1 | 在Giza Pynamid地区出土了一个公元前2575年前的面包厂。 | A bakery at the Giza Pyramid area, from the year 2575 B C. has been excavated . | |
2 | 在地下不同的水平,开拓有许多水平巷道以通向矿脉并随矿脉延伸。这种巷道叫作平巷 | At different levels beneath the ground horizontal tunnels are excavated in order to reach and follow the vein. These tunnels are called drifts | |
3 | 在陕西省黄陵县有一座黄帝陵。黄帝陵因未发掘,所以难以证实是他的陵墓。不过,今天人们仍然到此祭祀黄帝。 | In Huangling county in Shanxi province, is a tomb said to be his. It has not been excavated , so this has not been proven. But people come still today to honor him. | |
4 | 在土耳其新石器时代村落遗址发掘出的一种粗制软质陶器,被认为具有约9,000年的历史,是已知最早的陶器。时至今日,陶器仍被广泛用于烹调、冷冻和盛放食品。 | The earliest known pottery, a soft earthenware excavated at a Neolithic settlement in Turkey, is thought to be about 9,000 years old. Earthenware is still widely used for cooking, freezing, and serving. | |
5 | 在我国,六千年前的新石器时代遗址中,已有不少陶埙、陶哨、骨笛、石磬等乐器出土。 | In the Chinese ruins of the Neolithic age over 6,000 years ago, musical instruments like pottery xun, pottery whistle, bone flute, stone qing, and tuo drum were excavated . | |
6 | 在许多隧道工程中,经如辛普龙大隧道,都要在隧道全面开挖前打一个导洞。 | In many projects, like the Simplon, for example, a small pilot tunnel is driven before the full diameter of the tunnel is excavated . | |
7 | 这件彩陶盆之后,我国又陆续出土了几件饰有舞蹈纹的彩陶器。 | After this colored pottery basin was found, several other colored pottery works with dancing Figs have been excavated in China. | |
8 | 这件轰动一时的彩陶盆,出土于一座马家窑类型的墓葬中。 | Excavated in a tomb of the Majiayao-relic type, this colored pottery basin made a stir in the archaeology circle. | |
9 | 这些水渠往往要凿通岩石,并需要地道、引水沟、弯管、渡漕和混凝土水道。 | These canals are frequently excavated through rock, and require tunnels, flumes, syphons, aqueducts and open concrete-lined channels | |
10 | 综采面瓦斯异常涌出的治理 | How to Bring the Abnormal Methane Discharge Volume under Control in Integrated Excavated Working Face |