属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF T42-101-1975
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国与伊斯兰国 再担重任
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-绿色乱局 Tangled Up in Green Ta
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-外汇市场 固定汇率
属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-美国航空航天局发现火星上存在液态水的强力证据
1 | 在星期一早晨前总是不见他的踪影。 | He always evaporated by Monday morning. | |
2 | 这布丁是用淡炼乳做的. | The pudding was made with evaporated milk. | |
3 | 这物质蒸发得干实了。 | This substance is evaporated into a firm consistence. | |
4 | 这些努力到60年代末大部分看不到了。 | Most of these efforts had evaporated by the end of the 1960s | |
5 | 真空蒸镀聚乙烯醇薄膜 | Vacuum Evaporated Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)Thin Films | |
6 | 争吵结束,人就散去了。 | When the fight was over, the crowd evaporated | |
8 | 蒸发层和溅射层的选择刻蚀是保证成品的关键步骤。 | The selective etching of the evaporated or squeezed layers is a critical step in preserving yield | |
9 | 蒸发的物质能再凝结,形成新的粒子。 | Evaporated material can recondense, forming new particles | |
10 | ||1:奥巴马手握强大兵力,起初美国军火的压倒性力量似乎受到其在伊拉克未处理得当的战后布置的影响。||2:但想想在2003年春天,短短六周里美军和其盟军就以138名美国士兵的代价击退了萨达姆·侯赛因的37万5千人大军。||3:历史上从没有哪个国家在军事上拥有如此的统治地位,这种强大的地位即使受到影响,也不可能在一夕间消失。 | ||1:He has brute force on his side. The disastrous mismanagement of post-invasion Iraq has tended to eclipse the overwhelming potency of American firepower at the beginning.||2:In six short weeks in the spring of 2003 America and its allies defeated the 375,000 troops of Saddam Hussein with the loss of only 138 American lives.||3:Never in history has a single country had such military dominance. It has not suddenly evaporated . | |
11 | ||1:而现在曾经的两党合作的景象已经消失了,共和党议员认为许多环保署的标准对于企业太繁重了并提出立法废除一些标准。||2:共和党总统候选人牛金贵(纽特?金里奇)认为环保署的存在是“反商业”的,已经不是修补政策能够解决的了。||3:他要废除整个部门然后重新开始。||4:商业游说团体的批评稍微轻微一点。||5:比如美国商会,一直在谴责环保署的法规是“就业杀手”。 | ||1:That bipartisanship has since evaporated .||2:Republicans in Congress now argue that many of the EPA’s standards are too onerous for businesses and have introduced legislation to rescind some of them.||3:Newt Gingrich, one of the Republican candidates for president, thinks the EPA is so anti-business as to be beyond repair.||4:He wants to abolish the entire agency and start again.||5:Business lobbying groups are only slightly less vehement in their criticism. | |
12 | ||1:汇率波动最终还是会恢复的--英国的度假者也许会注意到英镑在本周有所起伏--世界上最大的经济体会复苏,利率也会有更大范围的波动。||2:但是过去银行的丰厚利润可能不复存在。||3:主要货币组合大部分交易市场已经电子化,如美元-欧元、英镑-日元交易市场。||4:现在,任何一个想兑换不足一亿美金外汇的交易商都不会把他的这笔交易告诉别人。||5:交易商的利差将会逐渐缩小。||6:即使是在无名的新兴货币市场,外汇交易的额外利润也会逐渐减少。||7:高频交易商同时也在进军跛足的银行业。 | ||1:Volatility will eventually come back—British holidaygoers may have noticed the value of the pound rising and falling this week—as the world’s biggest economies recover and interest rates move around more.||2:But the tidy profits once made by banks may not.||3:Much of the market for major currency pairs, such as dollar-euro or pound-yen, is now conducted electronically.||4:Anyone wanting to exchange less than 100m is unlikely even to speak to a human being these days.||5:The spreads on trades have become vanishingly thin.||6:Even the profits to be made on making markets in more obscure emerging-market currencies, where spreads were once wider, have evaporated .||7:High-frequency traders are moving in, too, hobbling banks. | |
