。 | The Congress has also established the General Accounting Office (GAO), which evaluates executive branch activities and reports back to the Congress. | |
6 | 受到最高管理者领导作用激励的管理评审应当成为交换新观念、对输入进行开放式的讨论和评价的平台。 | And which also evaluates the efficiency of the system. Management reviews should be platforms for the exchange of new ideas, with open discussion and evaluation of the inputs being stimulated by the leadership of top management. | |
7 | 他从各部门的经理手中接收预算估计数据,并根据企业整体政策和目标对这些预算估计作出评价,在部门经理与预算委员会之间有分歧的时候还要对企业的预算行为进行协调。 | He receives the budget estimates from departrnent heads, evaluates them in terms of the company’s overall policies and objectives, and coordinates budget activity if there exits disagreements between department heads and budget committee. | |
8 | 它需要评估用于解决伦理困境的标准是否符合经济、法律和政治现实。 | It evaluates whether the norms that aim to resolve an ethical dilemma are geared to economic, legal, and political realities. | |
9 | 通过切换到查询的 SQL 视图显示其所基于的 SQL 语句,可以查看 Microsoft Access 如何计算查询表达式。 | You can see how Microsoft Access evaluates query expressions by switching to a query′s SQL view to display its underlying SQL statements. | |
10 | 一类雨量预报准确性评价方法 | The Volume of Rain Forecast Method Evaluates | |
11 | 用于获取现行的方针、程序或要求得到实施的客观证据,以及评价质量管理体系的有效性和效率。 | Used to obtain objective evidence that existing policies, procedures or requirements have been met, as it evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system. | |
12 | 由于内部审核是评价组织的有效性和效率,因此内部审核过程可作为独立的工具,用于获取现有的要求得到满足的客观证据。 | The internal audit process provides and independent tool for use in obtaining objective evidence that the existing requirements have been met, since the internal audit evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. | |
13 | 在 Access 处理该查询时,对查询结果中的每一行都将计算该表达式。 | When Access processes the query, it evaluates the expression for every row in the query result. | |
14 | 在沙盒模式下,Access 仅计算控件或字段属性中包含的那些安全、不包含恶意代码的表达式。 | In sandbox mode, Access evaluates only those expressions in control and field properties that are safe and that do not contain potentially malicious code. | |
15 | 在沙盒模式下,Access 仅计算控件或字段属性中那些安全的、不包含可能不安全的代码的表达式。 | In sandbox mode, Access evaluates only those expressions in control and field properties that are safe and that do not contain potentially unsafe code. | |
16 | 在沙盒模式下,Access 仅计算字段属性和控件中那些安全的表达式。 | In sandbox mode, Access evaluates only those expressions in field properties and controls that are safe. | |
17 | 字符串表达式:任一求值为一列连续字符的表达式。 | string expression: An expression that evaluates to a sequence of contiguous characters. | |
18 | ||1:心理健康咨询公司英国灯塔的运营者艾玛·斯坦顿称,将患者在院外集中是个更好且更实惠的方法。||2:斯坦顿推荐在家通过治疗团队的医生、护士以及社会工作者治疗的方法。||3:与服用抗抑郁药相比卫生官员们更希望中等程度的病患接受一个名为“使更多人获得心理治疗”(IAPT)的项目的帮助。||4:这个项目旨在扩大认知行为疗法的使用。||5:这能帮助个人挑战可能会导致焦虑和抑郁的悲观想法。||6:国家健康和护理研究所(NICE)评估此项治疗并且认为物有所值、但IAPT的顾问大卫·克拉克称项目预算只够一小部分需要它的人接受治疗。||7:他希望预算可以翻倍。 | ||1:It would be better and cheaper to keep sufferers out of hospital altogether, says Emma Stanton, who runs Beacon UK, a mental-health consultancy.||2:Ms Stanton recommends treatment at home through teams of doctors, nurses and social workers.||3:Instead of swallowing antidepressants, health bosses would like sufferers of mild conditions to receive help under a programme called Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), which aims to expand the use of treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy.||4:This helps individuals challenge the gloomy thinking that can lead to anxiety and depression.||5:The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), which evaluates treatments, considers it good value.||6:Yet David Clark, an adviser for IAPT, says it reaches only a fraction of those who need it.||7:He would like its budget doubled. | |
19 | Covariance函数对指定的集计算第一个数值表达式,以获得y轴的值。 | The Covariance function evaluates the specified set against the first numeric expression, to get the values for the y-axis. | |
20 | for循环重复执行一个语句或语句块,直到指定的表达式计算为false值。 | The for loop executes a statement or a block of statements repeatedly until a specified expression evaluates to false. | |
21 | if语句或while循环的控制表达式的计算结果为一个常数。 | The controlling expression of an if statement or while loop evaluates to a constant. | |
22 | IF语句取值为FALSE时,跳过IF语句后的语句或语句块。 | When the IF statement evaluates to FALSE, the statement, or block of statements, following the IF statement is skipped. | |
23 | IF语句取值为TRUE时,执行IF语句后的语句或语句块。 | When the IF statement evaluates to TRUE, the statement or block of statements following the IF statement are executed. | |
24 | LinRegIntercept函数对指定集计算第一个数值表达式的值,以获得Y轴的值。 | The LinRegIntercept function evaluates the specified set against the first numeric expression to obtain the values for the y-axis. | |
25 | Microsoft还会为客户评估各种方案可以节约多少成本。 | Microsoft also evaluates the potential cost savings for customers. | |
26 | VisualBasic从左到右计算各个子句的值,如果某个子句生成了与 | Visual Basic evaluates the clauses from left to right, and if one produces a match with | |
27 | YSlow评价网页的性能,并建议改善有潜力的地方。 | YSlow evaluates a web page for performance and suggests potential places for improvements. | |
28 | 本论文旨在探讨牟宗三先生《佛性与般若》一书中,对华严宗学所作的批判是否合理。 | This paper evaluates Mou Tsung-san’s Buddha Nature and Prajna, his criticism of the Hua-yen school. | |
29 | 变量还可接受计算为字符串的任何表达式。 | Variable can also accept any expression that evaluates to a string. | |
30 | 表达式取值为NULL时,GROUPING函数返回值1,因为该列值是NULL且表示所有值的集合。 | The GROUPING function returns 1 when an expression evaluates to NULL, because the column value is NULL and represents the set of all values. |