属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国改革 出租车战争
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-韩国动画 企鹅和政治
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-招募警察 孱弱的武装
1 | 这些日子我听到不少因学习或工作而感到痛苦的学生和工人表示要上英语课或电脑课的强烈愿望。 | These days I have heard many exasperated students and working adults alike express a strong desire to take an English course and a computer course. | |
2 | 这些问题由于我们当前所感受到的“知识爆炸”和工艺革命而正在日益加剧。 | These problems are being exasperated by the "information explosion" and the technological revolution we are presently experiencing | |
3 | 这种至情至理的看法,让裘德觉得烦恼起来。 | This terribly sensible advice exasperated Jude | |
4 | 宙斯得意洋洋的笑容惹得赫拉火冒三丈,她弄瞎了忒瑞西阿斯的眼睛。 | Hera was so exasperated by Zeus’s triumphant grin that she blinded Teiresias. | |
5 | “我希望可以将特斯拉私有化。”去年11月在对话《滚石》杂志时,愤怒又疲惫的埃隆·马斯克说如是。 | "I wish we could be private with Tesla." So said an exasperated and exhausted Elon Musk to Rolling Stone last November. | |
6 | ||1:“巴黎是世界上唯一一个很难打到的城市。”||2:2008年时任法国总统的萨科齐尴尬地说。他被在首都的街道上几乎不可能拦到的士这一状况给激怒了。||3:他发誓要解决这个问题,然而的士司机们连日的抗议罢工让其打消了这个念头。||4:六年后,他的社会党接班人奥朗德,再次直面出租车司机。这次是站在的士司机的角度,抵制带有智能操控功能的私人出租车。 | ||1:“PARIS is the only city in the world where it is hard to find a taxi.”||2:So in 2008 said an embarrassed Nicolas Sarkozy, then France’s president, exasperated by the near-impossibility of hailing a cab on the capital’s streets.||3:He vowed to fix the problem, but backed down after cabbies blocked the streets during days of protest.||4:Six years on, his Socialist successor, Fran?ois Hollande, is again facing up to taxi drivers, this time as incumbents try to keep out smartphone-enabled private cabs. | |
7 | ||1:波罗罗的成功,表明了韩国人不仅能出卖画技,也能卖出整部动画。||2:然而《淘气小企鹅》在国内也引发了争议。||3:一位愤怒的父亲发起了一场运动,要求波罗罗在动画片中吃韩国食物而不是西方的蛋糕。||4:但就像小企鹅波罗罗梦想着飞行一样,它的制作者也梦想着让该作品风靡世界。||5:由此看来,近期内波罗罗不太可能会捧着泡菜狼吞虎咽。 | ||1:Pororo’s success suggests that South Koreans can sell stories as well as drawing skills.||2:Yet the cartoon attracts controversy at home.||3:One exasperated father has started a campaign to make Pororo eat Korean food, instead of Western cakes.||4:But just as Pororo himself dreams of flying, his creators dream of global stardom.||5:So Pororo probably won’t be wolfing kimchi anytime soon. | |
8 | 当被激怒的官员问到:“到底是谁把你招进来的?”,黑武士正在房间后面偷看,嫌弃的摇了摇他戴着黑色头盔的头。 | When the exasperated officer asks “who referred you to us?”, Darth Vader peeks out from the back of the room, shaking his helmeted head in disgust. | |
9 | 一直以来,恼怒的家长和投机的政客都担心电子游戏玩家会变得懒惰倦怠,或性情多变、暴躁乖戾。 | Exasperated parents and opportunistic politicians have long fretted that they make players lazy and listless, or else unpredictable and violent. | |
10 | “很好。”他咆哮着,勃然大怒。 | "Fine, " he snapped, abruptly exasperated . | |
11 | “你都不能这个市场上卖空,”某家外国投资银行的一名分析师烦恼地表示。 | "You can’t even short the market, " says one exasperated analyst for a foreign investment bank. | |
12 | “我不会在没有足够钱的时候去种庄稼!”Boyett这个愤怒的农民说。 | "I don’t plant a crop until I know I’ve got the money to finish that crop, " the exasperated farmer says. | |