13 | 美国航空航天局以前也找到过火星上有水的证据。今年三月,美国航空航天局表示,火星曾经蕴藏的水量超过了地球上的北冰洋。他们表示,在40多亿年前,火星覆盖着137米深的水。但是之后几乎所有这些水都蒸发到太空了。 | NASA has found evidence of water on Mars in the past. In March, NASA said there was once more water on Mars than in Earth’s Arctic Ocean. They say more than four billion years ago, Mars was covered with water 137 meters deep. But nearly all of it has since evaporated into space. | |
14 | “人们是用市值基本蒸发殆尽的股票做出的尝试性承诺,”他表示。 | "People were making speculative commitments with stock that had basically evaporated , " he says. | |
15 | “如果你在烤自制派,选择全麦派面包皮和用低脂或脱脂牛奶替代炼乳”,她说。 | If you’re baking homemade pie, opt for whole wheat pie crusts and substitute low-fat or skim milk for evaporated milk, she said. | |
16 | 2001年末的豪言壮语和目标早就烟消云散。 | The rhetoric and aims of late 2001 evaporated long ago. | |
17 | 20世纪90年代,人们以为俄罗斯将变成一个本能上亲西方的国家,但这种希望已经破灭。 | The hopes of the early 1990s that Russia would evolve into an instinctively pro-western partner have evaporated . | |
18 | ZL型高效蒸发式冷凝器在冻结工程中的应用 | ZL High Efficient Evaporated Condenser Applied to Ground Freezing Project | |
19 | 伴随着科索沃的独立,塞尔维亚极端民族主义者的威胁烟消云散。 | in the wake of Kosovo’s independence, the extreme nationalist threat has evaporated , not exploded. | |
20 | 本发明是要把蒸发出来的溶剂气体冷凝成液体,包括蒸发过程和冷却冷凝过程。 | The invention condenses the evaporated solvent vapor into the fluid, comprising the evaporating process and the cooling process. | |
21 | 采用低温辐射式加热器和衬底加热器对有机半导体材料进行蒸发或溅射镀膜能够取得良好效果。 | Using both heaters, high-quality organic semiconductor films either evaporated or sputtered can thus be obtained. | |
22 | 操纵维修保养复杂,也不像计划中的那么廉价,经常导致无法正常工作,使得在太空中做一些性价比更高的事情的希望消失了。 | They were too cantankerous to fly as often or as inexpensively as planned, so the hope of doing things more cheaply in space evaporated . | |
23 | 此外,一年前能源价格暴跌对于通胀和消费者支付能力的帮助作用,目前大部分已然消逝。 | And the bonus from the collapse of energy prices a year ago for inflation and consumer pocketbooks has now largely evaporated . | |
24 | 从3月13日到3月15日,在短短3天的时间内,贝尔斯登170亿美元现金储备瞬间蒸发。 | In a matter of three days, from March 13 to March 15, Bear’s $17bn cash cushion evaporated . | |
25 | 从信贷市场的动乱开始,流向美国的私人净资本似乎蒸发了。 | Net private capital inflows into America seem to have evaporated since the credit turmoil began. | |
26 | 大货车和越野车为底特律带来了大部分利润,一加仑4美元的成本,使得对它们的需求缩减了。 | With a gallon costing $4, demand for the big pickups and SUVs that provided most of Detroit’s profits evaporated . | |
27 | 但本世纪初,在该集团增加了太多管理层,让管理变得过于错综复杂之后,这一梦想破灭了。 | But the dream evaporated in the early 2000s after the group added too many layers of management complexity. | |
28 | 但经过数周的猜测后,布朗在10月份宣布不会提前举行选举,此时工党的领先优势就已荡然无存。 | But the lead evaporated in October when, after weeks of speculation, Mr Brown ruled out an early election. | |
29 | 但如果宣战交锋还留有一线希望的话,那这次言论炮轰在这周就会戛然停止。 | But if any hope of such a grand bargain remained, it evaporated this week. | |
30 | 但由于当年10月股票市场爆跌加之经济“内爆”,用于整个项目的资金突然“蒸发”。 | But when the stock market plummeted and the economyimploded in October of that year, funding for the line evaporated . |