13 | 但是,熟悉欧盟事务的资深部长们对布莱尔越来越不耐烦。 | But senior ministers familiar with the workings of the EU are growing exasperated with Blair. | |
14 | 但想象一下愤怒的北部人更为激进的想法吧:完全出让主权。 | But just imagine that the exasperated northerners were dreaming of something more radical: fully ceding sovereign authority. | |
15 | 记得有一天父亲拒绝进食,母亲非常生气,就像对待一个难缠的小孩。 | I remember him refusing to eat one day and my mother getting exasperated , as you do with a fussy child. | |
16 | 老师们完全有理由对学生生气——他们注意力不集中、上课睡觉、态度恶劣。 | Teachers get exasperated at students - they don’t pay attention, they’re sleepy, they have bad attitudes. | |
17 | 罗马尼亚还背弃了其所做出的完善司法法律体制的承诺,这让欧盟很是愤怒。 | And it has also exasperated the EU by backsliding on promised improvements to the judiciary and legal system. | |
18 | 每当陆克文因陷入憧憬而耽搁了放牛活的时候,暴跳如雷的父亲总会这样问瘦弱的陆克文:“是打算养肉牛还是养奶牛?” | his father would ask the frail boy, exasperated by his son’s dreamy neglect of bovine care. "Is it going to be beef or dairy? " | |
19 | 每一位议员宣誓就职,且律师主持会议几种策略试图激怒他们的宣誓。 | Each M. P. was sworn in, and the lawyer chairing the session became exasperated as several tried to tack on political points to their oaths. | |
20 | 恼怒的萨科奇先生不得不自行其事,曾一度与官员联盟保持对话而不搭理她。 | An exasperated Mr Sarkozy has had to take matters into his own hands, at one point holding talks with a magistrates’ union without her. | |
21 | 气候谈判对法律程序的专注,令发达国家感到郁闷。 | The focus on the legal formalities of the talks has exasperated developed countries. | |
22 | 盛怒之下,Suraj先生的遗孀于六月份提起上诉,要求查明事发当日的情况,并希望得到公正处理。 | Exasperated , Mr Suraj’s widow filed a complaint in June to learn what happened that day, and see justice done. | |
23 | 他的回应略显愤怒:作为一位维权主义者,他需要精通媒体之道。 | His slightly exasperated response is that being an activist requires media-savvy. | |
24 | 他确实被球队的失误所激怒并且他的影响力在防守上没有取得应有的效果。 | He does get exasperated by the lapses and his impact has been at its weakest in the defence. | |
25 | 我想就以上激烈的言辞向艾兹拉克莱恩表示歉意。 | I want to personally apologize to Ezra Klein for the exasperated tone of this post. | |
26 | 一位恼怒的石油部发言人要求执政党领导人“不要把石油部们夹在政治斗争中间”。 | An exasperated oil-ministry spokesman has asked party leaders "not to throw the oil sector into the middle of their political struggles" . | |
27 | 营销人被激怒了,他们说:这种唯利是图的消费方式真让人摸不着头脑,这个核心市场到底在哪里啊。 | Exasperated marketers argue that confronted with such mercenary consumption patterns, they cannot understand their core markets. | |
28 | 由于路牌经常被偷,当地的一位女商人坐不住了,她开始给路牌加上一个字母“g”,希望能够阻止那些可恶的小偷。 | One local business woman, exasperated with people stealing her sign has taken to adding another "g" in the hope it will deter thieves. | |
29 | 有一次,他被我彻底激怒了,于是弯腰打开杂物箱从里面拿出三个玩具车来。 | At one point, keenly exasperated , he leaned over, opened the glove box and pulled out three toy cars. | |
30 | 约翰对自己的怯懦感到非常失望,烦躁地把头靠在墙上,但不小心用力过度,让他痛苦的低声呻吟着。 | John, disappointed in himself, in his cowardice, banged his head up against the wall and groaned, exasperated . |